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Black teen shot for asking for help

6,507 Views | 118 Replies

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 21:18:54

At 11/14/13 09:08 PM, Natick wrote:

@HeavenDuff: This is what I mean. This knee-jerk reaction to parodying white supremacy as if it doesn't exist. This is racism. I will not stop calling it what it is.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 21:22:46

At 11/14/13 09:13 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 11/14/13 09:11 PM, thatkidkenji wrote: Never said I hated white people. In public, unless they're literally standing next to a person of color friend/lover, I assume they are racist and conduct myself to make sure I don't send off any alarms because I am aware that they have the socio-political power to punish me for not making them feel comfortable in every possible setting.
This is some of the most stupid shit I've ever read. And it's deeply racist, yes.

"Stupid shit" as in "I'm white and it makes me uncomfortable" or as in "there is no historical or present justification for it?"
If the former: Okay, fine.
If the latter: Go and click the link in the OP and then go and read any number of books, blogs, news articles on examples of how white people have exercised their privilege. You say you have a minor in this shit yet you are oblivious to it. What is your problem?

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 21:28:23

At 11/14/13 09:18 PM, thatkidkenji wrote:
At 11/14/13 09:08 PM, Natick wrote:
@HeavenDuff: This is what I mean. This knee-jerk reaction to parodying white supremacy as if it doesn't exist. This is racism. I will not stop calling it what it is.

They aren't parodying white supremacy, they are parodying you...

At 11/14/13 09:22 PM, thatkidkenji wrote: "Stupid shit" as in "I'm white and it makes me uncomfortable" or as in "there is no historical or present justification for it?"

No. I've already explained myself on this. If you didn't get it right the first time, I do not expect you to understand any better now.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 21:32:25

At 11/14/13 09:18 PM, thatkidkenji wrote: @HeavenDuff: This is what I mean. This knee-jerk reaction to parodying white supremacy as if it doesn't exist. This is racism. I will not stop calling it what it is.

lmao, what in the hell

that wasn't racist in the slightest and you have no case. you want me to make fun of white supremacists and how dumb they are, i'll do that any given day of the week.

of course i was making fun of your statements, you're right about that. however people don't parody things because they don't exist, they parody to mock the absurdity of a situation, concept or statements. if you can't even grasp that kind of basic understanding of arguments then i don't know how you plan to convince anyone on this forum that you're correct.

more importantly, for all your ranting and raving against whites, why on earth would you come to a site that one would assume is a predominantly white community (it isn't but w/e) and was founded and is run by a white guy, his white brother, and several other white people? i normally don't ask these kinds of questions because we actually had a white supremacist here a few months ago making the same argument but i don't see what the point is of going to a place where there are a lot of whites and telling them that they're opressing others just for being white. it would be like a white guy going to a blues bar in chicago and saying that all n*****s must hang or something.

When ever you feel powerless, just remember this.

A single one of your pubes can shut down an entire restaurant. - Conal / MOTW: O Lucky Man!

BBS Signature

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 21:33:37

At 11/14/13 09:28 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
They aren't parodying white supremacy, they are parodying you...

No, they are parodying white supremacy. To parody me, they'd have to do so with my personality. My persona is not the butt of the joke, the system I am talking about is. That user and others like them do not take white supremacy seriously because they have internalized racism, simple and plain. Note: This does not mean they themselves hate anyone because of their race. I shouldn't have to spell that kind of shit out, but when you're the tallest midget... *sigh*

No. I've already explained myself on this. If you didn't get it right the first time, I do not expect you to understand any better now.

All you have stated is that "all white people aren't like that." Is that all you have? It does me no favors. There is enough evidence, both historical and present-day to justify the way I feel. My casual, personal racism does not affect any white person. Any. It is done for my own fucking safety. That you are equating it to actual acts of violent or institutional racism is proof of your appalling ignorance and self interest in this topic.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 21:35:39

At 11/14/13 09:33 PM, thatkidkenji wrote: All you have stated is that

I have stated that I would not fall for your stupid ad hominem trap. We are discussing ideas, not people. If you want to use that white shaming bullshit on me, go ahead, I'll just ignore you.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 21:43:42

At 11/14/13 09:32 PM, Natick wrote:
of course i was making fun of your statements, you're right about that. however people don't parody things because they don't exist, they parody to mock the absurdity of a situation, concept or statements.

If you think white kyriarchy is an absurd concept then you are proving my point.

going to a place where there are a lot of whites and telling them that they're opressing others just for being white. it would be like a white guy going to a blues bar in chicago and saying that all n*****s must hang or something.

You think telling white people that they are perpetrators of a system that devalues people of color is the same as saying black people should die? Explain the parallel. I don't see it.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 22:04:27

At 11/14/13 09:43 PM, thatkidkenji wrote: If you think white kyriarchy is an absurd concept then you are proving my point.

i have never said that i don't believe in such a thing. it is possible to find something that exists to be completely absurd, not solely because it exists but for it reasons to.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, how do you miss that

You think telling white people that they are perpetrators of a system that devalues people of color is the same as saying black people should die? Explain the parallel. I don't see it.

it was an exaggerated point to show how out of touch it is with both communities. please stop trying to sound smart.

When ever you feel powerless, just remember this.

A single one of your pubes can shut down an entire restaurant. - Conal / MOTW: O Lucky Man!

BBS Signature

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 22:14:03

At 11/14/13 10:04 PM, Natick wrote:
it was an exaggerated point to show how out of touch it is with both communities. please stop trying to sound smart.

So you're saying that talk of white kyriarchy doesn't belong in pre-dominately white communities?
Great. That's perfect. Rich people don't need to know about the affects of capitalism, men don't need to know about the affects of institutional sexism, and white people don't need to know the affects of white oppression. I am sure everything will change for the better if we just don't talk about problems to people who are the source of those problems.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 22:40:03

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggg child, what is this shit, i was just waiting for dota 2 to update, got bored, came here, and vocalized that i think you should leave because even if you had some sort of social crusade going on with the right intentions, you word your posts so poorly and with such belligerence and with this fucked-up hunger to be offended by whatever we say that even if you were correct about even half of what you talk (you're not), you still can't quit making assumptions, trying to find hypocrisy when it's not there and dumping all of the problems of oppression onto us when had you at least tried not be such a subborn cunt to harmless and intelligent guys like heavenduff and sense-offender, we probably would have entertained your ideas and even try to find common ground. i don't know. that seems like a much more healthier discussion than just this reverse-racism bile but now i'm getting carried away.

seriously though, please fuck off. i don't want to get in the mood for this shit.

When ever you feel powerless, just remember this.

A single one of your pubes can shut down an entire restaurant. - Conal / MOTW: O Lucky Man!

BBS Signature

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 23:02:40

At 11/14/13 10:40 PM, Natick wrote:
even if you were correct about even half of what you talk (you're not),

I am 100% correct on everything I have said. If you the ability to correct me, then do so. Don't flaunt superiority and then run away from the obligation to demonstrate it.

And I refuse to talk about something as serious as this in a "nice" manner. "Please, consider our feelings before your own even though you are the one most affected by the topic." No. You shut the fuck up. You leave the thread.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 23:05:12

At 11/14/13 10:40 PM, Natick wrote:
reverse-racism bile but now i'm getting carried away.

And for anyone else who thinks reverse-racism is real - Think about the term.
Reverse racism. The implication that racism against whites is not normal.
Thank you for proving my point, you fucking idiot.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 23:06:05

At 11/14/13 11:02 PM, thatkidkenji wrote: I am 100% correct on everything I have said. If you the ability to correct me, then do so. Don't flaunt superiority and then run away from the obligation to demonstrate it.

i forgot to say this to you first

just because people disagree with you doesn't mean you've proven anything

When ever you feel powerless, just remember this.

A single one of your pubes can shut down an entire restaurant. - Conal / MOTW: O Lucky Man!

BBS Signature

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 23:08:18

At 11/14/13 11:06 PM, Natick wrote:

just because people disagree with you doesn't mean you've proven anything

Who is disagreeing with me?
No one.
What is there to disagree with?
I am being attacked not because I'm wrong but because I am saying it.
Such is the condition of anyone who talks about oppression to the oppressors. You're wrong for being right.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-14 23:25:29

At 11/14/13 11:08 PM, thatkidkenji wrote: Such is the condition of anyone who talks about oppression to the oppressors. You're wrong for being right.

Your stupid analysis here relies not only on the premise that we as whites would possess effective powers to apply coercion to black individuals, but also that we would passively do it no matter how much we oppose racial oppression with our acts and ideas.

But that's not true. That's a premise you cannot demonstrate because it is simply false.

The problem is that when we explain this to you, you fall back on white privileges to try and shame us. But oppression and differentiated privileges aren't synonymous. You can talk about white privileges and I would agree that they exist, but everytime you talk about this is it's in your stupid "hur dur all whites are racist and whenever I see a white individual in public I assume that he's racist" fashion. Not only are you being explicitely racist towards white people when you say shit like that, but you fail to prove anything because you get confused in your unilateral hateful jihad against whites. If there was anything of value in your discourse it is drowned under a sea of bullshit.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 01:11:37

At 11/14/13 11:25 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
But oppression and differentiated privileges aren't synonymous.

They are the exact same because oppression cannot function without the existence of privileged individuals.
It is perfectly possible to help spread anti-oppression while being an inherent oppressor. Rich environmentalists do it all the time.
Since this is the fulcrum of your disagreement, one that you will not forfeit, there is no reason for us to discuss anything further.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 01:22:38

At 11/15/13 01:11 AM, thatkidkenji wrote: They are the exact same because oppression cannot function without the existence of privileged individuals.

Son. Would you agree that a man needs to have a dick to rape a woman, or that to kill someone with a gun you need to have the gun prior to killing someone with it?

That doesn't and never will mean that having a dick makes you a rapist. It also doesn't mean that someone who owns a gun is a murderer. Get it? That's why you're wrong. Because you try to create links between things that aren't linked and that never will be.

Since this is the fulcrum of your disagreement, one that you will not forfeit, there is no reason for us to discuss anything further.

I won't forfeit it because you are wrong. You take intellectual shortcuts all the time and it makes your whole argumentation sound silly and racist, which it is. Because that kind of backward assumption is what leads people like you to assume that by default, a white individual that you do not even know is racist. Which is RACIST!

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 01:27:49

Obviously there are two sides to this story..... and the sad thing is, it looks like we are not going to hear the side of the story from the man who killed the woman.

And we are hearing the dead woman's side of the story in the news (from her family... so keep that in mind when she is being portrayed)

Everyone is left with one side of the story and assumptions.... and in this thread so far.... only a handful of people have realized this.

everyone else, bickering back and forth have nothing to base their claims on.

Unless you were there, you don't know what happened.

От каждого по способностям, каждому по потребностям

BBS Signature

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 01:54:26

my last post in this thread:

seriously though, i kind of meant that jab at contributing to the half-oppression as an actual question. if someone is mixed, like being half-white and half-columbian in my case, where does that put me in the grand scheme of things, thatkidkenji? what if you're half-white and half-black? do interracial couples prove anything worth looking into at all?

When ever you feel powerless, just remember this.

A single one of your pubes can shut down an entire restaurant. - Conal / MOTW: O Lucky Man!

BBS Signature

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 04:48:13

At 11/15/13 01:22 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
Get it?

Your analogy fails because while a person can choose to use their weapon, a person with privilege cannot decide whether to use it or not as it's an inextricable part of their place in society.

At 11/15/13 01:54 AM, Natick wrote:
like being half-white and half-columbian in my case, where does that put me in the grand scheme of things, thatkidkenji?

Post someone who has your skin tone and I'll tell you. Most Half-White and Half-Black people don't have any privilege of full-black people because they still don't look white.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 09:20:32


sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 09:35:04

At 11/7/13 07:41 PM, 24901miles wrote:

I want to rid the world of this scourge of non-African blood
Wow, dude, that's pretty racist. Why would you as something so racist? Have you ever considered that maybe you're using a forum full of mixed-race individuals?

Considering the inane stupidity of that post, I believe he was being sarcastic.

Change is inevitable, all you can do is make sure it happens in your favor.

Cheap Voice acting/Narrator voiceovers!

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 12:41:24

Can we get back to topic instead of acting like a bunch of faggots?

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 16:10:38

At 11/15/13 04:48 AM, thatkidkenji wrote: Your analogy fails because while a person can choose to use their weapon, a person with privilege cannot decide whether to use it or not as it's an inextricable part of their place in society.

And that's why it's called a privilege! It's not oppression coming from the individual itself, it's merely about inequality between individuals. Such inequalities are countless and exist in hundred of various forms. You could be some kind of oppressor to me for all we know. But that's not what "being and oppressor" means.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 18:24:45

At 11/7/13 05:56 PM, supergandhi64 wrote: f*cked up . . . as much as i love america some americans have real issues. get rid of white people lol


This guy is an impostor

Gandhi supported white dominance

I have caught you in your act, faker

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 19:21:15

At 11/15/13 04:10 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
And that's why it's called a privilege! It's not oppression coming from the individual itself, it's merely about inequality between individuals. Such inequalities are countless and exist in hundred of various forms. You could be some kind of oppressor to me for all we know. But that's not what "being and oppressor" means.

Exerting privilege over someone is the basic definition of oppressor.
You aren't going to budge so I don't see why you're still addressing me.
Your analogy failed and you haven't had any ground to stand on since you entered this thread.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 20:20:58

if it is a gigantic horrible typo mah bad

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 22:30:59

At 11/15/13 08:20 PM, captainlolz wrote: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/ideology/black-separatist/active_hate_groups black racists exist

No shit.
It's obvious that non-white can express personal racism.
Only white people have access to structural racism.

A textcee without boundaries.

Response to Black teen shot for asking for help 2013-11-15 23:21:17


2nd Degree murder.
I don't know/care how long he's locked up but I hope he dies while inside.

A textcee without boundaries.