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24 Hour Challenge 2

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24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 11:39:21

Hello There Animators!

RedHarvest Here bringing you the Second Official 24 hour challenge! This Time my BFF RicePirate is going to be co-organizing with me!

The Official 24 hour time period will be THIS SUNDAY the 5th at 12am - 12am on MONDAY the 6th

so how does it work?....well im glad you asked.

Once the time period starts you will have those 24 hours and those 24 hours alone to create a short 10-20 second animation around a certain theme!

Again i will be selecting an original newgrounds song to animate to.

All the Specs / theme / parts / song choice will be announced at midnight!

Parts list:
- [ i will fill these accordingly as people join ]

extra notes:

though the last collab was good [ VIEW IT HERE ]
i wasnt completely satisfied with the quality. This Time around i will try to keep a tighter grip on the parts to ensure a continuity and flow!

if u want to sign up just post in here!

see you soon guys!

Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 12:15:42

At 9/1/10 11:43 AM, Jacco wrote: I'lll be honored if I could join this one.

My thoughts can't be expressed better then with the words of this wise man.

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 12:49:18

Learning from our mistakes is essential...

One major pitfall we somehow dodged the last round (kinda), was repetition of scenes. In fact, we wound up having almost a sequel linear storyline ...

That said, to ensure that we don't double-up on a scene idea, after RedHarvest posts the topic/specs/info, it'll be helpful to us all if we take a moment to think about what we're going to animate, and post a quick comment listing your idea.

That way something like this won't happen:


[FAKE] Topic: Platform Games!
Artist 1 does a scene of Mario. Artist 2 does a scene of Mario. And Artist 3 also does a scene of Mario. Now we have 3 Mario scenes ...
Were we to communicate ... this would not happen.

[FAKE] Topic: Platform Games!
--> Artist 1 posts comment, "Hey guys I've got a good idea for a Mario scene!"
--> Artist 2 posts comment, "Crap! I had an idea for Mario, too, oh well, I'll think of something else."
--> Artist 3 posts comment, "Dibs on Metroid vs Castlevania :)"
--> Artist 2 posts comment, "O.o! Castlevania, I've got a great idea for that! Can I do one with Richter if
Artist 3 is doing something with Castlevania?"
--> RicePirate posts comment, "Sure. So long as we don't have anymore references to Castlevania. You
know what they ... three's a crowd."


cool? good.

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 12:51:10

I say, good idea! I'm not skilled enough to enter this collab, so good luck to all!

[ICON/GENRE/WIKI MOD] PM me for icon requests or icon/genre related questions.


BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 13:41:09

ohoho yes! Lets do this!

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 14:07:48

Ill do the menu if you want :-)

You must either upload a picture, or enter some text for your signature.

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 14:47:29

Anyone who would like a voice actor can PM me. I'll audition for whatever and I'm very flexible and fun to work with :)

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 15:04:40

I'll send individual PM's a bit later on to let everyone know who is in and who isnt.

@omega- no voices in this one! thanks for the offer tho! its all music!

Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 15:30:52

I want to...my main concern is if i'll have enough time...can I be a "maybe" or something?

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 15:45:23

You must either upload a picture, or enter some text for your signature.

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 15:49:38

I've been in the mood for a time trial collab. Sign me up.

I certainly can't be the only one who misses the 5 hour collabs, right?

I usually frequent the VG and collaboration Forums. If you find me anywhere else, I'm lost and can't find my way back.

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 16:29:55

Also, I'd like a short part if possible (10 sec?), that is, if I do get in...
and, If maybe we could have the theme a bit earlier (8 am? thats probably too early, but i'd be nice to get a head start by the morning and then not need to work on it the next day (im not on summer break you see...))

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 17:01:48

It's been a good while since I've developed anything in Flash, so I'd like to take the opportunity to join this collaboration. In terms of 'animation', I'd like to go for a more comic-book style of presentation if that's alright (though it'll be a bit more than static panels - think something more along the lines of Andrew Hussie's Homestuck).

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 17:08:50

I would love to give it a try. If you do not like it, reject it.

Do you need $10 000 in cash for a 30 second animation? Click here

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 17:13:51

i would also like to mention that this will be more of a "Serious" project and less Cartoony on the whole - - i want to try to make it a throw back to some of the awesome older collaborations on newgrounds rather than the cheesy jokey ones around now.

(again i will send pm's out later on concerning the list of people who are in this!)

Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 17:30:50

In the last one, you should have put pegosho's in the first lot, because that was where all of the other good ones were. But then again, that would have left a huge gap at the end where all the "not as high" quality ones were.

Anyway, hopefully this collab will do really good.

Oh and is 12 am Newgrounds Time?

Do you need $10 000 in cash for a 30 second animation? Click here

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 17:42:54

Please be warned ...

For those who are on the fence about this collab, whether it be their own ability, the status of their computer, or their availability ...

... this project is intense. Anyone who really invested in the last one knows ... this is not a willy-nilly joke. When you sign on, you're committing to breaking your balls (or ... girl balls?) to make it happen. Some of us have wives and kids and jobs, some of us have school or work or parties... this is understood.

For 24 hours, we put that on hold (kinda :P).

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 18:21:06

sure im up for a second one!


Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 19:06:07

... this project is intense. Anyone who really invested in the last one knows ... this is not a willy-nilly joke.

haha, I remember the last one, 6 hours straight, (I joined a liitle late :P)

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 19:20:29

I'd really like to try this, if you'll let me.

If you need animation samples or anything, here's a preview of one of my current projects(still very much a Work-In-Progress): Link



BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 19:29:25

I'm up for a section :)

Can't promice it'll be long tho...

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 19:58:20

At 9/1/10 05:42 PM, RicePirate wrote: Please be warned ...

ok, now you're scaring me...
I guess I'm out, I can see the quality you guys are looking for here, and I wouldnt be able to provide such in a short period of time, maybe I'll join the next five hour collab, those seem less intense... or I'll just wait till I get a bit better, the next one shouldnt be that far away anyways...

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 20:57:58

I would like to join, mr. redharvest

24 Hour Challenge 2

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 21:25:59

At 9/1/10 05:42 PM, RicePirate wrote:
... this project is intense. Anyone who really invested in the last one knows ... this is not a willy-nilly joke. When you sign on, you're committing to breaking your balls (or ... girl balls?) to make it happen. Some of us have wives and kids and jobs, some of us have school or work or parties... this is understood.

No worries. I was gone for the first one, but I'm free this Sunday. My final Sunday of the summer. If you'd like to know how committed I am, consider how I worked on my part in the last 5 Hour Collab. It was an average Sunday morning, almost noon when the collab was started in my time zone. Ten minutes into my work, my mom and her boyfriend came in the same room as me and said they were going to watch Avatar. A movie I never seen before then. So while this longass movie was playing, I was trying hard to keep my eyes away from the TV screen. I didn't back down though. And as the credits rolled on that roughly 4 hour movie, I was touching up my part. Completed with 30 minutes to spare. And I think it turned out all right.

I have an entire day to create a 10-20 second animation based on a certain theme. That doesn't sound challenging. That sounds laid back.

I usually frequent the VG and collaboration Forums. If you find me anywhere else, I'm lost and can't find my way back.

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 21:39:54

Man! I wish it was tonight! Then I'd know for sure that I would have time! :P
Ah well, patience is a virtue

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 23:21:06

I might.

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-01 23:52:05

I'd like to join, if I'm considered worthy of doing such a magnificent thing, it would be a truly grand experience for me.

But, I would have to check my work schedule for next week to see if I'm available. So for now I'm a maybe, I'll write on the forum again to say if I'm able to do my part.

Click the link to checkout some of my animations! because you are cool like that!

BBS Signature

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-02 06:32:25

When it's Sunday NG Time, it'll be Monday here!
An NG day is over at 2PM here :(
I would so skip school for this, but my parents wouldn't let me.
Fuck. And I was looking forward to this too...

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-02 07:49:36

I'm down for doing this : )

Response to 24 Hour Challenge 2 2010-09-02 11:29:26

At 9/2/10 06:32 AM, liljoey50 wrote: GaAAAAAAaH!
When it's Sunday NG Time, it'll be Monday here!
An NG day is over at 2PM here :(
I would so skip school for this, but my parents wouldn't let me.
Fuck. And I was looking forward to this too...


Why does AussieLand have to be 14 hours ahead of New Yoiyk?

I usually frequent the VG and collaboration Forums. If you find me anywhere else, I'm lost and can't find my way back.