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I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored

2,934 Views | 84 Replies

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-10 23:54:08

Don't react to this I'm very sad


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


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Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-10 23:58:47

At 6/10/20 08:40 PM, Synikal wrote:
At 6/10/20 08:27 PM, StaticSkull2 wrote:
At 6/10/20 08:21 PM, Synikal wrote:
At 6/10/20 08:19 PM, StaticSkull2 wrote:
At 6/10/20 08:17 PM, Synikal wrote:
At 6/10/20 08:14 PM, StaticSkull2 wrote: censorship is for pussies. dont like it? get tougher feelings
This isn't about censorship. It's about anti-masked accumulative censorship via conspiracy.
ok pussy
You clearly aren't getting the message.
you expect me read such a long paragraph from a guy who's obsessed with pawgs?
YES! See this is the issue right here. No one actually reads anything. People just look at something and have a fucking reaction and get upset or offended or turned off. Everything is weird or creepy. I mean grow the fuck up. It's like... this is what it is. You cant be bothered to read every detail yet you want to have your reaction and have your way?

This is a huge issue and someone needs to address it!

A lack of consistency is also the issue. If one thing is wrong, ALL things are wrong categorically. You cant hide behind terms and shit. Be consistent!

You don't have the right to feel one way about one thing and the opposite about another that's the same exact thing!

That's bullshit!

I read every word of my reviews, including the long ones... but probably because I get so few anyway :(

I also love reading and writing long posts, probably because I've grown accustomed to text dumps on Reddit and other forums. Give me those paragraphs!

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-11 00:02:09

At 6/10/20 08:13 PM, Synikal wrote: I am unsure why people do it, but I truly believe it's about time that people explain themselves. I am sick and tired of every time I make a review, even one that's truly tame and has nothing confusing in it... you always get several people posting that WTF emoji. I know that reviews are optional to a rating, but it's getting to the point where I seriously believe that Reactions should be explained. Why allow people to make others who are impressionable... impressed? impressioned...


I just... feel like it causes a chain reaction and the meaning and content is lost because people are overreacting or misreacting. If I say I love tacos. It reminds me of Summer Camp when we had tacos. I loved the way they made me feel after a nice swim. So this reminds me of a great time in my life where I made many friends. What the HELL is wrong with you?! Why would you post that WTF emoji? You need to explain that shit!

I feel like this would be a problem if all we had on NG was a like and dislike button. At least here we can be varied with our disdain reactions even if we don't comment about it. Honestly I'm thankful that we have just this bit of diversity.

I read every word of my reviews, including the long ones... but probably because I get so few anyway :(

I also love reading and writing long posts, probably because I've grown accustomed to text dumps on Reddit and other forums. Give me those paragraphs!

If you really feel that way then go read some of my longer reviews and tell me honestly how you feel. Do you feel that WTF emojis are warranted for my detailed reviews? Even some of the less lengthy ones, but when I'm lengthy I go into intense detail. I just have an issue with these people inciting mod action upon me and not having to explain themselves at length, yet the next guy can post a one liner or two and fuck all happens to them... and it's the same content. It makes you wonder who took the actual time to read. There should be no difference between someone simply typing Nice Ass holy shit this is super hot (which in reality is fucking illegal as it's just a comment by newgrounds standards) versus me going in depth about the art, providing criticism, praise and highlighting what turned me on. It's important for the artist to know all of that and even they themselves have echoed this so if THEY the artist don't mind, what's the fucking problem?

If a McDonalds is set up in a small town and people leave Yelp reviews who the hell are you to put that emoji on my review without explaining yourself just because I talked about how I liked the fries, service and how hot the cashier was?

Also @BillyRedSnake you are not getting it. This thread is about a multitude of issues, not just one, as always. You guys tend to focus on one point. There was a lot stated in the OP.

There are some things I can't even speak on.

I did what I could.

What's truly bad is doing the exact same thing and acting better because you don't verbally express your feelings or actions.

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-11 02:09:15

At 6/11/20 01:30 AM, Synikal wrote: If you really feel that way then go read some of my longer reviews and tell me honestly how you feel.


BBS Signature

At 6/11/20 02:09 AM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote:
At 6/11/20 01:30 AM, Synikal wrote: If you really feel that way then go read some of my longer reviews and tell me honestly how you feel.

That's racist.

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-11 05:57:06

At 6/11/20 01:30 AM, Synikal wrote: There should be no difference between someone simply typing Nice Ass holy shit this is super hot...versus me going in depth about the art...

Bet you'd love to go in depth little man :)

If a McDonalds is set up in a small town and people leave Yelp reviews who the hell are you to put that emoji on my review without explaining yourself just because I talked about how I liked the fries, service and how hot the cashier was?

Well if you talked about how hot the cashier was that would be, ahem, questionable, at best.

Also I would say confidently that the only actual reason you're mad is that these emotes are showing up in your notifications, and to that I will give you this:

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-11 06:14:40

At 6/10/20 09:02 PM, Synikal wrote: I want you to go to pornsites like pornhub and tell me what comments you think are "weird" or "bad" and get back to me... this is ridiculous. It's fucking porn! That's the right response! No matter what they say!

The difference is, Newgrounds is not a porn site. It's an art site. And even pornographic art should be evaluated for its artistic merits and not its wank material status. Also keep in mind that on here you are meant to write a review, not a comment.

At 6/10/20 10:21 PM, BillyRedSnake wrote: I was gonna poast the "Okay Dumbass" meme on this (for obvious reasons), but I thought I'd mix things up today.

Here's the prototype for a brand new forum reaction image!

I'm currently looking for notes and suggestions on improvement!

How about this?

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

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Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-11 06:31:16

At 6/11/20 06:14 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 6/10/20 10:21 PM, BillyRedSnake wrote: I was gonna poast the "Okay Dumbass" meme on this (for obvious reasons), but I thought I'd mix things up today.

Here's the prototype for a brand new forum reaction image!

I'm currently looking for notes and suggestions on improvement!
How about this?

That works too, but @Mitchelf kinda nailed this one with the drawing he did.

That dude takes shitpoasting to a whole new level and is making it arduous to compete.

RedSnake's the name, out of character and gae is the game.

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-11 16:28:37


"some people who believe they're smart do nothing but talk incessantly. if they didn't, how else would they let you know how smart they are?"

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-11 17:40:35

At 6/11/20 04:28 PM, billybobthwarten wrote:

I can't figure out what reaction to give for this one.

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-11 17:51:48

At 6/11/20 05:40 PM, TheGhostOfSevenSeize wrote:
At 6/11/20 04:28 PM, billybobthwarten wrote:
I can't figure out what reaction to give for this one.


"some people who believe they're smart do nothing but talk incessantly. if they didn't, how else would they let you know how smart they are?"

It is not a comment. See this is the thing. I write reviews, but even though I speak on the art in depth and talk about how it could be improved or what didn't work and what really did work well, I can explain how it made me feel. See I am sick and tired of many of you acting as though this is not normal. You can't tell me I can not express my sexual reaction to art because that's the very purpose of a reaction and interpretation. Art is always open for interpretation. I even talked about how things may give off story elements that come off to me as such. You don't have to see it.

Everything always has to be so convenient. So that one guy Turkey used a post that no longer exists. And that's racist.

Everyone loves to cherry pick here.

The artist themselves love my reviews. I would take their thoughts on my thoughts over the casual who is so weirded out and creeped out. Who cares. Your interpretation is yours, you do not have to read the reviews to enjoy the art, but others follow me for my reviews so it can't be that bad.

I feel as though several points are being missed while people would rather not take this seriously. Art is already featured in the form of nude art models and nude statues and such. If it stimulates you, that's natural. It's a silly thing to tell someone not to feel anything sexual and express that when that is primary purpose! You sound stupid for suggesting such a thing and as if it's too classy for sexual commenting inside a well written review because that somehow devalues the review. The artist wants that response too.

If someone made a realistic looking pizza or cheeseburger and it looked really delicious I'm telling them that, not just simply how I liked other things about the art. And making me find a food item they crafted tasty is not bad just as finding a nice thick ass sexy and wanting to enter it is not.

It's absurd. Imagine a woman gets a boob job or has her ass done. Now image you say "Nice tits" or "Nice ass." It can be as simple as that or it can be spoken in a more detailed way, but if she appreciated it, but a bystander got offended... Fuck that bystander. She clearly wants the attention otherwise she wouldn't have gotten the work done. And no, no woman simply gets it done solely for herself. That's partially true, but not entirely. The art we see that is sexual is meant to be appreciated in a multitude of ways, but primarily for its sexual content and that makes you feel things. Natural things. I sometimes see art and I go... "There's nothing really to talk about as far as content other than the fucking sex when you have no background and it's just an ass with cum all over it." So don't give me that.

I especially enjoy movies more to review because there's much more to talk about scene by scene as oppose to a still piece so people should really get over that. Especially stop cherry picking.




@Urichov I don't get why that's a bad thing. I don't see why you all are acting self righteous. Everyone here has came to something on the site, at least once. I have had the experience of many artists appreciating that I appreciate their work, but people keep overlooking what the artist thinks which is way more important than what a random viewer thinks. They came for the art, not my review (unless they follow me) and some who don't. Like @Jakiees makes it a point to type the sleep emote on everything I write. He doesn't even read it and that is another emote I called out... since we forgot that part... not just the WTF.

You people need to read or don't reply. It comes off silly for you to waste time on a post that you deemed too long to read just to reply with a sleep emoji or that it was too long and you didn't read. Where is the stop being lazy or get the fuck out emoji? These people don't leave detailed reviews like I do because they can't be bothered with length, so clearly they can not read a lengthy review to fully understand what was said.

The other point not being addressed is when you see other people react without even speaking their peace (which is cheap and lazy) then it becomes the mod mentality and others may not say how they really feel because socially they want to be accepted so a post that has 4 sleep emojis and 8 WTF emojis and 2 OMG emojis will likely attract more on the basis of mod mentality and not personal choice. Thus we have a mass misrepresentation of opinions and a conspiracy to infect the thought process of others on a grand scale.

Maybe @JosephStarr can speak more sense...

Every one of my reviews is well thought out and is usually more than what most others offered in the review section. But that gets overlooked...

And who the hell is @Mitchelf?

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 02:30:16

At 6/12/20 02:26 AM, JosephStarr wrote:
At 6/12/20 01:20 AM, Synikal wrote: Maybe @JosephStarr can speak more sense...
It is I, the sensible one.

The master of all logic and reason.
The one who told Satan to inhale a mouse fart.
The very one who pissed in Cthulhu's favorite cereal.
The ingenious joker who asked Ganesha "Why the long face?"
The total pimp who told Macho Man that his slimjims were stale af.
The ultimate comedian who asked Kali if they could lend me a hand.
The genius who sold Baal a shitty used car for twice it's bluebook value.
The master chef who made an absolutely delicious omelet from the Egg of Ra.
The legend who kept The Leviathan as a pet just to act like Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

...what do you want?

I want you to speak on the other points of this thread other than the one they chose to run with. I find this community funny for having so many members that stick together in not addressing an issue seriously, but having serious feelings towards an "issue" and if you make multiple points they cant even keep up with them all and address them individually. They always choose to focus on one and ignore the rest and any key points are conveniently glossed over in favor of cherry picking.

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 02:51:42

At 6/12/20 01:20 AM, Synikal wrote: Everything always has to be so convenient. So that one guy Turkey used a post that no longer exists. And that's racist.

... are you serious?

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 02:54:17

At 6/12/20 02:51 AM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote:
At 6/12/20 01:20 AM, Synikal wrote: Everything always has to be so convenient. So that one guy Turkey used a post that no longer exists. And that's racist.
... are you serious?

Yes. I'm serious about the lack of consistency here.

And now once again I can't post reviews on pieces such as:

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 03:43:07

I'll leave you an actual answer.

Its nice to see somebody leaving an in depth review for content in a sea of "nice job" and "looks great" which are cool to leave and all but are the comment equivalent of tv static at this point to me, almost pointless. Maybe im just too old for this shit. Anyways, this guy over here kind of does the opposite. You say too much sometimes, and I could see people taking that in a creepy light instead of like a thoughtful academic light which would be a comment that breaks down the image from several different directions. I glanced at a few of your (art) reviews and while you do tend to break down the images merits and flaws what constitutes as a "merit" to you when said aloud can come across as bizarre or creepy. Thats why you're getting the reactions. What they mean is typically what the emoji is displaying. "what is this guy on about?" and "what a creep/freak"

Reviewing NSFW content is suffering.

advocatus diaboli

Illustration | Animation

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Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 03:49:16

At 6/12/20 03:43 AM, Template88 wrote: I'll leave you an actual answer.

Its nice to see somebody leaving an in depth review for content in a sea of "nice job" and "looks great" which are cool to leave and all but are the comment equivalent of tv static at this point to me, almost pointless. Maybe im just too old for this shit. Anyways, this guy over here kind of does the opposite. You say too much sometimes, and I could see people taking that in a creepy light instead of like a thoughtful academic light which would be a comment that breaks down the image from several different directions. I glanced at a few of your (art) reviews and while you do tend to break down the images merits and flaws what constitutes as a "merit" to you when said aloud can come across as bizarre or creepy. Thats why you're getting the reactions. What they mean is typically what the emoji is displaying. "what is this guy on about?" and "what a creep/freak"

Reviewing NSFW content is suffering.

See, I appreciate your take on this. This is exactly why I did mention that they should look at more of my movie reviews as you can understand there is much more to dissect from a movie than one still.

How do you feel though about me being negatively impacted due to the reactions of a bystander who happens to be looking on just like me, but offered nothing more than your examples or a mere reaction to my stuff and flagging it as creepy while the artist appreciated it.

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

At 6/12/20 03:49 AM, Synikal wrote:
At 6/12/20 03:43 AM, Template88 wrote: I'll leave you an actual answer.

Its nice to see somebody leaving an in depth review for content in a sea of "nice job" and "looks great" which are cool to leave and all but are the comment equivalent of tv static at this point to me, almost pointless. Maybe im just too old for this shit. Anyways, this guy over here kind of does the opposite. You say too much sometimes, and I could see people taking that in a creepy light instead of like a thoughtful academic light which would be a comment that breaks down the image from several different directions. I glanced at a few of your (art) reviews and while you do tend to break down the images merits and flaws what constitutes as a "merit" to you when said aloud can come across as bizarre or creepy. Thats why you're getting the reactions. What they mean is typically what the emoji is displaying. "what is this guy on about?" and "what a creep/freak"

Reviewing NSFW content is suffering.
See, I appreciate your take on this. This is exactly why I did mention that they should look at more of my movie reviews as you can understand there is much more to dissect from a movie than one still.

How do you feel though about me being negatively impacted due to the reactions of a bystander who happens to be looking on just like me, but offered nothing more than your examples or a mere reaction to my stuff and flagging it as creepy while the artist appreciated it.

I'm of the probable minority of content producers that see the remarks of non artists/nonpeers as basically useless. Its not that I dont appreciate it, after all its a gesture from another human being, somebody witnessing and parsing something i made and having enough of a shit to want to message me back. Its giving back. While that is great and alI for me personally that means alot more coming from another creative since i have some additonal connection to them. As to your faceless horde, what value is there in the lazy motes of an impression from those too lazy to even give the artist the time to say something themselves? You really shouldnt be ascribing any importance to it, that is why you are being made fun of for your outrage.

advocatus diaboli

Illustration | Animation

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Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 04:02:21

At 6/12/20 03:55 AM, Template88 wrote:
At 6/12/20 03:49 AM, Synikal wrote:
At 6/12/20 03:43 AM, Template88 wrote: I'll leave you an actual answer.

Its nice to see somebody leaving an in depth review for content in a sea of "nice job" and "looks great" which are cool to leave and all but are the comment equivalent of tv static at this point to me, almost pointless. Maybe im just too old for this shit. Anyways, this guy over here kind of does the opposite. You say too much sometimes, and I could see people taking that in a creepy light instead of like a thoughtful academic light which would be a comment that breaks down the image from several different directions. I glanced at a few of your (art) reviews and while you do tend to break down the images merits and flaws what constitutes as a "merit" to you when said aloud can come across as bizarre or creepy. Thats why you're getting the reactions. What they mean is typically what the emoji is displaying. "what is this guy on about?" and "what a creep/freak"

Reviewing NSFW content is suffering.
See, I appreciate your take on this. This is exactly why I did mention that they should look at more of my movie reviews as you can understand there is much more to dissect from a movie than one still.

How do you feel though about me being negatively impacted due to the reactions of a bystander who happens to be looking on just like me, but offered nothing more than your examples or a mere reaction to my stuff and flagging it as creepy while the artist appreciated it.
I'm of the probable minority of content producers that see the remarks of non artists/nonpeers as basically useless. Its not that I dont appreciate it, after all its a gesture from another human being, somebody witnessing and parsing something i made and having enough of a shit to want to message me back. Its giving back. While that is great and alI for me personally that means alot more coming from another creative since i have some additonal connection to them. As to your faceless horde, what value is there in the lazy motes of an impression from those too lazy to even give the artist the time to say something themselves? You really shouldnt be ascribing any importance to it, that is why you are being made fun of for your outrage.

While I get that I keep envisioning an art museum and a mass of people standing there observing a piece and in the midst of the crowd is the artist. And I know some artists who don't say anything and don't announce themselves until after opinions are had because they want to see what other people think, regardless of who they are but they want it unfiltered and I get that too. I also get where you're coming from, but I look at it like social media. Once you put yourself out there people have a right to comment and just because it may creep some out does not give that a reasonable means to halt the person from doing so.

Also when studios release a film many people become critics and such and the customer will always matter seeing as how if we don't like content and they keep releasing it the same they will suffer for it. I don't find that to be much different here because it seems everything is all about the money for some artists instead of the love of art. I feel that is a big change from what I'm use to. I also feel like baiting someone into blind payment is a scam.

I try to help by flagging things that actually matter, not that are simply creepy to few people. See that's the other thing there's a limited feedback system here. People rarely say when they like something only when they hate it. So where is the highlight system counter to a flagging for someone to say they like my reviews?

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Actually this thread reminds me of the artists who are completely obsessed with the score they get from the random people who think for about 1 second before they click the shiny button mostly likely to just get their NG experience for the day. Theres no deep thought behind these actions, theres no reason to lament or ponder them. I cant remember the last time anything I ever made actually had an actual review that wasnt specifically from somebody i already knew. Theres almost no value to these comments, scores and emoji faces.

advocatus diaboli

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Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 04:11:59

At 6/12/20 04:04 AM, Template88 wrote: Actually this thread reminds me of the artists who are completely obsessed with the score they get from the random people who think for about 1 second before they click the shiny button mostly likely to just get their NG experience for the day. Theres no deep thought behind these actions, theres no reason to lament or ponder them. I cant remember the last time anything I ever made actually had an actual review that wasnt specifically from somebody i already knew. Theres almost no value to these comments, scores and emoji faces.

That's very saddening. I personally would never do a review unless I felt something or felt the need to say something about something critical. I look at it like weird that people bitch so much about giving 0 stars on this site. To me I only even do that if it actually warrants it. I skip over some things entirely and that could be seen as bad because it wasn't even worth my time to review. So basically I give my time to the best art in my opinion or the worst as that helps more than focusing on the so-so. Every now and again I do so-so stuff. There have been times where I've wanted to say something, but I can't figure out how due to the set up of this site. But I mean it's just downing because I feel like reviews are better as the voice is heard by the artist, but simply flagging... they'll never learn anything then you get people doing the same shit continuously and no one says anything.

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 04:19:32

You have a right to say whatever you like in an art review as long as it doesnt get reported for breaking TOS, and other people have a right to react to your review for any reason they wish. I dont see that changing from this thread. If anything you're just inviting it more.

Personally, I like that you go into detail, thats better than the opposite. xxwaynecoltxx and strongbad guy leave the worst reviews on this site and i basically wish they didnt exist, they're the mindless drones of content reviews. You are not like them. Congratulations.

Is there anything you'd like to actually accomplish tonight?

advocatus diaboli

Illustration | Animation

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Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 04:24:05

At 6/12/20 04:19 AM, Template88 wrote: You have a right to say whatever you like in an art review as long as it doesnt get reported for breaking TOS, and other people have a right to react to your review for any reason they wish. I dont see that changing from this thread. If anything you're just inviting it more.

Personally, I like that you go into detail, thats better than the opposite. xxwaynecoltxx and strongbad guy leave the worst reviews on this site and i basically wish they didnt exist, they're the mindless drones of content reviews. You are not like them. Congratulations.

Is there anything you'd like to actually accomplish tonight?


Make Newgrounds Great Again.

I don't see why we have not addressed the constant, I'll say excuse, that there are not enough moderators. I want more! I don't get why we can't just get more. All of the users that have been around for years and we can't find more members to help out?

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Newgrounds forums are not a priority for Newgrounds. Plain and simple. They could be removed entirely and very little would change for the site from a functonal standpoint. The true Newgrounds "community" if you could indeed call it a "newgrounds" community exists as cliques on Twitter. Even Tom will admit this if you look into why there is no official discord.

This is purely speculation on my part but I dont think Tom trusts the moderators entirely, or the extremely old and outdated architechture of the site doesnt allow him to give additional "powers" to the mods. The mods also have wildly different styles to how they operate and interact with the community. From what I can tell theres very little cohesion between them.

advocatus diaboli

Illustration | Animation

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Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 04:57:08

At 6/12/20 04:29 AM, Template88 wrote: Newgrounds forums are not a priority for Newgrounds. Plain and simple. They could be removed entirely and very little would change for the site from a functonal standpoint. The true Newgrounds "community" if you could indeed call it a "newgrounds" community exists as cliques on Twitter. Even Tom will admit this if you look into why there is no official discord.

This is purely speculation on my part but I dont think Tom trusts the moderators entirely, or the extremely old and outdated architechture of the site doesnt allow him to give additional "powers" to the mods. The mods also have wildly different styles to how they operate and interact with the community. From what I can tell theres very little cohesion between them.

I dont know why but the term 'clique' always makes me think of mean girls. I just imagine group dms of people bitching about each other and wearing pink on thursday or whatever the fuck they did in that movie.

I have had little to no interaction from the mods but they seem to be inconsistent.

will only warn people after the 5th hey check out my youtube post and then just completely ignore the 'ultimate newgrounds collab' guy that posts in every forum, every hour on the hour.

I wouldn't blame the lack of trust there is such a diverse range of personalities within this site and they all get different things out of it. Feels difficult to balance.

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 04:57:51

At 6/12/20 04:29 AM, Template88 wrote: Newgrounds forums are not a priority for Newgrounds. Plain and simple. They could be removed entirely and very little would change for the site from a functonal standpoint. The true Newgrounds "community" if you could indeed call it a "newgrounds" community exists as cliques on Twitter. Even Tom will admit this if you look into why there is no official discord.

This is purely speculation on my part but I dont think Tom trusts the moderators entirely, or the extremely old and outdated architechture of the site doesnt allow him to give additional "powers" to the mods. The mods also have wildly different styles to how they operate and interact with the community. From what I can tell theres very little cohesion between them.

Oh I don't really care about threads as I've come to realize very few actually care to discuss the issue at hand, but rather just act self righteous and cherry pick things to make fun of or criticize while ignoring others.

I am talking more about flagging being taken seriously around here and more consistency within the review system and what's delete. And at the very least you'd think they'd give you a notification when a review you made was deleted.

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

BBS Signature

Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 04:59:49

At 6/12/20 04:57 AM, Synikal wrote:
At 6/12/20 04:29 AM, Template88 wrote: Newgrounds forums are not a priority for Newgrounds. Plain and simple. They could be removed entirely and very little would change for the site from a functonal standpoint. The true Newgrounds "community" if you could indeed call it a "newgrounds" community exists as cliques on Twitter. Even Tom will admit this if you look into why there is no official discord.

This is purely speculation on my part but I dont think Tom trusts the moderators entirely, or the extremely old and outdated architechture of the site doesnt allow him to give additional "powers" to the mods. The mods also have wildly different styles to how they operate and interact with the community. From what I can tell theres very little cohesion between them.
Oh I don't really care about threads as I've come to realize very few actually care to discuss the issue at hand, but rather just act self righteous and cherry pick things to make fun of or criticize while ignoring others.

I am talking more about flagging being taken seriously around here and more consistency within the review system and what's delete. And at the very least you'd think they'd give you a notification when a review you made was deleted.

You're not listening. They barely interact with the forum and you're wondering about specific reviews on specific works of art? Please.

advocatus diaboli

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Response to I think that Reactions Should Be Monitored 2020-06-12 05:05:13

At 6/12/20 04:59 AM, Template88 wrote:
At 6/12/20 04:57 AM, Synikal wrote:
At 6/12/20 04:29 AM, Template88 wrote: Newgrounds forums are not a priority for Newgrounds. Plain and simple. They could be removed entirely and very little would change for the site from a functonal standpoint. The true Newgrounds "community" if you could indeed call it a "newgrounds" community exists as cliques on Twitter. Even Tom will admit this if you look into why there is no official discord.

This is purely speculation on my part but I dont think Tom trusts the moderators entirely, or the extremely old and outdated architechture of the site doesnt allow him to give additional "powers" to the mods. The mods also have wildly different styles to how they operate and interact with the community. From what I can tell theres very little cohesion between them.
Oh I don't really care about threads as I've come to realize very few actually care to discuss the issue at hand, but rather just act self righteous and cherry pick things to make fun of or criticize while ignoring others.

I am talking more about flagging being taken seriously around here and more consistency within the review system and what's delete. And at the very least you'd think they'd give you a notification when a review you made was deleted.
You're not listening. They barely interact with the forum and you're wondering about specific reviews on specific works of art? Please.

Oh I see your point. I guess it's just I can't help but look at the forums as not important because I was practically told that by a moderator when you read between the lines. It seems like they only care about certain things as it concerns the art, but nothing that happens in forum threads matters. That's the take away I got from one.

~ All The World's A Stage... and I Choose to Fuck White Girls in the Ass on It ~

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As for new mods (for any purpose) ive seen two new mods made since i joined.

Knights, and Cairos.

Cairos quit almost immediately, citing stuff I shall not repeat.

and Knights I never saw do anything outside of hanging out in the Newgrounds chat.

To be fair though, I only look at a fraction of the forums. Its entirely possible Knights was setting the entirety of the Music Forum in the grandest order its ever been in and I wouldnt've seen it.

But yes, mods typically only concern themselves with a specific section of the site.

advocatus diaboli

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