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The "Official" Trump thread.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-09-26 19:21:44

At 9/24/17 08:44 PM, Sause wrote: There has been a slow and steady drain on the entertainment industry for a while. Some speculate that it has to do with Hollywood Elitism culture saturating the film industry, and I'm inclined to agree.

Of course you are....never mind that the culture of football has been changing steadily for the last 30 years and when the culture of a game changes, that means you will ultimately drop fans. There are books, fans, etc all over that will talk about how football has gotten "soft" that rule changes about catches, hitting, penalties, and etc have made the game no longer enjoyable for them. That if guys aren't out there hitting each other with the intent to maim or kill and being gloried for it, it's just not "real football". I also think the salaries these athletes draw while sometimes committing crimes and other heinous behavior coupled with the exorbitant prices and public bonds used to pay for these sports palaces which are often monuments to the ego of the team owner (there's a reason the Cowboys new stadium was immediately nicknamed "Jerryworld"). I also think the knowledge of CTE and more reporting on the tragic circumstances many who suffer from it wind up in is also turning people off as well (though I think this is an extreme minority)

Sure, it's possible that what you're saying is a turn off too....but I think it pales in comparison to the other things. I've read some books on the NFL, and I speak to other fans all the time and not once has "hollywood elitism" been cited as something they don't like about the game.

I think Trump just once again didn't think and was rolling with his devoted minions and decided "oh, this'll be a good applause line" and it blew up. I don't think his mind honestly works much deeper then that.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Besides the NFL, Trump is also at war with Facebook. Apparently, he doesn't like the fact that Facebook is reporting that Russia was using a lot of fake ads and user content to influence the election in favor of Trump. Besides trying to undermine Facebook by claiming they are anti Trump, he also tweeted the follwing

..But the people were Pro-Trump! Virtually no President has accomplished what we have accomplished in the first 9 months-and economy roaring -Trump

This was said the day after the GOP failed to repeal Obamacare and replace it. I can't think of any real accomplishment that he has accomplished, so who is he trying to fool, himself?

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-09-27 20:37:20

At 9/26/17 01:10 AM, SolidPantsSnake wrote: But in this current climate people are incredibly tired of politics being inserted into everything.

Agreed. POTUS should stop doing that, it just reminds people how little he's actually doing, and how much he's reversed himself on things he campaigned on that his most ardent supporters elected him to do (dreamers, making coal a thing, some other stuff, mostly those two I think). It kind of bespeaks to how absolutely unprepared and trash he is at this. If he was really the megalomaniac that people feared, he'd drink a nice cup of shut the fuck up every day, so he could dismantle civil liberties while nobody was looking. It's kind of like how people used to create a version of Obama to hit that wasn't really true....though I think as time goes by, liberals will/are going to be doing it less and less with Trump as they figure out his priorities are around the level of a 5 year old, and his attention span isn't conducive to using his office to do much uber damaging (though there is and has been some stuff).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Tom Price has left the house. After the failure to repeal and replace Obamacare, and then revelations that the Health and Human Services Secretary was using taxpayer money, almost half a million, on chartering private planes to go across the country for various events, Trump was not very happy with him. So, before he could be fired, Tom Price resigned. Another top Trump admin, among a string of them, gone. Who will the next to go, Attorney General Sessions, or Interior SecretaryRyan Zinkes? Stayed tuned.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-03 23:33:37

So, Hurricane Maria totally destroyed Puerto Rico, and after a week long twitter battle with a mayor there, while fucking around on his golf course, Trump finally went there, threw some paper towels at the people, and congratulated himself for doing a great job there, after days of inaction after the devastation, and said it wasn't as bad as Katrina.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-04 19:33:13

At 10/3/17 11:33 PM, EdyKel wrote: So....

and if you expected anything different....shame on your inattentive self.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-04 20:02:14

At 10/4/17 07:33 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 10/3/17 11:33 PM, EdyKel wrote: So....
and if you expected anything different....shame on your inattentive self.

Oh, I wasn't expecting any less from him. I was merely summing the whole thing up in a short paragraph, since no one else seemed to have brought it.

Just because these types of Trump caused disasters have become common place doesn't mean they should be forgotten, or ignored, because Trump does some more stupid shit to make us forget the other stupid shit he just did. I mean, can you remember what stupid shit he did a couple of weeks ago, without pausing, and thinking about it? And the month before that? And the month before that? I'm sure you can, but it does take a little bit of effort, as lot of it is almost like a blur, because it just keeps on coming every week, and month. So keeping track of it in this thread is a good way to remember some of it and the details behind it.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-05 09:51:48

At 10/4/17 08:02 PM, EdyKel wrote:

I'm so glad you weren't around during the Bush II administration.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

At 10/5/17 09:51 AM, FUNKbrs wrote:
At 10/4/17 08:02 PM, EdyKel wrote:
I'm so glad you weren't around during the Bush II administration.

Bush Jr. was an idiot, but he wasn't any where near as being as bad as Trump.

So Trump has diner with the top military leaders and their wives and has the media present. He tells the reporters that this could be "the calm before the storm". When asked what that meant he said "you'll find out". Once again treating the presidency as if its some reality tv show.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-25 00:26:19

Years from now I wonder how people will view the Trump presidency, hes already doing a bang up job undermining himself starting fights with widows and football players doing exactly the definitions of peaceful protests. I know he has his fans but I would be shocked if he can get a 2nd term and this doesnt harm the republican party.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-26 12:30:48

At 10/25/17 12:26 AM, FunkyBeat wrote: Years from now I wonder how people will view the Trump presidency, hes already doing a bang up job undermining himself starting fights with widows and football players doing exactly the definitions of peaceful protests. I know he has his fans but I would be shocked if he can get a 2nd term and this doesnt harm the republican party.

Without some major legislative victories he's going to go down as among the worst, definitely. He has both chambers of Congress and has passed nothing, in part because he's tempermentally incapable of doing the work of governing (compromising, rising above petty personal attacks, smoothing out issues with colleagues). If things continue down this road, Trump WILL face a primary challenger, perhaps even multiple challengers and he will fail. A deep dive into the numbers shows Trump benefitted from the chaos that exists in the party between moderates and hardliners which split much of the vote between the top candidates allowing Trump to slide on through. There's also the fact that his numbers continue to tumble and his coalition was always fragile and at least one segment (miners and other blue collar workers who's jobs are going away and never coming back) were naturally going to peel away once they realized he made promises to them he can't possibly keep.

But until then, you just hope he doesn't break anything the next group can't fix.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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At 10/25/17 12:26 AM, FunkyBeat wrote: Years from now I wonder how people will view the Trump presidency, hes already doing a bang up job undermining himself starting fights with widows and football players doing exactly the definitions of peaceful protests.

He’s simply clutching at straws at this point, and while it worked early on to bash football players kneeling, (which stems from his feud with the NFL starting in the 80’s) people eventually just got tired of it all and only serves to give him meaningless points. The trashing of a serviceman’s widow on the other hand will haunt him, as probably the biggest no-nos anyone can do in public office is to bash our soldiers, especially the ones who died.

I know he has his fans but I would be shocked if he can get a 2nd term and this doesnt harm the republican party.

The Republican Party is starting to fracture, if they haven’t already. Trump only got in office on a technicality and he’s losing support in the people who got him elected in the first place. This is exactly why political chaos is a dangerous thing to have, because you allow the ignorant and extreme to dictate policy and all of the progress we’ve made in a societal standpoint gets thrown out the window.

My hope is that people who voted for Trump believing that he would change Washington among other things think long and hard about what he has done, and realize that America is changing. The vast majority of people who voted for him will lose more by having him in office, if he somehow gets a 2nd term.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-26 20:17:06

At 10/26/17 03:47 PM, orangebomb wrote:
At 10/25/17 12:26 AM, FunkyBeat wrote:
I know he has his fans but I would be shocked if he can get a 2nd term and this doesnt harm the republican party.
The Republican Party is starting to fracture, if they haven’t already. Trump only got in office on a technicality and he’s losing support in the people who got him elected in the first place. This is exactly why political chaos is a dangerous thing to have, because you allow the ignorant and extreme to dictate policy and all of the progress we’ve made in a societal standpoint gets thrown out the window.

My hope is that people who voted for Trump believing that he would change Washington among other things think long and hard about what he has done, and realize that America is changing. The vast majority of people who voted for him will lose more by having him in office, if he somehow gets a 2nd term.

It's the independents, and moderates, who often decide who is going to control Washington. All Trump is doing is pandering to the extremes of his party, and scaring the shit out of the above groups that determines if he gets a 2nd term or not.

While his policies, and rhetoric, may excite the far right, and get them out to vote, it puts many members of his own party in a bind, who are up for reelection next year, in districts that can go to either party, so whatever direction they go, either supporting Trump's America or opposing it, it's clear they will be hurt no matter what direction they go. It's one of the reason why the reliable Republican state of Alabama has a chance to elect a Democrat Senator in over 2 decades.

And you know that Republicans are in trouble when a Fox News poll has Democrats in a 15 point lead over Republicans.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-27 03:13:06

In the past the Republican Party has been able to say whatever they want, dispute information, refute facts, and have been a nuisance. Now I'm not saying the Democratic Party doesn't do this as well, that's a different situation and the party that is not the main focus right now. That is the Republican Party, who for eight years under George W. Bush and eight years under Barrack Obama, essentially got whatever they wanted and if they didn't get it, whined and complained about it.

Now all of the things they have said, racist, offensive, and inflammatory. All the positions that they have given support towards. Have manifested into one being. Trump is changing the Republican party. It has divided Republicans. I don't mean far-right wing and moderate Republicans either, I mean down to earth Republicans. I don't know how it is in all of your states, but here in South Carolina, it has split this party in half.

This however is a good thing. It will change how Republicans address issues, talk to one another, and overall turn them into possibly (and hopefully) a new Progressive Party. That is a high hope, something that if the Republicans band together against Trump will probably happen within the next 12-20 years.

It will all come down to this though. If Trump is re-elected, then we will come closer to that Progressive change as the Republican party will change how they're viewed. Not necessarily what they do, but how they're viewed. If Trump is not re-elected, the Democratic party will take control and the Republican party name will be shamed... for the next two terms under a Democrat President.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-27 21:35:56

Well things are heating up as the Muller investigation files its first charges. Only time will tell if anyone in the Trump campaign are part of it.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-28 15:32:05

At 10/27/17 09:35 PM, LordJaric wrote: Well things are heating up as the Muller investigation files its first charges. Only time will tell if anyone in the Trump campaign are part of it.

I'm betting it's Manafort. Supposedly he was told he would be indicted back in August when his home was raided. Now whether this ties Trump or the campaign back to Russia, or this is just about Manafort's dealings would be the question as the two things intersect, but can be mutually exclusive as well.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-29 14:14:39

At 10/28/17 03:32 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 10/27/17 09:35 PM, LordJaric wrote: Well things are heating up as the Muller investigation files its first charges. Only time will tell if anyone in the Trump campaign are part of it.
I'm betting it's Manafort. Supposedly he was told he would be indicted back in August when his home was raided. Now whether this ties Trump or the campaign back to Russia, or this is just about Manafort's dealings would be the question as the two things intersect, but can be mutually exclusive as well.

And it's all coming out next week, and, coincidentally, so is the House GOP tax plan. Funny how these things work. I wonder which is trying to cover up which?

And Trump, and conservatives, are going berserk over this announcement by Mueller. They are trying to claim it's a Democrat conspiracy and that it should be investigated, along with the FBI.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-29 14:50:36

And it's all coming out next week......

Trump Administration Season Ending

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-29 23:05:04

At 10/29/17 02:14 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 10/28/17 03:32 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 10/27/17 09:35 PM, LordJaric wrote: Well things are heating up as the Muller investigation files its first charges. Only time will tell if anyone in the Trump campaign are part of it.
I'm betting it's Manafort. Supposedly he was told he would be indicted back in August when his home was raided. Now whether this ties Trump or the campaign back to Russia, or this is just about Manafort's dealings would be the question as the two things intersect, but can be mutually exclusive as well.
And it's all coming out next week, and, coincidentally, so is the House GOP tax plan. Funny how these things work. I wonder which is trying to cover up which?

And Trump, and conservatives, are going berserk over this announcement by Mueller. They are trying to claim it's a Democrat conspiracy and that it should be investigated, along with the FBI.

I dont doubt there are some snakey democrats, but this along with republicans apparrently urging him to "DO SOMETHING" really makes this feel disorganized and pathetic despite having the most power in a long time.

At 10/29/17 11:05 PM, FunkyBeat wrote:
At 10/29/17 02:14 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 10/28/17 03:32 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 10/27/17 09:35 PM, LordJaric wrote: Well things are heating up as the Muller investigation files its first charges. Only time will tell if anyone in the Trump campaign are part of it.
I'm betting it's Manafort. Supposedly he was told he would be indicted back in August when his home was raided. Now whether this ties Trump or the campaign back to Russia, or this is just about Manafort's dealings would be the question as the two things intersect, but can be mutually exclusive as well.
And it's all coming out next week, and, coincidentally, so is the House GOP tax plan. Funny how these things work. I wonder which is trying to cover up which?

And Trump, and conservatives, are going berserk over this announcement by Mueller. They are trying to claim it's a Democrat conspiracy and that it should be investigated, along with the FBI.
I dont doubt there are some snakey democrats, but this along with republicans apparrently urging him to "DO SOMETHING" really makes this feel disorganized and pathetic despite having the most power in a long time.

This is not much different than what they did under Bush. They do it to get their own policies through and into law, even if it makes them look like they are moral hypocrites, or have no morals at all, in defense of reprehensible things. It's sorta of trying to make the devil look like Jesus, in hopes he'll give you what you want because you don't have much choice, outside of sticking to ethical standards - but that don't get you reelected because you don't have anything to show for it. It's why they keep touting about Trumps supreme court nomination of a Christian zealot, who is going to side with Christians, and big business, while against unions and the people who are not wealthy.

It's why they had to lower the ethic bar on all of Trump's nominees, just to pass them, and apease him, which are now coming back to haunt them and the administration. And they are hoping to pass tax reform, which has little chance of passing with Trump attacking and splitting the party apart... So, they are going to continue to try to bury, or hinder, or misdirect, all the the scandals in an attempt to stem the damage so they can hold onto their power as long as they can to get what they want before things start to fall apart and they are out of power.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-10-30 09:54:50

Manafort-Gates Indictment filed in US District Court for the District of Columbia

This really isn't about Trump, but it is about his son, Donald Jr. The guy, besides using his kid as a political tool, making her dress up as a police women (which is abound with it's own irony), tweeted about how he was going to take half her candy to teach her about socialism. The guy is a fucking idiot, who doesn't understand that people are giving away candy for free, out of the goodness of their heart, to kids; but here he is threatening( joking or not)to take half her candy for free, and redistributing it to other kids, because he is probably such a cheap bastard who can't buy his own candy, while taking the credit for giving that candy out. I think he is describing how the Trump charity works, where his father is taking other people's money, using it for his own purposes, and getting adulation from people for making it seem like he has soul. God, what a dick, I hope the FBI turns up at his front door (and they aren't trick or treaters), and take him to jail for some wrong doing - which he most likely committed, given his sketch understanding of how charity works.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-11-02 15:20:11

At 11/1/17 12:07 PM, Sause wrote: Sort of a Trump post, he’s mentioned at least

Ed Klein is to journalism as Trump is to the presidency.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-11-02 18:38:26

At 11/2/17 05:06 PM, Sause wrote: This is how "the most qualified candidate in history" handles adversity. It's been said in the past that women were too emotional and irrational to hold the job of President... it's a good thing Hillary wasn't elected, she likely would have proven them right.

I was trying to say that all of the juicy gossip in Klein's book, however badly I (or you) may want it to be true, is most likely (read: definitely) unsubstantiated yellow journalism.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-11-02 21:44:22

At 11/2/17 07:27 PM, Sause wrote: So, fake news?

If you want to believe otherwise then that's your right, I won't try to stop you.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-11-03 05:08:58

Rumor has it that Flynn might be arrested today.

After Indictment Monday, that adds Flynn Friday to the highlights of this Arrestivus season.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-11-05 11:23:27

At 11/3/17 05:08 AM, 1sky1heart wrote: Rumor has it that Flynn might be arrested today.

After Indictment Monday, that adds Flynn Friday to the highlights of this Arrestivus season.

So far it seems that there's enough evidence to convict him right now.

Oh, Donald Jr., you really are quite stupid when it comes to not covering your trail. According to the Atlantic, Donnie Jr was in communications with Wikileaks for 10 months, through the time of the leaks to after the election. First the Russian lawyer, now this.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-11-14 09:49:51

donald trump is going to make america great again