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How did your teacher piss you off?

3,126 Views | 50 Replies

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:22:06

One of my old Freshman English Teachers thought he was such a smartass!But I showed him!

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:40:50

At 7/27/09 09:41 PM, GoryBlizzard wrote: My sophomore year history teacher often called on me at random, and usually it was when she knew I was tuning out and not paying attention. She loved to call on random people a lot, which aggravated the fuck out of me.

My teachers do that sometimes too, it's just a way to keep the kids on task and not talk.

As for me, back in Year 6 (the last year before I go to middle school) I was diagnosed with Hearing Impairment, so I had to (and still do) wear hearing aids or I can never hear people. Anyway the assistant principal once said to me when I was naughty and had to sit outside her office while I did the work, said that she didn't think I was deaf, but I choose not to listen or I do it for attention.

I wanted to fucking smash her so hard for that, because...

A) I always do my best to listen to people and I get incredibly frustrated at myself when I can't hear a person and it can usually piss off the other person too.

B) What attention is there to get? Back in Year 6 some kids would notice it in my ear and have a little interest in it when I took it out to change the battery or something, but now nobody gives a shit and sometimes there's the odd person who makes fun of me about it. And girls don't find them sexy at all, they don't find them gross but it's harder to hit on girls when you can't hear them.

If Heavy Metal is so evil, why would God create it? BECAUSE I FUCKING TOLD HIM TO, BITCH!!

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:47:20

my regular spelling/social studies teacher would pause movies all the time to explain things, wich pissed the fuck out of me, and he was a total hippie, with an ass load of comics

our regular substitute was a total pedo towards me, hed get real close and spread his legs and hold my hands when he talked to me

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:50:27

one of my fourth grade teachers gave away candy for being good exept when we where good he said we where faking it and if we ever filled our charts he said filing the chart is enough of a reward and we got no candy

need programmers for game. pm me if your interested.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:51:42

In science class in 8th grade (which was last year for me) we were talking evolution and the big bang theory. My science teacher said before she began teaching "I don't know how many of y'all believe in this, but I know I didn't come from no monkey."

I raged. So bad. I said (almost loud enough for her to hear me, which I didn't mean to say it this loud) "It doesn't appear you evolved from a monkey. Judging by your grammar I'm pretty sure you still ARE a monkey."

I don't know if I'd ever been so pissed off.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:57:34

My reload teacher thought that logic problems fit in the catergory of biology. In short, everyone ended up failing the class but one person.

Whoop Whoop

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 18:59:05

By living

Charlie Uniform Romeo Tango Hotel

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 19:06:37

6th grade was hell.


"Oh, you have a note? Okay, you don't have to run."
"Still sick? Okay, sit out."
"You have health problems and won't be getting better? OH, your mom THINKS you have problems. Get a note from a DOCTOR and I'll listen, but for now you have to run."
"Another note from your mom? Don't listen to her, she's crazy. Go run even though by the end you'll be flat on the ground struggling to breathe."


School rules were a big problem for me. Mainly, late to class twice in a quarter is detention, then three is parent contact, then it gets worse from there until you have a six day school week. That P.E. thing should hint that I couldn't make it across the whole school in three minutes to get to science with kid traffic, short legs, and health problems. What makes this worse is that teachers count you as late if you're out of your seat at the bell. The most common situation for me was being five seconds away from my chair at the bell (Or even touching it) and STILL being counted as late. Literally five seconds. No, wait, literally ONE second. (This goes for every class, but it relates to the main science complaint.)

I was sitting in my chair on time (for once) when I set my hand in something from the previous science class. I knew it was probably just water, but this was a science classroom that smelled of formaldehyde and had much older students burning their skin with various chemicals. Either from the liquid or just thinking about it, my hand started to tingle a little, so I got up to wash it off right as the bell rang. I was marked as late, so I explained and got a "You're crazy" look in return. It was just water, but hey, look who's forcing the "Better safe than sorry" thing on all of us. What really bugs me about this is that just recently I found a poster in Google Image Search that said to do EXACTLY what I did in that EXACT situation, as if the poster was based on what I did.


I was absent for various reasons. A lot. Sometimes just because I was too stressed about school to take any more (I often broke down from working on the insane amounts of papers until two in the morning). Journalism was one of my worst classes anyway, and it pretty much got rid of all my interest in writing and using computers for more than checking on websites (Got over that last part soon enough though). Because I was absent so much, I often missed large assignments worth a majority of my final grade, and didn't find out about the missed projects until my teacher asked to have them. I also love/d DDR and hated P.E., so when I had to write an editorial, guess what it was about? I even drew a subtle, yet hilarious comic related to it for good measure. I handed them in, never got them back, and I was pretty much the only one in Journalism who didn't have something in the paper. I thought it would be great if at LEAST the comic got in, but instead, you see two page comic strips with poor art and terrible cliches, comics so small you can't even see them, comics that make no sense whatsoever... It was almost as if the rest of the class conspired to drive me insane. The teacher ended up giving me a low grade in the class for the missed assignments she never told me about and probably, to some extent, for not having something in the paper. (Accepted articles included a Paris Hilton CD review and "What is cosplay?")

Luckily, I was homeschooled before the end of 6th. I was going to mention my Language Arts/History teacher, but she was awesome... she just assigned too much work.

Fourth grade was okay, but my teacher sometimes displayed the dumb blonde stereotype... though it was only her first year as a teacher, so that might've been it. One assignment was to write a three or four page story, with one of the requirements being "Try to use a variety of words to begin your sentences. Use each word only once.". I wrote and possibly illustrated a fourteen page story involving getting left behind on a field trip, with some references to previous story assignments and the classroom. She almost gave me a 6/6, a grade almost never given to anyone, but she circled the beginnings of two sentences. Turns out, I began a sentence with "The" once in the first few pages and once in the last couple. That's some harsh grading. There were a few other times something like this happened, and a couple close calls (She wanted us to write a story based on a prompt, but I never heard anything about a prompt, so I put a lot of effort into a completely original story and ended up squeezing some of the prompt into a couple pages. I always hated prompts... I think I slipped something into a prompted story by having a character say something with the alternate meaning "prompts suppress creativity".) There were unusually frequent teacher/class arguments about word spellings, grammar, math book typos, and the like. ... I'm letting words spill out of my head again. I need to plug up the leak. *Plugs* Anyway, she made a lot of mistakes and had some *asplodey* moments, with a dash of blonde stereotype in some of the things she said, but I suppose she was okayishgoodmaybe overall.



Yeah, I don't need to type any more.

Am I posting?! I didn't know I did that...

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 19:14:47

My math teacher always raged at our class for no particular reason.

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 19:18:39

In third grade I dropped worms in the air vents and she spit on me


Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 19:20:31

At 7/28/09 07:18 PM, ASneakyRussian wrote: In third grade I dropped worms in the air vents and she spit on me

you have the best name ever.

my teacher told my friends not to hang out with me, because i was a "BAD INFLUENCE" even though i didnt do nothing.

6th fucking grade too!

I'm the holder of the self proclaimed 'Biggest Douchebag on the Forums' award.

PSN/360 name : BerZerKer 123, and my Steam

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-28 19:27:15

At 7/28/09 06:40 PM, Skulsta wrote: And girls don't find them sexy at all, they don't find them gross but it's harder to hit on girls when you can't hear them.


Down on the corner, out here in the street. Willy and the Poor Boys are playin'. Bring ya nickels tap ya feet.

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-07-30 19:57:24

too many to tell. i did get revenge by putting crayons in the little tray where she usually keeps the chalks. then she draws to whole blackboard full of shit and it stays there when she tried to wipe it off. she had to use an eraser to get it off.

lol, owned.

Sig made by SuspiciousPenguin

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-08-02 19:10:55

Something that has always bugged me:
You want to know who always got the attention for doing good things? The good kids? Pfft, the teachers would prefer to pay more attention to the general douchebags!
The way I see it, everyone dicking around doing the exact opposite of what they should aren't supposed to get all of this attention when they finally do something right!
Does something seem wrong with this picture? Shouldn't the encouraging of good behaviour go to those of the good students more than those who are not good students? Sure, you don't need to encourage us, really, because we already know what we're supposed to do, but it's nice to hear a little bit of praise, and keeps us from wondering if it's about time we offered the teachers a sample taste of a rusty crowbar. (Don't ask where that came from, I dunno. And no, I would never really do that.)
However, the misbehaving students soaked up most of the positive attention, and, regardless of this, proceeding to be little jerks anyway.
That's about all I have.

Still de-cringing my profile, probably.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-08-02 19:16:30

what a stupid fucking bitch i hope she dies

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-08-02 19:23:12

At 7/27/09 09:49 PM, saqwert wrote: My 8th grade teacher was a flag burning,tree hugging ultra liberal and used propaganda to influence the class' political views. He was just an awful teacher. I don't think he ever taught a lesson where he didn't complain about the envirement or curse George Bush to hell.

That's a lot like my 8th grade teacher.

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-08-02 19:26:40

At 7/27/09 06:55 PM, yurgenburgen wrote: Lots of bad things

Jesus christ, did you keep a formatted list or something?

"If everyone did things 75% right people would be ecstatic, so I demand that you change this C to an A+!" - Calvin and Hobbes

Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-08-02 19:29:24

In second grade my long-term substitute teacher was in a wheelchair for half the time. >:(

Thanks to QuikFox for the sig.

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-08-02 19:33:28

I've had a substitute teacher called Ms. Whitney a few times as a freshman and a sophomore. She was bat-shit crazy. It was in biology the normal teacher is pretty lax since we do a lot of labs. Well we were doing a lab when she subbed and as usual we all had to talk to get the assignment done. She said, "You guys need to stop yelling!" Now I am 95% sure she is a lesbian. So my friend say to her, "We are only doing the assignment we aren't yelling". She responded with "don't talk back to me boy!". At this ppit I was 100% sure she was a femenist lesbian that hated all men. Several people including myself, according to her started arguing with her. So she kicked me and all of my friends out and several other students. Since we could drive we just left and got some food, she had specifically told us to wait for her to talk with us. As far as I heard every male student in that class was kicked out. Three girls were kicked out. When our biology teacher cam back he specifically requested that she wouldn't sub for him again lmao. No one in the class got their work done even the A+ students. Whenever we get this sub it is our duty to give her as much shit as possible.

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-08-02 20:23:26

At 7/27/09 10:14 PM, Chdonga wrote: Back in 6th grade if I tried to tell the teacher that some kid was starting with me, like throwing paper or something, she'd either say "I didn't see it so I don't believe you" or she'd write me up for snitching but it would say it was for insubordination.

You're a faggot snitch. Good thing she wrote you up. Snitching little bitch.

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Response to How did your teacher piss you off? 2009-08-02 21:04:16

At 7/27/09 06:39 PM, Sneak-a-Toke wrote: Fuck school.
