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Tv Show Fanatics Club

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Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 02:22:45

At 10/16/05 02:08 AM, allyfaerie4 wrote:
At 10/16/05 02:00 AM, seventy-one wrote: When? What time? Is it a series or a feature show? Feature shows like the recent rome, and one they did one about the war of 1812 awhile back.
nov. 6 & 7 9pm on the history channel... (its a special)

the crusades: cresent and the cross

It looks AMAZING!!! the previews look awesome. Better than any Orland Bloom movie...

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 02:48:43

At 10/16/05 02:02 AM, allyfaerie4 wrote: i dont usually watch tv sat. nights but when i do ill watch the new episode of degrassi... yeah im a llamo. but theres also south park on the wb... but u cant forget that 70's show or malcom in the middle... hmm i should start watching more tv... haha.

I dont get to watch much of the old shows of that 70's show, but i hear the new season is gonna be great....

At 10/16/05 02:08 AM, allyfaerie4 wrote: nov. 6 & 7 9pm on the history channel... (its a special)
the crusades: cresent and the cross

I took a look, and yes it looks interesting, tobad i dont get the DC....


[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 02:50:05

Woah! I just noticed that the Crusade show is sponsered by Dungeons and Dragons. What's next- the history of the 20-sided die?

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 05:35:37

At 10/16/05 02:50 AM, seventy-one wrote: Woah! I just noticed that the Crusade show is sponsered by Dungeons and Dragons. What's next- the history of the 20-sided die?

Heh I remember playing D&D games all the time, they have grown into much more then games this day....

Mad Tv
The show was great tonight funny as ever, the Asian guy is great im starting to love him more and more, he makes me laugh everytime he does a skit haha

I was suprised that there was no simpsons tonight though. tomarrow is sunday so im sure ill see atleast two simpsons episodes....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 05:47:54

At 10/15/05 11:35 PM, -Superman- wrote: For me its either Mad Tv, SNL, or ER (if its on)...

Heh I wrote a really long rant about SNL and ER after I saw this. Then I looked back a realized it might have been a bit much. I'll just summarize, SNL is in the dumps. All great shows change over time, as of right now SNL is in a bad place. All the great writters (as with any show) have moved on and right now the writting is some of the worst I have ever seen. It's kinda sad actually, it was way better even a few years ago.

Usually a show changes to appeal to a wider audiance (aka more money). Thats when they get old and lame. Alot of shows right now should seriously considar packing it in, a good example is ER. I like it but it's deffinatly past it's mark, correct me if im wrong but I think the only origional person left is that black nurse. It's still decent, but has had more then it's fair share of seasons.

On a side note- how long do you guys think Letterman is going to stick around? I give him another year and half.

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 05:57:20

At 10/16/05 05:47 AM, Centurio_Caseus wrote: Heh I wrote a really long rant about SNL and ER after I saw this. Then I looked back a realized it might have been a bit much. I'll just summarize, SNL is in the dumps. All great shows change over time, as of right now SNL is in a bad place.


But its been like that for awhile, sometimes we also do expect better and better of shows as they get older....

Nice review of SNL...

On a side note- how long do you guys think Letterman is going to stick around? I give him another year and half.

Nah i could see him there like johny always stayed afloat.... maybe hehe....

Anyways i would love to hear what you have to say about one of my fave shows, and please say waht you wish....




[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 07:09:33

At 10/16/05 05:57 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Anyways i would love to hear what you have to say about one of my fave shows, and please say waht you wish....


Well Im getting the impression your a big Curb your Enthusiasm fan. I am sad that I can say without a doubt I have never seen that show. Not even been flicking channels and seen parts of it (I don't get a channel it's on). You also seem to like king of the hill and simpsons, both these shows I also watch. Simpsons lets admit it, is a great show. The first cartoon to be shown in prime time sense the flinstones. I think that years from now people will look back at the simpsons as a artifact of american culture. However, it's way way way past it's prime. It's prime was like 7 seasons ago. The last two seasons were ok, but only because they were a slight improvment on the absolutly horrible couple season that came befor them. Honestly, at that time I totally gave up with them, It made me sick to watch some of the crap they were turning out, and for that I didn't watch. It also sorta falls in the ER catogory, if it wants to keep going it can. However I think they have made more then their fair share of money off it what with the toys and candy and even CD's they put out. Simpsons has had some pretty famous people working for them over the years, the man behind the incredibles (Brent Bird) used to work for them, so did Conan Obrien. I read about plans for the simpson movie and aparently they already had a readthrough and are going to produce it after the series ends. (who knows when that will be)

King of the hill is also a great show, my dad and I are huge fans. It's faultered a little the past couple seasons, but they have managed to keep a good level of quality over the years unlike most shows (keep in mind they havn't been around as long). The creator (his name escapes me, it's 4am here) has done alot of other projects over the years and from what I have seen his work is always top notch. Aparently a character appeared in Bevis and Butthead who looked just like Hank but instead of propane it was butain that he was passionate about. If Peggy Hill was a real person would she not be the more anoying bitch ever?

Wow I sound like such a downer when I talk about tv shows don't I...

p.s I gotta agree about the asian guy on Mad TV, he's deffinatly the best. His SNL equivilant is deffinatly Horatio Sanz.

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 08:04:51

Well the reason you probably didnt catch it is probably because its on HBO sorry....

The Simpsons
Well for me and i know many other fans could never get tired of the simpsons, we are always watching infact i never do get tired of the simpsons its on 2x to 3x a day and i watch alot of it, but never get tired of it....

King of the hill
Another great cartoon that i love and also dont get tired of, realistic humor is always the best.....

Ya i know that other guy you are referring to he is funny aswell but not as funny as the guy from Mad TV....

Anyways just my opinion....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 08:36:00

Bobby Lee (the asian guy) is pretty freaking funny, but i still think Michael McDonald (or whatever his name is) is a lot funnier...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 09:30:12

At 10/16/05 08:36 AM, -Superman- wrote: Bobby Lee (the asian guy) is pretty freaking funny, but i still think Michael McDonald (or whatever his name is) is a lot funnier...

Yes i Michael McDonald is a funny guy, to be honest i cant decide is funnier though, but it was a funny show lastnight....

I wish it would go to an hour long though.....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 11:07:36

I love tv can i join?

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 12:14:54

i love the show curb your enthusiam... i have the first season on dvd, its hilarious. then the new shows r on hbo.

(i miss d&d me and my friends used to be really into the game, i still make d&d sprites though... allright off topic)

yay, curb your enthusiam! so exciting...

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-16 12:18:13

At 10/16/05 09:30 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Yes i Michael McDonald is a funny guy, to be honest i cant decide is funnier though, but it was a funny show lastnight....

michael is freakin' hilarious. i love the stuart skits... "hey look what i can do!" yaaayy!

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-17 08:19:08

At 10/16/05 11:07 AM, Clown_Catcher wrote: I love tv can i join?

Sure you can, just discuss all matters of anything TV related...

At 10/16/05 12:14 PM, allyfaerie4 wrote: i love the show curb your enthusiam... i have the first season on dvd, its hilarious. then the new shows r on hbo.

Awsome i have not seen anyone other then myself who likes it, i have 3 seasons on dvd, and ill purchase any new seasons i see, as the creator of sugn field he is awsome....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-17 14:07:53

I was just watching the view

And there is this new label going on certain celebs....

Its called

It means that you are macho and you can express your feelings haha

George clooney was just labeled UBER SEXUAL


Tv Show Fanatics Club


[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-17 14:31:27

At 10/17/05 02:07 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
George clooney was just labeled UBER SEXUAL


They were talking about that on Best Week Ever, and I got a good laugh out of what one of the guys said. "Theres a new label called nano sexual, where your penis is as thin as a pencil and can hold up to 1000 sperm." Great show.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-17 18:46:40

Turns out they did show Curb your Enthusiam on cable, but unfortunatly not anymore and it was on a channel I don't get. They offten show HBO shows on showcase, last night I saw six feet under.

I also saw this special about some english kid who was getting jerked around on an internet chat room. This other dude was acting as every personallity on the entire site. It was actually quite stupid, the shit he believed was insane. He thought he was being recruited to the english secret service so he gave this one guy a blow job (because it was a matter of national security) and stabbed another guy.

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-17 22:46:48

At 10/17/05 08:19 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Awsome i have not seen anyone other then myself who likes it, i have 3 seasons on dvd, and ill purchase any new seasons i see, as the creator of sugn field he is awsome....


lol, do you remeber this episode... i forget what its called, but its my favortie...
i practically rolled out of my seat laughing through the whole thing...

larry- how bout a hampster?
little girl- no they're boring.
larry- u can torture it, wats boring about that? u can torture the hampster, thats not boring.

woman- you sick fuck larry david. wat the fuck do u think youre doing? getting my kid drunk like that!
larry- drunk? what are u tlking about?
woman- shes sluring her words, she bumping into things, she stinks like a fucking whine-o!
larry- oh i poured some of ur whine...
woman- oh! so accidentaly a 7 year old kid drank some whine?
larry- the glasses got mixed up.
woman- do u think im gonna believe u? u fucking idiot! u got her drunk and u stole her fucking dog!
larry- she told me i could take the dog.
woman- so she told u, u can take the dog after u got her all fucked up on alcohol!
larry- i thought she had a speech impedament.
woman- well listen u 4-eyed fuck! u stole her dog! you sicko fucko asshole! get me the fucking dog!

LOL, i just love it.

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-17 22:53:50


Baseball is good too though...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-18 00:13:26

At 10/17/05 10:53 PM, -Superman- wrote: OMG NEW PRISON BREAK IN 1 WEEK OMG OMG OMG!!!


hehe, sorry ^_~

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-18 02:51:49

At 10/18/05 12:56 AM, Quisty wrote: Oh, I forgot to mention I watch "That 70s Show" and my favorite episode is the one about Star Wars. It's 1977 and Eric is in love with this new movie Star Wars.

Ya i remember the starwars episode, very funny indeed, also one of my faves...

At 10/17/05 10:53 PM, -Superman- wrote: OMG NEW PRISON BREAK IN 1 WEEK OMG OMG OMG!!!

Roffl haha you are somewhat addicted way to much to that silly show....

At 10/17/05 10:46 PM, allyfaerie4 wrote: lol, do you remeber this episode... i forget what its called, but its my favortie...
i practically rolled out of my seat laughing through the whole thing...

larry- how bout a hampster?
little girl- no they're boring.
larry- u can torture it, wats boring about that? u can torture the hampster, thats not boring.

woman- you sick fuck larry david. wat the fuck do u think youre doing? getting my kid drunk like that!

Haha it makes me want to put in my dvds hehe, great stuff from larry, one of my faves is the one where the THOR like dude comes up to larry in his car and says some stuff how if he doesnt stop messing with his kids is that he is gonna pound him in hehe.....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-18 06:10:25

At 10/17/05 08:10 PM, Quisty wrote:
I think that is the show called "Cyber Fanatics" It's a show about online sex, and it's more of an adults only show. A lot of Showcase shows a like that.

No, I don't think thats what it was called. It was a special, I think the title was something like "could you kill me". Honestly, would you get sucked into thinking that only the queen and your 16 year old friend have access to a secret vault so you need to kill him? The guy was an idiot.


No, just no.

Tomorrow John stewart is going to have Bill O'rielly on his show. Im actually very excited about this. The way I see it, John is the figure on tv for left wingers and Bill is the figure for the right. I exspect soemthing crazy to happen, did anyone see when he went on cross fire? John Stewart told the hosts that they were dicks and that they were hurting america, it was awsome.

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-18 12:18:25

At 10/18/05 02:51 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Haha it makes me want to put in my dvds hehe, great stuff from larry, one of my faves is the one where the THOR like dude comes up to larry in his car and says some stuff how if he doesnt stop messing with his kids is that he is gonna pound him in hehe.....


lol, oooo good ol' larry david... hahaha.

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-18 17:23:57

At 10/18/05 12:18 PM, allyfaerie4 wrote: lol, oooo good ol' larry david... hahaha.

Ya its good, i also saw the episode where the girl from snl is looney for tiny toons, and the wife of larry's mnger falls on 13 spunge cakes to break her fal haha....

I vant get enough of the show, i hope the 4th season comes out on dvd soon....

At 10/18/05 02:54 AM, Quisty wrote: It makes me want to rent them a lot. It sounds like a funny show.

Ya they are some funny shows, you should startout with the first though, didnt you say you were to poor to rent movies and such???

Anyways in other news the TOP rated show seems to be CSI cool, and it seems that the morning entertainment report says that Desprate hosewifes is not doing to well allthough still at #2 it seems like it will drop way down soon....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-18 21:13:43

Well the show i watch is on a major network, and its not there picks its the nealson ratings which is the rating for all shows...


Anyways tonight is a show i totaly forgot about but ill watch it tonight "OFFICE" or "THE OFFICE"



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-19 06:22:49

At 10/19/05 03:38 AM, Quisty wrote: www.tbs.com I hear they are having a new show soon special and Larry David will appear in it.


Thats cool, i dont get TBS but larry David is my favourite among others, tell me more about it when you get time...

Sigh i missed the office i slept in or something....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-19 11:27:35

That was an interesting site there, i like that they show like a 2 hour block of Everybody loves raymond....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-19 17:43:15

They show Seignfeild here everynight on the UPN network, and i must say that network sure has improved over the past ten years....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-19 17:56:19

At 10/19/05 05:43 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: They show Seignfeild here everynight on the UPN network, and i must say that network sure has improved over the past ten years....


Except for they don't show entire episodes due to time costraints, but TBS(? the one that's "very funny) show it all.

Response to Tv Show Fanatics Club 2005-10-19 19:31:12

So i havent gotten much sleep cause i've started reading again and havent watched much tv... I MISSED AN EPISODE OF LOST!!! But my friend tevoed it so i was able to see it... So like im exhausted but i have a serious decision i must make...

Tonight should i:

a) sleep
b) read
c) watch baseball cause tonights going to be an amazing game and im a huge Cards fan
d) watch LOST

Im lost in my world of confusion...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

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