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Rage quitters?

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Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 14:01:39

Why is being a rage quitter so bad? I fucking rage quit all the time. I play video games for the express reason of having fun. If I am perpetually getting my ass handed to me in a game, it usually ceases to be fun and there is no longer a reason for me to keep playing. It seems more childish to continue playing something when you are temporarily miserable.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 14:07:51

In my travels to the video games stores, wondercons and comic cons, I come across these fellow Rage quitters. Happens all the time. You might say they need to relax more, I say they need to realize it's a video game and a stress reducer, not a stress harmer. Anyways, as I was saying, when I was playing Left for Dead two and being the lobby leader, I kicked rage quitters off my team if they didn't shut up and do what they were told.

Because in the zombie world, you either shot or get ripped to bits.


BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 14:14:37

I think the hatred of Rage Quitters derives from a point where "Rage Quitter" = "Guy who ran around shooting all over the environment, throwing grenades all over the place, and screaming in the mic or spamming text chat"

I've had that in L4D2 where a rage quitter would just waste every grenade-type weapon (molotovs, pipe bombs, etc.) Often throwing it at the players.


Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 14:41:47

well , i punch everything in the room but i never rage quit

honestly i dont know wich is best

oh sorry if this is the wrong thread , i dont usually use ng's forum

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 14:46:00

At 3/25/12 02:24 PM, Travis wrote: You aren't playing just for fun if you rage quit when you get your ass handed to you.

I actually am because I'm making an effort to leave when it stops being fun with the property of the game being fun being my sole reason for continuing to play it. Are like the only person who enjoys being destroyed in a video game? Like do you derive some sadomasochistic pleasure from that? Well, hats off to you, sir.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 15:17:42

Rage quitters are losers who are too afraid, ashamed, and cowardly to accept getting their ass handed to them, so instead they just quit.

I'm the holder of the self proclaimed 'Biggest Douchebag on the Forums' award.

PSN/360 name : BerZerKer 123, and my Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 16:38:59

It depends, I always try and finish a game I'm in the middle of before finding a new opponent or server, but if I'm really getting frustrated there are ways to bow out gracefully. Wait until the game is mostly over and it's clear that you're beyond the point of no return, then acknowledge that you got beat before leaving. Never start a game get a little behind and just bail. You don't want to have a shitty time, but when you up and leave you make everyone else have a crap game.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 17:18:39

I can accept a fair loss, but if the enemy team start using cheap tactics and/or I get constantly screwed over by random bullshit, then I'll just quit and either play a different game or I'll turn the console off and do something else for a while. Rage quitters don't bother me in the slightest, I approve of leaving games early because there's absolutely no point in staying and becoming even more angry.

PSN ID + Xbox Live GT : ShadowWestNG | Steam : ShadowWest | Sig made by: ParadoxVoid <3

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 23:28:34

It's because ragequitter haters have made so few accomplishments that every victory counts to them. Getting deprived of even a single victory is like insulting their mother.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 23:30:03

At 3/25/12 05:18 PM, ShadowWest wrote: I can accept a fair loss, but if the enemy team start using cheap tactics and/or I get constantly screwed over by random bullshit

only this

Get lyrically fit!!!!

Props to Embr for putting my sig into shape!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-25 23:34:18

Rage quitters just want to whine and then leave before those they whine at can reply and hurt their feelings.

When this post hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious friendship.

Youtube, Twitch: Mostly games

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 02:18:57

If it's a tossup between shattering a 55 dollar controller and rage quitting i'll take my pathetic momentary lapse of dignity.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 02:22:58

People pointing out rage quitters are worse than rage quitters.

Check out the Flash RPG I made in 2024. It takes about 25 minutes to complete.

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 03:47:39

I rarely get my ass kicked in a game, and when I do I rarely leave because i'm only more determined to bash their skulls in. I leave games when my own team is absolutely unbearable to witness. I can't stand stupidity, and I seem to get the random team members that are incapable of doing anything remotely correct.

There seems to be an inaccurate belief that rage quitters and noobs are one and the same, but from experience I find that to be quite the opposite. The low skilled, laggy, nitwits of the gaming community usually do not quit the damn match and leave others to suffer.

Conclusion: I rage at my own team, not at something i'm doing, and rarely due to what the opposing team is doing.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 07:49:21

I can safely say everyone does it but I only give up when things aren't looking fun for the game and would have a better time elsewhere. For TF2, there's a wide variety of game modes to play so it's easy to feel better by playing something else from it, even if it's just a fun mod.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 08:24:32

i only rage quit when there hackers and cheats in the game im in

or when assholes spawn trapping me

"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

was her name tenneassi


BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 10:25:29

To me, there used to be nothing more satisfying than making another player rage quit. I was quite skilled at this in the GTA: IV online free mode and received quite a lot of hate mail because I was better than most players. I didn't have anything against them for rage quitting. In fact, it was perfectly understandable because in other games if I'm getting my ass handed to me like that for a long period of time, I'll quit and look for a new game.

But like you said, we play games to have fun and if you're not having fun, why bother?

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 14:34:22

Some online games don't count unfinished matches (such as instances where a player disconnects) to whatever statistics that are being kept track of.
In the case of a rage-quitter, they're just lying to themselves in a way. If they keep this mentality up, they'll eventually come to a point where it's something like a zero-loss record that seems intimidating, but turns out to be a lie.

Other than that, it's rather cowardly, in my opinion. A recent experience includes having pretty much beaten a guy in the random battle finder on the Pokemon global link (3v3 single). He had a "good record" as opposed to me, but when I was about finished with sweeping his team with an Empoleon, he opted out.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 18:15:49

At 3/26/12 08:02 AM, Cootie wrote:
At 3/26/12 02:26 AM, Travis wrote:
At 3/26/12 02:18 AM, Gobblemeister wrote: If it's a tossup between shattering a 55 dollar controller and rage quitting i'll take my pathetic momentary lapse of dignity.
I cracked my Xbox 360 controller one time during Halo.
If you get that mad over a video game maybe you shouldn't play it anymore. It sounds unhealthy.

Ummmm....when you're one of the elite Street Fighter players on PSN you don't get to just 'not play anymore'

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 19:13:59

At 3/25/12 02:01 PM, toxisfuckingdumb wrote: Why is being a rage quitter so bad? I fucking rage quit all the time. I play video games for the express reason of having fun. If I am perpetually getting my ass handed to me in a game, it usually ceases to be fun and there is no longer a reason for me to keep playing. It seems more childish to continue playing something when you are temporarily miserable.

Dude, For example, In crysis 2, When im losing, I just take out my sniper and get a headshot before i lose, And plus I can still keep XP For my crysis 2 multiplayer profile. I dont ragequit because every once in a while feels fine, because I think it feels good for the other team to win after us winning over 9 matches in a row, like they want revenge and im handing it to them for free. I just don't ragequit, It's not in the sport of the game.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 21:07:13

There's a difference between if a game is truly frustrating you with it's mechanics and it's generally not very well designed, than if you're simply not giving the time of day due to not wanting to master or deal with the potentially different skill sets the game requires.

The former usually applies to people who have played a multiplayer game for well over a week, managed a 1+ K/D and are still generally not having fun.

The latter applies to people whom log into a different kind of multiplayer game, play it off and on for about a day and then quit in frustration.

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 21:37:58

When you're the host in some of the older COD games and you rage quit it ends the entire game. Which is ENTIRELY satisfying when you are pissed.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 21:42:25

Also I should probably clarify that I don't get angry if I have an off game. I get angry if I have a LOT of off games in a row. There are a lot of games where I suck but I just enjoy playing them and I try not to let my lack of skill get in the way of enjoying it. Like, just off the top of my head, I've always been kind of shitty at Counter Strike but I find it really fun to play.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 22:55:39

At 3/25/12 02:01 PM, toxisfuckingdumb wrote: It seems more childish to continue playing something when you are temporarily miserable.

If you describe losing at a game as "miserable," I would consider that to be childish.

Hey guys, you should totally check out my YouTube channel.

Also, dat Steam

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 23:19:20

At 3/26/12 10:55 PM, Kunera wrote:
At 3/25/12 02:01 PM, toxisfuckingdumb wrote: It seems more childish to continue playing something when you are temporarily miserable.
If you describe losing at a game as "miserable," I would consider that to be childish.

So it's a pleasant experience for you?

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 23:36:37

Every time I play online, there is always a group of rage quitters out there that pretty much quit as soon as they start losing in the rankings or whatever, and in all honesty, that's exactly what I would want the opponent to do. {now if they were on my team, that's a different story.} I wouldn't imagine that he/she would take a massive ass kicking over and over again, so naturally they would rage quit as soon as they go south in an attempt to save face, which more often than not, they don't.

About the only time that rage quitting would be justified is if the opponent is constantly using cheap tactics and gang attacks on a certain player, in which there would be no reason to play, because they wouldn't be able to get into the action for very long, which would be a tremendous waste of time if they spent more time respawning or waiting in the lobby. Either you fight fair or don't fight at all, but of course not too many people will do just that because unlike rage quitting, there is no real punishment for "pwning" someone over and over again.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 23:49:33

At 3/26/12 11:19 PM, toxisfuckingdumb wrote: So it's a pleasant experience for you?

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that, in general, people don't like ragequitters because they tend to be immature. Or, at least, that's my reason. Personally, ragequitters usually remind me of that "I'm taking my ball and going home" kind of kid. Video game or not, I consider "if I can't have my way, I don't want to play" a rather childish attitude.

Hey guys, you should totally check out my YouTube channel.

Also, dat Steam

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-26 23:50:23

They also have a MMORPG counter-part: ragekickers


I love getting medals. Total medal points: 31,470

I Never log off.

BBS Signature

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-27 00:13:46

At 3/25/12 02:01 PM, toxisfuckingdumb wrote: Why is being a rage quitter so bad? I fucking rage quit all the time. I play video games for the express reason of having fun. If I am perpetually getting my ass handed to me in a game, it usually ceases to be fun and there is no longer a reason for me to keep playing. It seems more childish to continue playing something when you are temporarily miserable.

I've got mixed feelings. Right now, I'm primarily playing Soul Calibur V. When my opponent rage quits on me, it's at the very least an indication that whatever I'm doing is working pretty well. On the other hand, when I'm trying to rank up in Ranked Matchmaking, it's a pain in the ass since I don't gain any progress towards my next rank if my opponent quits.

Before that I played a ton of Halo 3, and I still felt about 50/50. Once more there's the bit on my opponents quitting, but it's seriously frustrating when you yourself are left fighting 1v4 games on a consistent basis.

Response to Rage quitters? 2012-03-27 00:39:10

Rage quit? well, have you played League of Legends? Believe me, you either want to rage-quit all the time or you'll get people who rage quit on your team.