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The "Official" Trump thread.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-04 07:49:29

At 8/3/17 11:26 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 8/1/17 05:58 PM, DubstepJoltik wrote: I'd definitely prefer Clinton over Trump. I don't care if she's a criminal, she's better than him.
And this is one of the problems with why the Dems should have never gone with Clinton.

Meanwhile Donald Trump actually HAS admitted to criminal associations.

Damn. I didn't know all that. Well, ty :P

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-04 09:07:07

At 8/3/17 07:09 PM, LordJaric wrote: Could he be anymore childish. Seriously, look at the quotes.

If you have to say, "I am the world's greatest person," then you're not.

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-04 13:40:13

The next chapter in the Trump-Thriller, who will be fired first: Robert Mueller, Jeff Sessions or Christopher Wray?

F*ck Putin the murderer, RIP Alexei Navalny


Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-04 15:28:24

At 8/4/17 01:40 PM, HexMagnificus wrote: The next chapter in the Trump-Thriller, who will be fired first: Robert Mueller, Jeff Sessions or Christopher Wray?

I don't think he's dumb enough to touch Mueller; and Sessions may still be ok for now.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-04 15:33:13

At 8/4/17 01:40 PM, HexMagnificus wrote: The next chapter in the Trump-Thriller, who will be fired first: Robert Mueller, Jeff Sessions or Christopher Wray?

None of the above if he's still even capable of listening to his advisors. Let me try to walk through why each is a bad idea, briefly:

Robert Mueller: Richard Nixon proved why this is a bad call. If Trump fires Mueller, he launches a crisis that will pretty much assuredly end his Presidency. The public wants Mueller's investigation to continue, Congress wants it. A grand Jury is reportedly empanelled. I've always felt there was a 50/50 chance that Trump himself will be implicated in Russian collusion (and if he is, it's 60/40 or 70/30 that he did it out of sheer ignorance that it's was ill advised and potentially illegal), but this guy is shady, and has been caught doing criminal action through his business (which Mueller is looking into). Russia may not sink this President, it may be his own criminality in business (which would be ironic since a lot of people couldn't vote for "Crooked Hillary"). The President surely hates having Mueller and his investigation around, even if he knows damn well he's clear on Russia (and again, he may very well be if you look at other factors like how he manages folks) it's firing Comey or other actions that may sink him.

Christopher Wray: There's nothing Wray has done so far to warrant firing. Unless you count not telling Congress "I'm going to do what Comey didn't and swear personal loyalty". Wray is through with a lot of bi-partisan support and firing two FBI directors will do nothing to assuage people on the idea that The President has something to hide. I also think this would be a move that finally makes the Republicans in Congress realize the Executive is way too toxic and we will see an unprecedented and potentially dangerous situation where Legislative and Executive are trying to put up walls and cauterize themselves off from each other.

Jeff Sessions: Fuck, I want this one. Sessions is a monster, everything his justice department is doing is to disenfranchise minorities, at the polls, with increased arrest, and his draconian drug measures are completely out of step with public sentiment. Sessions being fired would be good, but Trump won't fire him for the good reasons, he'll fire him for not giving him cover on Russia. Which is terrible public optics. Plus again, he will lose Republicans in Congress who have already said they'll punish the President if he fires Sessions who gave up a safe Senate seat to take his dream job of AG so that he could roll back the clock in this country about 50 or 60 years. I want this guy gone, but it isn't going to be a good idea for the President to make it happen, certainly not for the reasons he'd do it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-06 01:27:36

At 8/5/17 10:25 PM, Sause wrote: "Oh I'm going to take a cool astronomical event and make it about politics"

I think it honestly bespeaks to how much this Presidency for good or ill is dominating the news cycle and commanding attention for those reporting on it. I agree something like this shouldn't have a political bent....but right now I feel like Trump is actually beginning to transcend the ordinarily political.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-06 15:02:05

Trump is on vacation, though it will be a two week extended one instead of his usual weekend golf excursions. So, for the next two weeks the news may be a little less dramatic and exciting. Even Congress is supposedly off for the next couple of weeks......


I'm sure Trump will tweet something stupid, if his wife doesn't hide the phone from him.

Oh, and the search for the golden shower continues.

Stephen Colbert's take on it

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-08 12:51:05

I wonder if Trump getting impeached will even work out well in the end. Apparently he's already using that as a threat in a recent rally, that democrats want to "take away their future they voted for".

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-08 15:01:33

At 8/8/17 12:51 PM, FunkyBeat wrote: I wonder if Trump getting impeached will even work out well in the end. Apparently he's already using that as a threat in a recent rally, that democrats want to "take away their future they voted for".

The fact that he lost the popular vote by 3 million aside, everyone outside of Trump and his fanboys knew that they had no real plan for the future that didn't involve rollbacks of minority rights and favoring corporations. (especially gas/oil and other predatory corporations) The silver lining in all this is that the Trump administration has been so incompetent, that there hasn't been as much damage as they're could've been if he was the least bit competent, you can point to the failed healthcare repeals as an example.

While not directly related to Trump, Americans as a majority do support some progressive policies, but because of the overreactionary left, they end up getting scared off of such things and that's how they ended up voting for Trump and for a Republican Congress. Even now, a growing number of Republicans are getting sick of Trump, though I wonder how much is it either authentic disgust or simply an attempt to save face (and their seats) come 2018.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-08 15:19:30

At 8/5/17 07:10 PM, Sause wrote: Say it with me: rent free inside their heads.

Most of those counties have strong religious conservative communities.The Bible says some pretty interesting things about solar eclipses and impending events that transpire henceforth, just fyi.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-15 02:02:03

Goddamn it feels like things are just spiraling out of control.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-15 15:47:48

Looks like the Trump admin is at it again, demanding the personnel information of those critical of the administration. This time they are going after a private web hosting company, seeking information on protestors at the Trump inauguration.

In separate News, the Trump admin decided to cut funding to fight the radicalization of people by Neo Nazi groups.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-15 18:58:17

At 8/15/17 03:47 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like the Trump admin is at it again, demanding the personnel information of those critical of the administration. This time they are going after a private web hosting company, seeking information on protestors at the Trump inauguration.

In separate News, the Trump admin decided to cut funding to fight the radicalization of people by Neo Nazi groups.

I cant understand why he wouldn't try to distance themselves from neo nazis. When they start saying Sieg Heil or shit like that IRL with swastikas on flags its bad PR, and I doubt even republicans would want that bad press around them for much longer.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-15 19:05:07

At 8/5/17 09:16 PM, SolidPantsSnake wrote:
At 8/5/17 07:10 PM, Sause wrote: Say it with me: rent free inside their heads.
Lol so basically anywhere.

Ok now that Tweet was stupid.

In that other image: Not surprisingly all of the counties in my state that aren't red contain cities that have colleges. Says a lot about the state of colleges in the US.

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

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At 8/15/17 06:58 PM, FunkyBeat wrote:
At 8/15/17 03:47 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like the Trump admin is at it again, demanding the personnel information of those critical of the administration. This time they are going after a private web hosting company, seeking information on protestors at the Trump inauguration.

In separate News, the Trump admin decided to cut funding to fight the radicalization of people by Neo Nazi groups.
I cant understand why he wouldn't try to distance themselves from neo nazis. When they start saying Sieg Heil or shit like that IRL with swastikas on flags its bad PR, and I doubt even republicans would want that bad press around them for much longer.

As David Duke, former leader of a KKK branch, said to Trump in a tweet, it was them, the white nationalists, who made him president. Trump has made a lot of white nationalists believe that he is sympathetic to their causes, which is why he has a hard time denouncing them. He also has several senior advisors, and aids, in his administration, namely Steve Bannon,who are part of the Alt-right, and are also sympathetic to the white nationalist cause. But you also have more moderate, or establishment Republicans, in the Trump admin, who fear the repercussion to their party if Trump continues to ignore, and not denounce, white nationalism. So, there is a huge feud going on in the White House between the alt-right faction and the more moderate faction - which has spilled out into the public view, because it is so bad with all the leaks and backstabbing going on.

So, Trump is in a rock and a hard spot of his own making, because he has been reluctant to address this issues of white nationalism. If he denounces white nationalism he will lose millions of supporter(voters), and if he doesn't he will jeopardize his party, and reelection bid, as he alienates more and more voters, and minorities, away from him and his party.
So, he's in a tough spot, and I don't feel any sympathy for him. And I hink things will get worse because of him, no matter what he does.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-16 20:22:29

At 8/15/17 07:05 PM, wildfire4461 wrote: In that other image: Not surprisingly all of the counties in my state that aren't red contain cities that have colleges. Says a lot about the state of colleges in the US.

Says some things (that have been said a lot) about level of education and GOP voting patterns too don't it?

Look, I can play the "let's have facts that could say multiple things only say the thing I want" game too :)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-16 21:06:06

At 8/16/17 08:22 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: "let's have facts that could say multiple things only say the thing I want" game too :)

If this isn't a microcosm of the country right now, I don't know what is...

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-17 01:54:42

At 8/15/17 07:20 PM, Sause wrote:
At 8/15/17 07:05 PM, wildfire4461 wrote:
Ok now that Tweet was stupid.

In that other image: Not surprisingly all of the counties in my state that aren't red contain cities that have colleges. Says a lot about the state of colleges in the US.
Well, I understand where you're coming from, but colleges = business and so many cities and urban communities sprout up around the campuses. That might partially be why.

There's other large cities here (Garden City, Dodge City, Newton and Salina), but none of them have colleges, and all are in the red. There is one exception with a medium size city (Iola) that has a community college, but it is in the red.

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-17 19:38:45

At 8/17/17 11:00 AM, RightTime wrote: Oh for fuck's sake....

Trump defends 'beautiful' Confederate statues

Just can't get out of his own way can he? Just read this. It seems to explain the current moment pretty well I think.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-17 20:09:24

I feel like this is bad to say, but I'm actually starting to hope he does something it is indefinitely impeachable.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-17 20:36:37

Turns out Trump DOES know how to quickly and strongly condemn someone who drives a vehicle into a crowd of people...

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-17 20:47:17

At 8/17/17 08:36 PM, Camarohusky wrote: Turns out Trump DOES know how to quickly and strongly condemn someone who drives a vehicle into a crowd of people...

Funny how that works out.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-18 01:27:27

At 8/15/17 07:35 PM, EdyKel wrote: He also has several senior advisors, and aids, in his administration, namely Steve Bannon,who are part of the Alt-right, and are also sympathetic to the white nationalist cause.

I've seen you say this before...but who other than Steve Bannon in the Trump administration has explicit ties to the alt-right?

BBS Signature

At 8/18/17 01:27 AM, S3C wrote:
At 8/15/17 07:35 PM, EdyKel wrote: He also has several senior advisors, and aids, in his administration, namely Steve Bannon,who are part of the Alt-right, and are also sympathetic to the white nationalist cause.
I've seen you say this before...but who other than Steve Bannon in the Trump administration has explicit ties to the alt-right?

Well, if Steve Bannon, who is considered the mouthpiece of the Alt -right (though he denies it, now), is a definition of what the Alt Right is, then the following people would be considered part of it to:

Stephen Miller. I created a topic about him in this forum. He's had an early career of railing against immigration and Muslims since his high school days, and got into politics after college, working as an aid to conservative members of congress, working on anti-immigrant policies. Struck up a friendship with Steve Bannon. Is currently an advisor to Trump, and writes some of his speeches, and is also considered the author of Trump's Muslim travel ban.

Sebastian Gorka. Born in Britain, after his parents migrated from Hungary. He wears his father's medal of the Order of Vitéz, a group who were known for their support of the Nazis in Hungary, and is considered a hate group by the US. He is considered an antisemitic because of his connections to known Hungarian hate groups. He also has extreme views of Islam, believing that the religion is violent in nature and must be treated with hostility. He is currently Deputy Assistant in Donald Trump's administration.

Michael Anton. Worked for the Weekly Standard for almost 2 decades, and was described by his former boss as another Carl Schmitt - a German journalist who supported the rise of Nazi Germany. He is an opponent of diversity, writing against Islam and Immigration, and has embraced an anti-Semitic past. He is currently a Senior National Security Official in the White House.

There could be a few more people, especially in minor positions, but these are the biggest names currently in the white house that are part of the Alt-right.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-18 14:48:49

At 8/18/17 01:27 AM, S3C wrote:
At 8/15/17 07:35 PM, EdyKel wrote: He also has several senior advisors, and aids, in his administration, namely Steve Bannon,who are part of the Alt-right, and are also sympathetic to the white nationalist cause.
I've seen you say this before...but who other than Steve Bannon in the Trump administration has explicit ties to the alt-right?

Likely Trump himself, that is his audience now after all. Speaking of Bannon, he stepped down.

At 8/18/17 02:48 PM, FunkyBeat wrote:
At 8/18/17 01:27 AM, S3C wrote:
At 8/15/17 07:35 PM, EdyKel wrote: He also has several senior advisors, and aids, in his administration, namely Steve Bannon,who are part of the Alt-right, and are also sympathetic to the white nationalist cause.
I've seen you say this before...but who other than Steve Bannon in the Trump administration has explicit ties to the alt-right?
Likely Trump himself, that is his audience now after all. Speaking of Bannon, he stepped down.

Looks like the McMaster/Kelly faction finally took control of the White House, which was probably due to the backlash over Charlotesville. There will probably be a lot more order, less leaks, from now on in the White House; and possibly a more moderating influence on Trump - though, I expect Trump to still continue to say stupid things and have outburst periodically on twitter that will bite him in the ass.

At 12/20/16 03:17 AM, ZJ wrote: I like that the guy who will be overseeing our army is currently the owner of an NHL franchise (The Florida Panthers). That's a neat bit of trivia. I wonder if he'll use the jargon from that sport while talking to our armed forces. Maybe tell a general who's misbehaving that he's going to the penalty box?

another related bit of trivia: our secretary of education's family owns the Orlando Magic of the NBA

EDIT: I responded to your comment on the first page as I thought it was the most recent, but w/e

BBS Signature

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-19 21:05:46

At 8/17/17 11:00 AM, RightTime wrote: Oh for fuck's sake....

Trump defends 'beautiful' Confederate statues

Whats wrong with them?

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-19 21:06:36

At 8/17/17 08:36 PM, Camarohusky wrote: Turns out Trump DOES know how to quickly and strongly condemn someone who drives a vehicle into a crowd of people...

You see the guy in VA wasn't a terrorism contrary to what the alt-left likes to scream. He was a person who snapped and went crazy when a Lefty threw a brick at his car.

Response to The "Official" Trump thread. 2017-08-19 21:08:39

At 8/15/17 03:47 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like the Trump admin is at it again, demanding the personnel information of those critical of the administration. This time they are going after a private web hosting company, seeking information on protestors at the Trump inauguration.

In separate News, the Trump admin decided to cut funding to fight the radicalization of people by Neo Nazi groups.

There isn't a big problem with "Radical white supremacists" in this country. I'm more concerned with groups like Blacklivesmatter.