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How did your teacher piss you off?

3,125 Views | 50 Replies

Like this thread, except the other way around.
What is something that one of your teachers has done that annoyed you or made you angry?
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My fifth grade teacher told us that the phrase "Bats are helpful" was not an opinion, but a fact. Many of us told her she was wrong, but she comes back with "No, seriously. They do all of this and this etc" telling us how bats are helpful. We tried, oh how we tried, to tell her that she was wrong. Stubborn cunt, seriously >:(.

Also in fifth grade, above-mentioned teacher got pregnant, so we had a substitute for a few months. This new chick was not much better.
Ok we're doing English work, and we are correcting sentences up on the board. The sentence was something like:
"You get too pay haff the amount for items at the discount area."
Which we quickly corrected as:
"You get to pay half the amount for items at the discount area."

This correction was wrong. We all sat there for probably 5 - 10 minutes trying to find the mistake.

In the end, none of the students had the English expertise to know that "at the discount area" was actually supposed to be "on the discount table"

Can you believe that!? I still don't know what the hell was going through that woman's head.

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:25:47

losing math papers, always saying "radical" and other things like that

Your soul tastes like chocolate pudding.

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:33:44

My math teacher would pretty much do anything to piss me off.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:36:35

She was one of those 'SUPPORT OUR FOOTBALL TEAM' teachers. She always gave good marks to the football players that barely did shit and treated non-athletes like idiots.

What a shame, Mister Jensen.

I never asked for this, Mister Denton.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:37:45

A teacher once said i was lazy, and i agreed with him and went back to sleep.

My opinions are so useless, I don't even listen to them.

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:38:10

Elementary school teachers grades 2nd through 5th forced us to write in cursive all the time.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:38:15

i remembered locking up my teachers moving desk thing and he went to push it. and it fell over ^_^

i was the one messing with the teachers hahaha

-only as good as the weakest link-

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:38:31

I usually ended up pissing off the teacher more than they pissed me off. I also really can't remember any specific incident where I was significantly angered. It has been 8 years since I graduated high school.

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:39:31

Fuck school.

Steal, borrow, refer, save your shady inference II Kangaroo done hung the juror with the innocent

The Stoner's Club

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 18:40:30

She had me sit out of class after I pants'd her. Btw she wears a G-string.

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 19:59:26

At 7/27/09 06:55 PM, yurgenburgen wrote: stuff

Sounds like you didn't have much fun in school.

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 20:09:18

At 7/27/09 08:02 PM, yurgenburgen wrote:
At 7/27/09 07:59 PM, MonkeyV wrote: Sounds like you didn't have much fun in school.
What made it worse was constantly being told by my elders that my school days are the best days of my life.

Probably people who failed at life the second they left high school...

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 20:11:32

My teachers never pissed me off. I mean, sure some of them gave me a ridiculous amount of homework, but thats no reason to be pissed off at them. Most of the teachers, teach in their own way, some teachers like to give a lot of hw and some don't.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 20:12:19

i had to correct my math teacher a lot in my junior year of HS

DevourerJay~Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 21:02:14

I remember one time in 9th, half of my English class was out helping Ag unloading fruit so we could get bonus points in that class. Nobody had the time, and pretty much we returned at the end of class. She snapped at us, decided to give everyone else that was actually in the class bonus points on the next freaking hard test, and sent all of us to the office. Lucky me I was a smart student.

I also remember in 3rd, I had to go to the dentist for some reason and I missed the first 5 hours of school because it was some kind of surgery. Anyways, the next day, the teacher gave me an F because I didn't take a test I didn't even know I had. Thank god she left to be a cop and someone else 10x nicer took her place.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 21:22:14

At 7/27/09 06:25 PM, wittyusernamehere wrote: losing math papers, always saying "radical" and other things like that

Yeah man, my stupid math teacher would always say stupid shit like "exponents" and "quadratic equations". Fuck that retard amirite?

It's 5 again, the air is thin.

No sunlight through my window.

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 21:41:25

My sophomore year history teacher often called on me at random, and usually it was when she knew I was tuning out and not paying attention. She loved to call on random people a lot, which aggravated the fuck out of me.

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 21:45:59

Answering only the questions of the total morons and spending half an hour on something everyone else gets

Not answering my question, but spending half an hour on what he THOUGHT was my question

Won't shut up.

Doesn't realize he's wrong until working the problem fifty times over and spending the entire class talking to himself

I fear for future generations

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 21:49:08

This one bitch principal was always angry at us for some reason. She also thought I was horrible, psh, if I was in her school now I'd be a real pain in the ass. Fucking bitch didn't get respect because she didn't respect others.


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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 21:52:33

In general anything.

I hated her.

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 22:07:49

My English teacher, circa 2005, was a crabby old BITCH. It was unbelievable! She'd get pissed over every little thing that was out of place, and yell at everyone and anyone who got under a 75% on an assignment. It turns out she was on a fuck load of drugs and was arrested.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 22:14:36

Back in 6th grade if I tried to tell the teacher that some kid was starting with me, like throwing paper or something, she'd either say "I didn't see it so I don't believe you" or she'd write me up for snitching but it would say it was for insubordination.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-27 22:15:46

rape her

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 15:51:19

Having a nervous breakdown in the middle of a lesson.


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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 15:53:54

She didn't give me a blowjob the whore.

When this post hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious friendship.

Youtube, Twitch: Mostly games

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 16:03:35

That slut's head was thick, took more than one swing of my bat to crush her skull.

That will teach her to tutor me.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 16:06:49

My computer teacher in 7th grade watched porn when he should've been teaching us. Although hilarity ensued when he gave out the admin password to all the students.

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 16:21:53

At 7/28/09 04:06 PM, SaltshakerClock wrote: My computer teacher in 7th grade watched porn when he should've been teaching us. Although hilarity ensued when he gave out the admin password to all the students.

Heh, my study skills teacher has like five monitors facing him at his desk, he doesn't do shit during class, and he fucked up his Mac somehow. He claimed to have gotten a Trojan, on the Macintosh!

And my friend claims to have seen a playboy sitting under the pile of papers on my health teacher's desk, he was awesome though. Whenever we went on the computers for an assignment he'd say something like "ok don't go on porn sites, but if you do... make sure to give me the url, for future reference." jokingly... I think.

BBS Signature

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:07:47

I remember when my teacher said "Oh yeah, we're having a test tomorrow on these 40 pages."

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:13:57

one of my gym teachers was a perv and kept staring at my gf

The Crowbar Is A Deadly Tool In the Right Hands

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