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Portal 2: Offensive to orphans?

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Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 14:06:29

When all else fails, blame the casuals!

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 14:30:00

I like how they cut of the part where GlaDOS asks what's wrong with being an orphan. Seriously, it's shit like this that pisses me off.

New tune: Yag

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 15:42:43

At 5/18/11 02:30 PM, Syztm wrote: I like how they cut of the part where GlaDOS asks what's wrong with being an orphan. Seriously, it's shit like this that pisses me off.

During that part, GLaDOS whispers "I'm only kidding, being adopted is wrong." She's just saying what you said outloud to make Wheatley look stupid.

Still though, why can't people stop being so damn sensitive?

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 17:41:08

Fuck... beat me to it.

[PSN/Steam- Airbourne238]

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Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 17:42:31

Welcome to America, where we cry about fucking everything.

Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 18:07:02

In Black Ops, they say mean things about Vietnamese people, and I'm part Vietnamese.


Oh wait, nobody gives a fuck.

It tolls for thee.

Thanks to IncendiaryProduction for the sig!

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 18:10:18

Haha, you guys call this a news room? These people are completely bias to one side of the argument, and clearly don't know what they're talking about.

We contacted Sony, who told us to contact VALVe

Well of course you fucking twit. Sony distributes. They had nothing to do with the creation of the game.

It seems like they're passing it off to another person. 'Yeah' 'Hmm' 'I agree'.

Refer to above.

I can't believe you people put up with this crap on a daily basis. And I though Today Tonight was bad.

We had some good times, Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 18:22:19


Your friendly neighbourhood devils advocate.

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 18:39:56

Lol america.

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 18:42:18

At 5/18/11 06:03 PM, RightWingGamer wrote: P.S. I love the fact that in the video, the kid CLEARLY wasn't offended by the joke. Only the father was. The ten-year-old girl is more mature than her father!

Her love of the game is the give away she is angry. Learn to read emotions.

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 20:09:54

What's that? Resident Evil 5 is racist?

Oh wait wrong thing.

See this is something that is stupid and will soon blow over.

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 20:30:40

Still not as good as an NPC being a suspect in a police investigation, but this deserves a bit of cake.

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 20:49:32

At 5/18/11 08:30 PM, Salnax wrote: ...but this deserves a bit of cake.

Must... resist... to make... stupid Portal 1 joke...

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 20:50:42

In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas during a cutscene they kill a white guy. I am white. Give me reparations for my newly found paranoia and self esteem issues.

Trying to comprehend what people like about scary monsters and nice sprites. I mean Skrillex is alright but I dont really think the song is that great. But what do I know?

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 21:47:23

People these days...
First it was the toys in the Mcdonald happy meals, now its freaking jokes in Portal 2.
I'm sorry your offended, dude. Just take the game back and forget the whole fucking thing.

I feel pretty, oh so pretty!

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-18 21:59:28

My view of the situation. Sums it up pretty nice to me. Of course it seems like the foster parent is getting more worked up than the kid. I bet she doesn't even care or didn't get the joke in the first place. I'm surprised this wasn't from Fox News, though.

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 02:05:12

It must have been a damn slow news day for that station.

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 10:45:11

Fatty fatty no parents!

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 10:50:28

At 5/19/11 02:05 AM, sushi13 wrote: It must have been a damn slow news day for that station.

And this is why they don't do national news. Because they scrape the bottom of the bottom of the barrel for whatever they can get.

Like taking what's left over after you scrape all the vegemite/marmite off the bottom of the beer barrel, and marketing it as cracker spread.

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 10:55:39

They should also cry over Marcus Kincaid of borderland's cry of YOU'RE ADOPTED!

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 11:35:17

And thus I have even less respect for humanity.

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 12:01:12

Once again you people manage to twist the words of the news as much as the news managed to twist the words of the game.

I think it's someone at The Onion who said how they got mail going "I love the rape stuff, but the cancer jokes are really offensive. My dad died of cancer and it's not a fun thing." while others would say the exact opposite. I can understand the father's concern. It must have been an uncomfortable situation for him. But that's what happens when dealing with satire and black comedy.

People should be directing their rage towards the bias of the news, not towards the father. If you had an adopted kid, you'd probably be weirded out by that line as well.

Latest Blog Entry - thx

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 12:23:14

At 5/18/11 02:30 PM, Syztm wrote: I like how they cut of the part where GlaDOS asks what's wrong with being an orphan. Seriously, it's shit like this that pisses me off.

"For the record, you ARE adopted, and that's terrible."

Real artists draw their own user picture and signature. I am not a real artist.

Free sexay prons!

Sig credit to Ninjar.

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 15:09:02

At 5/19/11 02:48 PM, Cootie wrote:
At 5/19/11 12:01 PM, idiot-monarch wrote:
People should be directing their rage towards the bias of the news, not towards the father. If you had an adopted kid, you'd probably be weirded out by that line as well.
I wouldn't be enraged enough to contact the news all of the time. I mean, every day you see a show, commercial or game that makes fun of fat people and nobody every shits their pants about that. Nut up and shut up, kid.

The guy obviously doesn't have a sense of humour and takes things too seriously, but he's not a malicious 'FUCCCCKIIIIIING REEEEETAAAAAARD'. I'm just annoyed by internet tough guys saying that people like this (naive, too easily offended, but not by any means evil) are the bane of humanity.

Oh, and calling me 'kid' doesn't make you look cool.

Latest Blog Entry - thx

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Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 17:19:14



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Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-19 17:36:52

She probably gets the same shit from kids on the playground. nbd.

And that's perception.

BBS Signature

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-20 01:11:46

At 5/18/11 08:49 PM, kmau wrote:
At 5/18/11 08:30 PM, Salnax wrote: ...but this deserves a bit of cake.
Must... resist... to make... stupid Portal 1 joke...


There, I said it for you

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-20 17:31:39

Chell is a lesbo with a potato fetish

I support abortion. Babies dying is my middle name. The day I like black people is when 'll make a good flash.

Response to Portal 2: Offensive to orphans? 2011-05-20 17:37:19

Jesus is a orphan.