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The Brawl+ Community Of Ng!

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The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-09-30 19:52:34

I was told this should be posted in the Video Games forum soooo....

What is Brawl+? Now before I explain that little bit of information, here the small minor info before you start reading. Brawl+ is the game Super Smash Bros. Brawl which is for the wii. For this to work on your wii, you must make sure you do not have v4.2 already updated. Only v4.1 works with the hacks you are about to get. If it has been updated...then you'll have to wait till our wonderful hackers find a way to work around the block, since Nintendo supposeably stop this with the new update for the wii. Now continue reading below.

v4.2 ruined Homebrew, but our hackers found a way around it!-Warning, it may brick your wii if you attempt it. Read all of it please to fully understand.

Brawl+ is a project pioneered by the smash community with the intent to make Brawl a deeper, more balanced competitive fighter. The Brawl Plusery utilizes codes compiled within the Workshop Backroom to afford enhanced gameplay with features ranging from the removal of random tripping to the addition of more hitstun and new advanced techniques. Please view our changelist for a detailed view as to what has changed in the game.

How do I get Brawl+?

Its easy to install, and very addictive. Here are the links.

Note** You will need the Hombrew Channel and GeckoOS. The 2 links below will be listed. Also the 2nd link should provide GeckOS. If not, their should be a seperate download for it.

Homebrew Channel Installation Guide-Like I said v4.2 deletes it. If you have v4.1 go ahead. Wait till updates of a way around the v4.2
Brawl + Install guide and download for GeckoOS-Also if the intro of the B+ did not come with the latest version of GeckOS scroll till you find GeckoOS download

If you are satisfied with the intro of Brawl+ and want the latest build, here's Brawl+5.0!

Brawl+ 5.0 Official Build

Is using Brawl+ safe?

Brawl+ codes are run through modifications of data in Brawl's RAM. This means that it is impossible to damage your Wii playing Brawl+.

Can I play Brawl+ online?

Yes, you can play online with another individual as long as you use the same codeset.

Can I play Brawl+ and normal Brawl?

Yes, to load Brawl+ you must load the codes through use of the homebrew channel. If you load Brawl through the normal Brawl channel, no changes take effect.

Now then, after you have successfully DL Brawl+ and enjoyed it, now their are more codes for you :). Their are Texture Codes, Stage Codes, and Music Codes! Here are a couple of links of the codes you may have once you have completed the DL of Homebrew channel.

Texture and Stage hacks usage video.Please look to the right for the description of the vid and they have links for the textures and etc. Also ignore what you need that is required as it said in the description. If you DL all the current updates stuff that I said, your ok.

Here's a guide for making this all the textures, stages, and music codes (hacks) possible for you =D.

Texture, Stage, and Music hack guide.

This club is to openly discuss the changes to the game and the textures and stage code updates. Their are an endless possiblities for textures and stages, so their will always be something new. With this thread, I'm hoping to increase the popularity of B+ in NG and possibly hold small wifi tournaments, hell maybe even meet up in real life! Though sadly I cannot, since siblings updated my wii to v4.2, so no more hacks till the hackers get around it =[. Which they have, just that I dont want top risk it yet ^^

Anyways...discuss and try it out!

This is will always be updated by either me or Matt2358. Please make sure you see any of our posts for updates. Kthxbai =D =] =)

Dark Souls consumed my life.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-09-30 19:52:49









BRAWL+ and New Characters


What is Brawl+?

Brawl+ is a project pioneered by the smash community with the intent to make Brawl a deeper, more competitive game. With codes compiled by the hard working hackers that created them, the player has access to codes which can do anything from disabling tripping to bringing back combos. This does not mean, however, that we are trying to copy Melee, the game will still feel like Brawl, but your options will greatly expand.
Why shouldn't I just go play Melee instead?

Despite our efforts to bring features that were in Melee into Brawl, these are mechanics that were present throughout the Smash Bros series that were strangely left out for Brawl's release. We believe those mechanics are imperative to a unique game such as Smash Brothers, and after extensive testing with these changes in place, many of us find the game a lot more enjoyable. You won't have the metagame, the characters or the stages if you played Melee. Also, if you are anything like me, you camped out for your wii and checked the dojo every night. Why should all that effort go to waste?
ALSO! CHARACTER BALANCE! That's right! You heard it here first! Melee is notorious for being imbalanced, and regular Brawl is just as bad, if not worse in terms of character balance. This project will do everything it can to help the lower tiers be playable. Although the mechanics in Brawl+ already greatly balance the cast so that nearly 85% of the characters are already tourney viable, the brawl+ community will definitely take measures to make sure your favorite character can compete as well. So if you're worried these hacks will make your character garbage, fret not. Brawl+'s goal is to make this a fast paced, balanced, enjoyable experience.

I've come to the conclusion that I hate this project and everything it stands for. Although I refuse to test it myself the very thought of selfishly altering a game to make it more enjoyable sickens me as I'm sure it pollutes the intended experience (which is to have fun, but that's besides the point!). Is there anything I can do to stop you guys from playing it?


Are there any videos of it in action?
You can check out the BRAWL+.NET, or you can simply youtube Brawl+ and sort by date and you will get many videos that players uploaded already.

That's cool, but will Brawl+ ever be used in tournaments? What is it's potential to become tournament worthy?

There have been many Brawl+ tournaments already, and All of the major ones have been using the Plussery's version of Brawl+.
Brawl+ is NOT Melee 2.0. It isn't attempting to emulate Melee, and never will.
However, despite Brawl+ finally reaching the tourney scene (although quite meagerly), It's easy to understand why many people don't see the point in Brawl+. At the moment, Brawl+ isn't even finished, so it's hard to really say. We are hoping that the more people play it, the more people realize that it's a lot of fun. From what I've personally experienced, most people that have tried it enjoy it, so if anything, it can be played for fun (That's what games are for aren't they?).

When will the project be done?

Brawl+ is an ongoing development that is completely community driven. Much like a PC game which is continually patched to fix minor problems, Brawl+ will experience a similar production. Right now we are pretty far into Brawl+'s development and what would really help out the process is more dedicated playtesters that are proficient at the game (or any of the other Smash bros games).

Will the Plusery nerf/buff my character?

One of Brawl+'s main goals is to make sure that every character is tournament viable. This does not mean we will homogenize the cast's weaknesses and strengths. We will try our best to retain the character's weakness, but at the same time expand upon the tools they have. What this means is that the project will be sure to give every character the tools necessary to be a force to reckon.
What kind of character balances and gameplay changes are there in the Plusery set?

You can read what character balances are being tested in the Brawlplusery here.

Why does the plusery codeset feel weird and unresponsive? Why does online feel really bad?

Please refer to the question labeled "What is buffering?" in the gameplay changes section.

Why does the plussery set have handicap on by default?

The hackers have reworked the handicap setting to make it so that every increment of 10 (10, 20, 30) corresponds to a buffer number. A handicap of 10 is 1 frame, a handicap is 20 is 2 frames, a handicap of 100 is 10 frames. If you are making the transition from regular Brawl to Brawl+, it is recommended you start with an 100 handicap, if you are a melee player, a low handicap or even 0 handicap would be good for you.

What is the Backroom?

The backroom is a hidden forum that is given access to certain players in which they can discuss changes to the BrawlPlusery codeset.

Does the 'no tripping' code make bananas (and moves like zelda's dtilt) useless?

No. The no tripping code simply makes the random chance of tripping zero. Any other attacks/effects that may cause tripping are still in tact.

What is the "Buffering" code?

In Brawl, a new mechanic was introduced in hopes of making online play more smooth and to make button inputs easier. This mechanic is known as buffering. This is how it works: If you input a move that you are unable to perform at that time, the game wait up to 1/6th of a second (10 frames), checking to see if you can do it. Think about how Ike would Neutral-Aerial to his doom near the ledge. This was because he attempted to hit A in his shield, but because he was unable to do a shield grab at that time, he instead did a Nair and falls to his death. In the BrawlPlusery codeset, we have a code known as the "Buffer Modifier" which reduces the amount of frames the game will wait, making inputs much more precise. Most players prefer 2-3 frames of buffer, but if you are from melee, you will probably enjoy 0-1 frames. If you come from regular Brawl, you will probably be fine with 10 frames. It's all preference.

ABOUT THE PLUSERY SET ON WIFI: If you wish to use the Plusery codeset online, it is extremely important both players are using the same handicap value.

How do the codes affect gameplay? What should I expect from Brawl+?

Fighting games are about risk/reward. Regular Brawl's overly defensive metagame has reduced it to a campfest. Brawl+ is here to remove that and bring back the fast paced, adrenaline pumping action that the smash bros series has been known for. To promote a faster paced game and the risky maneuvers that make playing and even watching Smash Bros matches so exhilarating you can expect to be able to combo (and be comboed), actually make use of your tech roll and greatly rely on your ability to DI to avoid being decimated by your opponent. With simply the hitstun code in place, Brawl+ has put every character on an equal ground as every character now has the opportunity to do a sequence of attacks that allow them defeat their opponent. Gone are the games of tag that vanilla Brawl once was. In short, you should expect Brawl+ to be an extremely fun, new experience.

Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-09-30 19:54:46

Do I need to learn how to wavedash to play Brawl+?

First of all, Brawl+'s goal never included wavedashing. It never did, and it never will. There are those who play with wavedashing, but the majority of people who play brawl+ DO NOT USE IT. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try it. The beauty of Brawl+ is that despite the prospect of a tourney scene, you can play the game however way you wish. The BrawlPlusery does not support it, and probably never, ever will.

How do I setup homebrew?

You will need a soft or hardmodded wii. The process is quick and painless, and only requires an SD Card, an SD card reader, and a copy of Twilight Princess (temporarily). Due to recent developments, we are no longer allowed to detail how this is done. However, if you drop in on the IRC CHAT or post in this thread for help, someone will be more than glad to assist you. Be sure to let people know you need to know how to install homebrew.

How do I setup Brawl+?

You will need homebrew and geckOS installed. Just follow the steps here. Remember, reading comprehension is important. If you need further assistance, you can stop by the IRC CHAT.

Can I still play regular brawl?

Yes. Brawl+ is launched through your homebrew channel, so all you need to do to launch regular brawl is simply start the game as usual.

Help! I updated my Wii! What do I do?

Check online for the latest way to get homebrew if you have an updated Wii.
Do these codes work online?
Yes. The codes will work online as long as both players have EXACTLY THE SAME FILE. This means that you should probably either download the same EXACT file, or send your buddy that you wish to brawl with your file. Simply asking him to choose the same codes as you in the code manager is not enough. Although Brawl+ will work online for the most part, In previous versions of Brawl+, something called a "desynch" would occur, which were caused by long and complicated codes. In the newer, Brawplussery sets, due to some magic I am unfamiliar with, Brawl+'s chance of desynch has come down to almost nothing. This is subject to change because Brawl+ is not being made with online play in mind (but that doesn't mean it won't ever become a priority).

What can I do to optimize online play/Why does Brawl+ feel horrible online?

Make sure both players are using the same buffer value, and your chance of desynching should be almost zero.

Should I use GeckoOS or Ocarina/Why should I use GeckOS over Ocarina?
First off, unlike ocarina, geckoOS actually won't treat the clock like it's been reset every time you boot a game with it. More importantly, geckoOS allows you to actually access your sd card during gameplay. With ocarina, it was impossible to save or access replays on your sd card, although geckoOS fixes that. Also, when geckoOS 2.0 is released, it will become mandatory for brawl+, since we will be making use of .gpf files, a new type of temporary code file exclusive to geckoOS 2.0. Ocarina was discontinued some time ago, and so will not be receiving any future updates.

What kind of changes to the engine were made to Brawl+?
For a detailed list of the different changes to the engine of the game, including a list of character specific changes, head on over to our official website.

What (is)/(are the differences) between PAL and NTSC and how does it affect what codes I can use?

To put it short, PAL is the video format for European and Australian players and NTSC is the video format for North American players (Japan uses NTSC, but we call it NTSC-J because most of the time a Japanese game will not work on a region blocked console). How this affects you is that NTSC codes will not work on a PAL copy of Brawl, and PAL codes will not work on a NTSC copy of Brawl. PAL players will need their own set of codes.

BRAWL+ Vocab and Terms (and some general Brawl stuff)

vBrawl - "Vanilla" Brawl a.k.a. Regular Brawl
WBR - Workshop Backroom (Where the Brawl+ business is done)
CSS - Character Selection Screen
CSP - Character Selection Portraits
ALR - Aerial Lag Reduction
ALC - Auto L Cancel (Same thing as ALR)
DC - Dash Cancel. Allows the player to cancel a run into a crouch. Not to be confused with crouch cancelling.
BKB - Base Knockback
KBG - Knockback growth. Based on an opponent's percent.
DGrav (or Down Gravity) - The force of gravity on a character at all other times, including when they are hit upwards as a result of an attack, as that is not by their own control
UGrav (or Up Gravity) - The force of gravity on a character while they are propelling themselves upwards.
FGrav (or Full Gravity) - An effect of gravity that is applied equally to each dgrav and ugrav for a character
Hitstun - The time after being struck by an attack that you are unable to perform any other action
Shieldstun - The time after being struck by an attack while shielding you are unable to perform any other action
Hitlag - The amount of frames the game waits to add a dramatic effect to a landed attack (think zelda's kicks)
Momentum - Allows running speed to translate into aerial speed to allow for faster movement through the air.
Scar Jumping - Allows multiple wall jumps from the same wall
NTSC-U (or just NTSC) - for all intents and purposes, a US copy of Brawl+
PAL - for all intents and purposes, a UK or EU copy of Brawl+
Shine - Fox's reflector, falco's reflector, wolf's reflector, lucas' psi magnet
CC - Crouch cancelling. Automatic downwards DI (Melee-only)
DACUS, Boost Smashing - Dash attack cancelled up-smash (mortar sliding)
DI - Directional Influence
SDI - Smash Directional Influence
DD or Dash Dance - Running back and forth with your initial dash animation
FF - Fast falling
FH - Full Hop
SH - Short hop
DJ - Double Jump
AD - Air Dodging

Does Brawl+ work with texture mods? If so, how do I set up Brawl+ to work with them?

Yes. If you are using any version of the BrawlPlussery's codeset beyond version 4.0, it should come with a texture code. All you need to do is put the textures in the right folders. Skip to step 5 on Falco400's texture guide. If you aren't using the plussery's codeset, please read Falco400's texture guide from the beginning.



Smash World Forums Workshop
The original version of this FAQ on SWF

Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-09-30 21:25:05

EL you should have just linked to the full changelist lol.

Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-09-30 23:29:02

I'm pretty sure Brawl+ is a better game than Brawl. No, I'm 100% sure. However, if a game is so bad that you have to hack it, why not just play a different game? I decided I was done with Brawl a while ago, and now I've moved on to various other fighting games. I'm not saying you should go back to Melee, but it would be a lot more worth while to you guys if you played a game with an established community, like SFIV or BB.

Message me if you ever want to play SFIV or BlazBlue on XBOX Live!

I also enjoy Quake Live.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 01:17:10

At 9/30/09 11:29 PM, JingoJoe14 wrote: I'm pretty sure Brawl+ is a better game than Brawl. No, I'm 100% sure. However, if a game is so bad that you have to hack it, why not just play a different game? I decided I was done with Brawl a while ago, and now I've moved on to various other fighting games. I'm not saying you should go back to Melee, but it would be a lot more worth while to you guys if you played a game with an established community, like SFIV or BB.

I take it that you did not read all of it. Brawl+ was designed to create a more balanced, fun game. It was never in the first place created to resemble melee. If we wanted to bring back melee, we could just buy a copy of it and play it on the wii. Also, considering their are TEXTURES, STAGE and MUSIC codes that can increase the enjoyment of the game, why not? You'll have so much fun being able to pull off these amazing techniques in Brawl+ while you have your favorite textures, (my fav is Captain Obama), use a stage hack to alter the field, and listen to the music that I want to listen while gameplay. Also, SSBB is a established community. We are not here to press it on to you. We just want Brawl+ to spread.

About a week ago, I hosted a real life tournament that was on Brawl+ 5.0 build. 32 guys from my school came over to play it at my house. Hell, some of them brought their SD Cards for me to transfer the files to theirs. And they all effen liked it. They all tried brawl, and saw the changes. Its different from Melee. Melee required so much skill to be pro at it. Brawl+, anyone can simply play it. Sure it has entered the competitive scene, sooo what. The whole point of Brawl + is to basically have fun with it, like I said many times before. So dont knock it down till you have at least tried it people. Seriously. I was like all of you guys before. "Its like Melee! Brawl+ fails!" till I played it, I completely fell in love with it.

Anyways, just give it a try =\

Dark Souls consumed my life.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 10:39:55

He really was; he was talking bad about Brawl+ in the Smash bros. Crew and I tried to convince him otherwise and I guess it worked :|

Anyways, if you don't manage to read the whole thing that's fine, just scan through to see if something addresses your questions/concerns before you post.

And especially make sure that you are complaining about something that is actually in the game.

Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 11:59:14

I've played this already with a few fine fellows from a different site and honestly this is for some serious brawl not fun brawl like the way its meant to be. I don't like this serious brawl one bit


BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 12:34:44

At 10/1/09 12:20 PM, Crink wrote:
At 10/1/09 11:59 AM, Chiklay4 wrote: I've played this already with a few fine fellows from a different site and honestly this is for some serious brawl not fun brawl like the way its meant to be. I don't like this serious brawl one bit
I find it way more fun the the original. ._.

The words "TEXTURE HACKS" literally screams "FUN" at your face.

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 15:44:33

At 10/1/09 03:34 PM, xscoot wrote: So basically, you think that Nintendo didn't do their job right, so you simply decided to do all the work for them?

Wrong. Brawl is a different kind of game. If you play it competitively you are a horrible person, you just can't do it.

Mods should never be made, because all games are perfect. You can't dislike a single thing about any game, and you definitely can't harmlessly make a game better for yourself. Fuck your opinions and preferences, you have to love and keep a game the way it was released.

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 17:31:13

Man, I really need to wear a hardhat around these walls of text.

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 19:41:39

Who are you to say that we are playing the game wrong.

Also, someone didn't read the actual whole FAQ, because there is a section made for you specifically.
Here it is:
I've come to the conclusion that I hate this project and everything it stands for. Although I refuse to test it myself the very thought of selfishly altering a game to make it more enjoyable sickens me as I'm sure it pollutes the intended experience (which is to have fun, but that's besides the point!). Is there anything I can do to stop you guys from playing it?


Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 19:49:10

OH Im sure any of you people even tried B+.

Dark Souls consumed my life.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 21:17:57

At 10/1/09 08:29 PM, xscoot wrote:
At 10/1/09 07:41 PM, Matt2358 wrote: Who are you to say that we are playing the game wrong.

Also, someone didn't read the actual whole FAQ, because there is a section made for you specifically.
Here it is:
I've come to the conclusion that I hate this project and everything it stands for. Although I refuse to test it myself the very thought of selfishly altering a game to make it more enjoyable sickens me as I'm sure it pollutes the intended experience (which is to have fun, but that's besides the point!). Is there anything I can do to stop you guys from playing it?

It's just bad. Brawl is a different kind of game. I read your FAQ, and you talk about it being overly defensive. I never noticed this. Maybe it happens at one of those tourneys, which are always horrible crap. It seems that the game was made so that it would be perfectly playable on Final Destination with no items on.

That's the wrong way to play Smash Bros.

I really hope a mod locks this topic soon, God knows that this will just devolve into more flaming about the idea than the actual mod itself.

You really don't know what your talking about, Brawl has a fairly large competitive scene. And yes, its very overly defensive.
Also in brawl+ there are 7 neutrals so we don't go to FD all that much anyways. I don't even really like FD, Battlefield is much more fair (lol).

Anyways, right now I'm trying to keep this on the front page until someone shows up, I just want people to be aware of the game and having it on the front page of VG is a good way to let people know about it.

Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 21:41:54

At 10/1/09 04:07 PM, xscoot wrote:
Texture hacks and custom music is great, but when people try to change game mechanics for the purpose of making it more competitive, especially in a party game by Nintendo, then it just seems wrong.

When the fuck did Brawl become classified as a party game? This is your first failure of knowledge. Just because it can be played with many people and is fun for play at parties, doesn't make it a party game -_-;


I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 22:34:28

At 10/1/09 01:17 AM, EnjoiLove wrote: I take it that you did not read all of it. Brawl+ was designed to create a more balanced, fun game. It was never in the first place created to resemble melee.

Apparently you did not read all of MY post. I never said that Brawl+ was designed to resemble Melee. I simply stated the obvious:

Why go through so much trouble to change a game to make it "a more balanced, fun game" when the much easier solution is to buy a new game that is already more balanced and fun.

By modding an inferior game to make it fun and balanced, your essentially saying to the competitive world "Hey guys, I'm bad at games, and the only series I can ever attempt to be good at is Smash. This is my only option as a competitive-gaming outlet, and thus I have to stick with it until death." Any sane person would just play a different game. When I was done with Brawl's garbage, I chose to play SFIV with BB on the side and hopefully Tatsunoko vs Capcom thrown in the mix this January. You decided you couldn't handle any other game, so you forcibly changed it and made it something it was never meant to be. Casualfags always say Tourneyfags play Smash in ways they were never meant to be played, but with Brawl+, they're completely right.

No, I don't think Brawl+ is an attempt at Melee 2.0. I think its a few Smasher's pathetic attempt to make the only game they know competitive so that they don't have to adapt to any other series.

Message me if you ever want to play SFIV or BlazBlue on XBOX Live!

I also enjoy Quake Live.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 22:51:58

At 10/1/09 10:34 PM, JingoJoe14 wrote: Stuff n junk.

All that stuff n junk may be true, but you know, there are other reasons to get brawl+ other than competition. I got it for the sweet texture and character hacks. I thought of brawl+ as an expansion pack to my regular brawl. The ability to edit the character and stage skins was all I needed to convince me that brawl+ was pretty awesome.

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 22:52:15

At 10/1/09 09:41 PM, ikool wrote: When the fuck did Brawl become classified as a party game? This is your first failure of knowledge. Just because it can be played with many people and is fun for play at parties, doesn't make it a party game -_-;


It is made by Nintendo and is on the Wii.
The Wii, made with parties and having fun in mind.

I don't even have to think about how silly and ironic that last line is.

That was a great post. Right Zach?

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 22:55:43

At 10/1/09 10:52 PM, EtchASketchClock wrote:
At 10/1/09 09:41 PM, ikool wrote: When the fuck did Brawl become classified as a party game?
It is made by Nintendo and is on the Wii.
The Wii, made with parties and having fun in mind.

Twillight Princess is a party game, amirite?

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 22:59:31

At 10/1/09 10:52 PM, EtchASketchClock wrote: The Wii, made with parties and having fun in mind.

And the PS3 and Xbox360 were created with no intention of adding fun to their games?
Boring, AMIRITE?

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:09:56

At 10/1/09 10:51 PM, ikool wrote:
At 10/1/09 10:34 PM, JingoJoe14 wrote: Stuff n junk.
All that stuff n junk may be true, but you know, there are other reasons to get brawl+ other than competition. I got it for the sweet texture and character hacks. I thought of brawl+ as an expansion pack to my regular brawl. The ability to edit the character and stage skins was all I needed to convince me that brawl+ was pretty awesome.

I've played Vanilla Brawl with new textures and music added on top in tournaments before. If you just wanted an expansion pack, you could have just gotten the aesthetic stuff. But you wanted more. You wanted to change the core gameplay just because you found the original gameplay lacking for competitive play.

The textures aren't what made Brawl+ awesome to you. You enjoy its gameplay. If you asked me what I thought was the better game, Brawl or Brawl+, I'd say Brawl+ in a heartbeat even though I've never actually played the "game." It'd be the safe bet. That being said, the idea of hacking your console, downloading homebrew, and installing Brawl+ (let alone CREATING Brawl+ in the first place) is insane dedication for an agreeable horrible -competitive- game. Fighter's have been coming out like crazy recently; its truly been the rebirth of the fighting genre. If you truly enjoyed competitive fighting games, you'd just play one of the many new ones that have come out.

But you (and other people who enjoy Brawl+ for its competitve gameplay) DON'T enjoy fighting games. You enjoy Smash. Given the choice between taking the stairs or the elevator, you showed unreasonable dedication and climbed a mountain instead. This is not behavior that should be rewarded. If you want Brawl+ to have a strong or even semi-strong competitive scene, take a long, hard look at yourself. Better games exist, and strong communities are already available. Quit Smash and wait for the fourth installment; if it actually comes out, it may be more suited for competitive play. Until then, there are tons of other games you can play instead.

Message me if you ever want to play SFIV or BlazBlue on XBOX Live!

I also enjoy Quake Live.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:15:50

At 10/1/09 10:34 PM, JingoJoe14 wrote:
At 10/1/09 01:17 AM, EnjoiLove wrote: I take it that you did not read all of it. Brawl+ was designed to create a more balanced, fun game. It was never in the first place created to resemble melee.
Apparently you did not read all of MY post. I never said that Brawl+ was designed to resemble Melee. I simply stated the obvious:

Why go through so much trouble to change a game to make it "a more balanced, fun game" when the much easier solution is to buy a new game that is already more balanced and fun.

By modding an inferior game to make it fun and balanced, your essentially saying to the competitive world "Hey guys, I'm bad at games, and the only series I can ever attempt to be good at is Smash. This is my only option as a competitive-gaming outlet, and thus I have to stick with it until death." Any sane person would just play a different game. When I was done with Brawl's garbage, I chose to play SFIV with BB on the side and hopefully Tatsunoko vs Capcom thrown in the mix this January. You decided you couldn't handle any other game, so you forcibly changed it and made it something it was never meant to be. Casualfags always say Tourneyfags play Smash in ways they were never meant to be played, but with Brawl+, they're completely right.

No, I don't think Brawl+ is an attempt at Melee 2.0. I think its a few Smasher's pathetic attempt to make the only game they know competitive so that they don't have to adapt to any other series.

Except the smash series are pretty unique games. I love smash, and I love Nintendo. Why would I play another fighting game when all fighting games are so different than smash bros? And why would I pass up an opportunity to play a game using the fighting formula I love, only with actual character balance (much better than any other fighting game I've seen period), extra depth, and things from previous games with the same formula that I also enjoyed.

I get a chance to play a game tailored to whatI want in a game, and you think I shouldn't play it simply because It isn't produced to a company? Tell that to all the HL mods and DotA, as well as many freeware games. Personally, I still like regular brawl, I just don't feel that it is as sound for competitive play as Brawl+.

Smash is it's own genre really, as it is vastly different than other fighting games. Why would I "move on" to a completely different game when I enjoy smash so much? What is wrong with improving something you love?

Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:16:25

At 10/1/09 11:09 PM, JingoJoe14 wrote: more stuff n junk

WTF?! There are other hacks for brawl other than brawl+? I thought brawl+ was the only way to get texture and character hacks?

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:22:16

At 10/1/09 11:15 PM, Matt2358 wrote: Smash is it's own genre really, as it is vastly different than other fighting games. Why would I "move on" to a completely different game when I enjoy smash so much? What is wrong with improving something you love?

Hmmm... Matt's got a point. There's never anything wrong with improving on something you love.

My example would be: Upgrading Flash 8 Pro to CS4. As much as you love the original, you wouldn't mind the upgrade. :3

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:23:49

Also, I buy new games all the time, it's possible to play multiple games at the same time you know.

Brawl was stairs and Brawl+ is those stairs in the form of an escalator that brings it to new heights of fun.

I don't really WANT to jump off walfway up and get on the SF stairs.

Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:24:51

At 10/1/09 11:16 PM, ikool wrote:
At 10/1/09 11:09 PM, JingoJoe14 wrote: more stuff n junk
WTF?! There are other hacks for brawl other than brawl+? I thought brawl+ was the only way to get texture and character hacks?

You can just take out all the Brawl+ codes and leave the texture codes and stuff if you really wanted to.

Member of the SSBC since page 169, New Brawl Friend Code: 1805-9106-2544

Feel any particular emotion towards me? POST OMA.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:26:39

At 10/1/09 11:16 PM, ikool wrote:
At 10/1/09 11:09 PM, JingoJoe14 wrote: more stuff n junk
WTF?! There are other hacks for brawl other than brawl+? I thought brawl+ was the only way to get texture and character hacks?

Brawl+ is just a premade collection of smaller hacks. Normally, you would use a program (which I don't remember the name of), load a .txt file that contains hacks, and select the ones you want to apply/edit. Then export the .gct to your sd card.

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:27:53

At 10/1/09 11:24 PM, Matt2358 wrote:
At 10/1/09 11:16 PM, ikool wrote:
You can just take out all the Brawl+ codes and leave the texture codes and stuff if you really wanted to.

lol, thats way too much work. There must be pages of code for that sheez.

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:29:51

At 10/1/09 11:16 PM, ikool wrote: WTF?! There are other hacks for brawl other than brawl+? I thought brawl+ was the only way to get texture and character hacks?

Not even close

At 10/1/09 11:15 PM, Matt2358 wrote: Except the smash series are pretty unique games. I love smash, and I love Nintendo. Why would I play another fighting game when all fighting games are so different than smash bros? And why would I pass up an opportunity to play a game using the fighting formula I love, only with actual character balance (much better than any other fighting game I've seen period), extra depth, and things from previous games with the same formula that I also enjoyed.

I get a chance to play a game tailored to whatI want in a game, and you think I shouldn't play it simply because It isn't produced to a company? Tell that to all the HL mods and DotA, as well as many freeware games. Personally, I still like regular brawl, I just don't feel that it is as sound for competitive play as Brawl+.

Smash is it's own genre really, as it is vastly different than other fighting games. Why would I "move on" to a completely different game when I enjoy smash so much? What is wrong with improving something you love?

See, this is exactly what I was talking about. Brawl sucks, and you realize it (you used different words, but you agree its not good for competitive play). Instead of expanding your horizons, you're sticking with Brawl because that's the only game you know how to play. You refuse to step out of your comfort zone even though the game you're playing is trash.

And what balance are you talking about? SFIV is one of the most balanced fighters to date, and Virtua Fighter 5 is even more balanced. The Smash series has always had crappy balance, especially Brawl. Oh wait, I get it now. Brawl has the best balance of any fighter you've seen, and you said yourself that you see no reason to play other fighters when you like Smash's "formula" more. Now things make sense.

And its not about changing the game (although I'd like to add that Modding and Hacking are completely different). Its about showing an unreasonable amount of dedication to a game because you refuse to learn anything else. The game series you chose sucks, but you refuse to abandon it for something better. Its ridiculous and something only Smasher's would try.

Message me if you ever want to play SFIV or BlazBlue on XBOX Live!

I also enjoy Quake Live.

Response to The Brawl+ Community Of Ng! 2009-10-01 23:39:43

At 10/1/09 11:29 PM, JingoJoe14 wrote:
At 10/1/09 11:16 PM, ikool wrote: Personally, I still like regular brawl, I just don't feel that it is as sound for competitive play as Brawl+.
Brawl sucks, and you realize it (you used different words, but you agree its not good for competitive play).

'Not as sound' =/= 'Not good'

I could say "A isn't as good as B, but A is still pretty good."

BBS Signature