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Far Cry 3 Thread

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Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 19:01:03

I have Google searched for a Newgrounds thread on this and found only one with one reply.

Seriously guys? I am getting the game tonight probably, I heard the world is very big and has a lot of shit to explore.
I am hoping I can find all you cool dudes playing to discuss things with as I play through this seeming gem.

Anybody have stories to tell of it, anything?

I've heard the AI is kind of bad, and it appears to be after watching my brother play it on PC... I am going to have to get it on console as my PC is not one with the gaming.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 19:16:53

My friend got it on PC and reckons it's one of the best single player games he's played.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 19:24:53

looks pretty good to me, especially because of that bow.

Not enough games have bows.

or harpoon guns or nail guns, whatever leaves people impaled. We need some more of that, like Timsplitters and Quake 3.

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Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 19:25:09

Is it as open world as the trailer makes it look?

Just a chick with a dick.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 19:48:08

At 12/12/12 07:25 PM, DickChick wrote: Is it as open world as the trailer makes it look?

With that tagline, "like Skyrim with guns", it better be.

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Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 19:58:32

At 12/12/12 07:25 PM, DickChick wrote: Is it as open world as the trailer makes it look?

Yes, it is open world. And there is a LOT to explore by the looks of things. I've read and seen some stuff on Reddit that makes it looks a LOT like Skyrim. Caves to explore, lots of hidden shit, etc.

I am planning on running out with my little brother tonight to grab a PS3 copy.

ALSO, there is a Multiplayer that I would assume is PVP, as well as a Co-Op Multiplayer, which as far as I am concerned is something brand new with Far Cry. I don't recall that being a feature in FC 2.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 20:11:34

I'm a good ways in, it's definitely one of the better games I've played. It's like if Far Cry 2 were a good game.

also there's a chick who's topless a lot so that's cool

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 20:17:29

At 12/12/12 08:11 PM, Jester wrote: I'm a good ways in, it's definitely one of the better games I've played. It's like if Far Cry 2 were a good game.

I absolutely despised Far Cry 2, it was good at times but man, having Malaria was fucking brutal....

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 20:53:43

At 12/12/12 08:17 PM, Luke wrote:
At 12/12/12 08:11 PM, Jester wrote: I'm a good ways in, it's definitely one of the better games I've played. It's like if Far Cry 2 were a good game.
I absolutely despised Far Cry 2, it was good at times but man, having Malaria was fucking brutal....

Not as brutal as spending like 20 minutes just getting to every fucking mission.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 21:54:09

At 12/12/12 08:53 PM, Jester wrote: Not as brutal as spending like 20 minutes just getting to every fucking mission.

I didn't mind that as much as the malaria, but to each their own.

The game has just installed on my PS Triple, I'm off to the jungle!

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-12 23:55:11

I've been playing it and enjoying it a lot... I haven't had this much fun with a FPS in a long time, and honestly, I don't think "Skyrim with guns" does the game justice... as Far Cry 3 outshines all the skyrim like aspects in pretty much every way.

... And I liked Skyrim. But Far Cry 3... wow.

Sure, the AI is a little stupid, but once you get past that, the game is an absolute blast to play, and the voice acting (so far, I'm not all that far in the story yet) is fantastic, and the characters feel much more real than those of Skyrim.

I feel kind of like a tool comparing FC3 to Skyrim... but honestly, guns vs. swords and magic aside... they are very much the same overall style of game.

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Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-13 01:01:20

I just beat the game tonight. One hell of a ride. Far Cry 3 might be my favorite game this year, and one of my all time favorites as well. God damn it improved so much on Far Cry 2. My only major complaint is that multiplayer and co-op are not exactly at their best, with connection issues aplenty, but the single player MORE than make up for it.

Outta curiosity, how many of you are or were afraid of entering water in this game? Sure, swimming under the ocean is beautiful and all, but then a bull shark sneaks up on you and starts nomming on your face. Think diving off that waterfall is a good idea? Think again when you end up in a death roll with a crocodile once you hit the water.
That's what I love about this game though. It does a great job of giving off a creepy vibe when you're out in the jungle and ocean, thanks to the wildlife. So damn exciting.

Also, has anyone made any good maps on 360 that they'd like to share? I'm still trying to get the hang of it myself.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-13 12:17:11

I think i saw an ad about it someplace looks pretty tight, will have to check this one out sonn, or when i get a chance.


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Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-13 18:18:27

best game 2012 IMO

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

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Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-13 23:54:34

Well I played for most of today, the game is huge as expected and I feel that although I spent so much time playing, little has been accomplished.
I love this game.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-14 18:45:08

Just beat the game, sheeeiiiiit. I wish there was a bit more to the ending, but it was a good enough way to end a fantastic game. One of the best games of all time, I think.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-14 19:10:09

Played a couple of hours today. Can't see myself going back to it. Hasn't fixed any of the problems I had with 2. Still consists of half an hour of nothing happening for every 5 minutes of fun.

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Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-14 21:50:32

At 12/13/12 01:01 AM, Klobb17 wrote: Outta curiosity, how many of you are or were afraid of entering water in this game? Sure, swimming under the ocean is beautiful and all, but then a bull shark sneaks up on you and starts nomming on your face.

Man, I went fucking hang gliding this morning before school, trying to get to a radio tower to open up some more of the map. Well, dumbass me figured, "Eh, I'll have enough wind and glide to the island that is a billion miles away (exaggeration). Well, of course I don't fucking make it. I am now finding myself in the ocean, nothing but open water. I look around under the water (stupid of me as I am scared of water animals, sharks, manta rays, etc)... Well I literally find myself surrounded by manta rays and I just swam right the fuck back up, and swam as fast as possible to shore.. It took quite a while, but I got back with ZERO shark attacks some how (the gods must have been watching over me), and I made it to my radio tower before I had to get to school.

It was the most horrifying thing of my day by far, and now I have to take a bit over a week off of Far Cry as I'm now out od town, which is totally okay. I look forward to hopping back into it though!

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-14 21:58:33

I guess it was depends on the ratio of fighting vs exploring to determine on weather or not I would like this game. Plus im not really that big of a fan of First person games so that kinda kills it for me.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-14 23:14:53

At 12/14/12 09:50 PM, Luke wrote:
Man, I went fucking hang gliding this morning before school, trying to get to a radio tower to open up some more of the map. Well, dumbass me figured, "Eh, I'll have enough wind and glide to the island that is a billion miles away (exaggeration).

First time I got a glider I immediately stranded myself on an island surrounded by sharks by mistake.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-15 00:00:27

Stupid hard drives taking 8 hours to decode in multiplayer... *mumblegrumble*
I better get some decent shit from those.

By the way, if you guys haven't, you should use this site so you can manage your multiplayer stuff outside of Far Cry 3. All you need to log in is your U-Play account, at least that worked for me. You can change your loadouts, check on decoding status, set clan tag, all that fun stuff. Plus, using it gives you access to a second decoder, which is extremely useful.

Also unlocked the tattoo editor today. Not too bad, but the lack of patterns and colors is kind of a bummer. Maybe I can unlock more later on...

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-15 00:18:51

How is the multiplayer? I want to try it but am set on beating the story first.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-15 00:48:59

At 12/15/12 12:18 AM, Luke wrote: How is the multiplayer? I want to try it but am set on beating the story first.

It's not bad, but it has flaws. A bit difficult to get into at first thanks to connection issues (could just be entirely me and my piss-poor internet connection though). Not being able to party up with friends in a pre-game lobby like Halo or Call of Duty is also a downside, but a manageable one. The most noticeable drawback though is the low player count, at least on Xbox 360 for me. Most players are found in Team Deathmatch, but when there's a Double XP event going on (I've gone through 2 now), you can expect a ton more players in that naturally, no matter the game mode.

That outta the way, the multiplayer does deliver on being unique. Being able to make 25 personal loadouts is great (although I usually just stick to 5), and finding stuff to decode at the end of a good match is a bit exciting, which in turn can give you weapons and experience boosts. I also have to say I LOVE the "Final Move" at the end of a match, where the top 3 players on the winning team decide the fate of the top player on the losing team. For example, one loser player was given a fanning treatment by the winners at first, when they decided to flip their actions and start beating him down with the fans. Another loser player was allowed to share a beer with the winners thanks to a certain gentleman with explosive monkeys from pre-order DLC. It's so fun to watch these mini-cutscenes at the end of a match.

I'm not saying Far Cry 3 has the best multiplayer, but it certainly is entertaining to say the least.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-15 01:37:21

I haven't heard a lot about it, but I'm considering getting it after reading this thread.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-15 12:14:02

I've never played a Far Cry game, but the ten minute trailer I saw makes me wanna start. I'll probably get around to it someday soon.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-16 13:08:07

Actually tempted to buy this but seeing as a lot of big games recently seem to have fallen in price quite quickly, I'm wondering if this will do the same. Right now it's still selling for full retail price everywhere I looked but it would be just my luck if I buy it tomorrow and realise that by next week it's almost half the price.

I'm interested to know if the game is still holding up for you guys. A lot of the time when a new game like this comes out everyone gets so hyped but then after a few sittings they find it to be duller and starting to get a bit repetitive. Is this the case with Far Cry 3? I really want to give it a shot because I've not played a modern FPS for some time, but I'm only prepared to spend the money on it if it's actually going to keep me occupied. I just need a change from RPGs and Zelda.

So, to you guys who've had the game for a while now, is it still keeping you as amused as it originally did?

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Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-16 14:02:16

At 12/16/12 01:08 PM, Dean wrote: So, to you guys who've had the game for a while now, is it still keeping you as amused as it originally did?

Still keeps me entertained, it's one of the most fun shooters I've ever played, because there are so many different ways to go about playing it. I've opted for the stealthy "Kill everyone before they know I'm there" approach.

At the moment, it's one of my most played games, maybe just behind Planetside 2.

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Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-16 14:21:16

Huh, it turns out you can get the first two on gog.com for just ten bucks. I guess I'll be playing these games sooner than I thought.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-16 14:22:03

At 12/16/12 01:08 PM, Dean wrote: So, to you guys who've had the game for a while now, is it still keeping you as amused as it originally did?

Honestly, not as much, but it still holds it's charm. Multiplayer and co-op keep me coming back, but I'm starting to get tired of playing on the same maps over and over and over and over again. Hell, finding user-created maps is a bitch to do, since you cannot just look for the match itself like in Far Cry 2, instead having to rely on two playlists that basically say "shitty maps" and "slightly less shitty maps". I'm not a fan of these playlists, and would much prefer to just browse through available games to join, and even get a preview of the map at that, that way I don't get put into a map the size of Caspian Border from Battlefield 3 just to kill a guy (although it was an impressive map, it was far too large for a Far Cry 3 map).
As for the single player, it kept me entertained and has plenty of stuff to find, but once I beat the story, got every single ability, and captured every enemy outpost, it honestly just got kinda boring after that. There's only a few side quests to do for me, and the game isn't as much of a challenge once you have every single tattoo. Plus, with every outpost captured, there are few, if ANY, enemies to kill anymore. I wish the enemies would try to retake their outposts every now and then, making me decide whether I should defend it, or just let them capture it back at the expense of a fast travel point. Kinda like how in Assassin's Creed: Revelations the Templar would attempt to take back areas under your control from time to time.
I won't lie, you could probably just wait until the price drops to get the game. I don't regret paying full price for this beauty though, but that might just be the blind fanboy in me talking.

Response to Far Cry 3 Thread 2012-12-16 16:18:14

Anyone up for some online co op? Xbl gamer tag is The Funktapus. Only need a few more co op achievements then I have finished it

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

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