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Hardcore isn't very... hardcore...

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I just have a little rant about posts in the audio portal that I have to get off my chest.

The majority of "Hardcore" songs posted aren't actually in the hardcore genre. Most of them use major/augmented keys, which would make it either "Dance" or "Happy Hardcore" or maybe even "Hardstyle" (seeing as how nobody can seem to agree on what hardstyle actually is). Hardcore uses mostly minor/diminished keys that makes hardcore what it is.

Another major separation between "Dance/Techno", "Happy Hardcore" and "Regular Old Hardcore", is the use of drums. Especially the bass kick. Dance/Techno is known for its Uhn tis Uhn tis Uhn tis 4/4 beat that's usually 120-150bpm. Happy Hardcore is typically the same, except the tempo is typically much faster and the bass kick is more articulated.

Hardcore, however, puts stupid amounts of emphasis on the bass kick. It normally has so much distortion and squarising effects piled on it that it doesn't even SOUND like a bass kick anymore. It crazy, crunchy, and it eats babies. Thus, somebody decided it was fitting to call it "Hardcore".

I mean, I'm not a music expert, but this is just what I've been taught by other Hardcore DJ's and what I've personally noticed from listening to popular artists of these genres.

So, please. Don't make a song that makes me want to dance with Barney the Dinosaur and call it "Hardcore". I mean, if you REALLY want to, then at least refrain from flipping out on me and calling me a SuperFatCow when I review your song and tell you it's not actually hardcore and suggest adding distortion to your bass kick.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 19:08:17

Your point?

Certified audiophreak, lv 60.

BBS Signature

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 19:22:52

Shit, was I supposed to have a point?

Does trying to tell people that they're mislabeling their music and they need to stop getting so defensive when others correct them or try to give them constructive criticism count as a point?

I'm just bitching, dude. You don't really need to add onto a pointless thread with another pointless post, but if you want to, be my guest.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 19:29:48

hardcore. it aint hardcore. how about shoving some sounds from some hardcore porn movies or somethin? ay?

BBS Signature

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 19:41:06

Ooh, yea... about that. It's been done, lol.

Actually, my friend mixed some audio from a Christmas special of Bang Bus into a Hilary Duff Christmas song.

"Who's your fucking snowman?", "Oh, oh, oh... What?"

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 19:41:56

Do we really need more electronic music genres? The fact that something is a completely different style just because it's 120 instead of 160bpm gets retarded.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 19:53:41

Ouch, that point cut me deep. Well played.

The thing is, there simply are a lot of subgenres of any genre. Look at rock alone. Acid rock, death metal, "Hardcore", orchestral rock, 50's rock... I mean, bluegrassers get REALLY pissy when you call their music "folk music".

Hardcore, Happy Hardcore, Dance, Trance, Electronica, Drum'n'Bass. They all have very distinct sounds and it's not really fair to each of them to pile them all into one category called "Techno". Gabber artists would be a little insulted if you put them in the same league as an artist who makes party music for his Gays Unite "get togethers".

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 20:11:26

We don't call it techno, we call it electronic - because that's what it is.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 20:16:39

It's just categorization.

What artist would really give a fuck what they call their music? They just make it.

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Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 20:41:01

Whoa whoa whoa... People are getting a little worked up about this.

Everyone calm down, smoke some weed, and listen to some "electronic" music. K?

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 22:00:49

Want to learn about the genres? Contact me on AIM (NavAudio)/MSN (navij11@hotmail.com) and I'll tell you about Hardcore, and why you're 100% totally incorrect. A little tidbit to get your interest up: Hardcore was originally a rallying call for acid house. Contact me for more. I'm not going to bore the forum with another long genre description.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 22:01:50

Oh, and that offer applies to all of you, since none of you have any idea about electronic genres.

Read the sig.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 22:33:31

At 5/4/09 07:53 PM, SuperMechaCow wrote: Ouch, that point cut me deep. Well played.

You may have made a good post, but I couldnt tell because youre such a smarmy, sarcastic wank I stopped reading after your first few words. If only you could stop sucking your own dick and make a point.

At 5/4/09 10:01 PM, Nav wrote: Oh, and that offer applies to all of you, since none of you have any idea about electronic genres.

I fervently wish I was as knowledgeable as you in the ultra-accurate and compelling field of genre definition.

Sarcasm should only be used cautiously and when moderately to acutely drunk.

Hi there my name is not Bill.

BBS Signature

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 22:46:34

At 5/4/09 08:41 PM, SuperMechaCow wrote: Whoa whoa whoa... People are getting a little worked up about this.

Not really, it's just true.

The inventive artists let other people categorize it for them.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 22:46:57

Can we just make a thread for people to bitch about genres in, so we don't get a new one every few days?

Oh wait. then we'd just have to tell them to go bitch in the genre thread.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 22:52:59

Whether or not genre discussion pops up is coincidence, many do not realize that by referring to a style of music, they have no choice but to refer to the genre.

This should be in the lounge, really, because it'd be contained.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 22:58:09

At 5/4/09 10:33 PM, curriemaster wrote: I fervently wish I was as knowledgeable as you in the ultra-accurate and compelling field of genre definition.

It's neither precise nor imprecise. You don't have to know everything, but it helps to know something before you open your mouth.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 22:59:19

Ugh, why do I keep having to do this... Last sentence of last post was directed at the entire thread, not just at curriemaster.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 23:05:19

this got me to thinking, if we really wanted to do things right within electronica we could associate music types with bpm's, lol a 170+, a 150, a 140, a 129ish<---why are so many samples rated here!, a 120, a 100, a 847687543657

yeah that would fix everything haha

Articulation by art

Instagram @ Sequencer1

3D, Music, Dance, Make

BBS Signature

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 23:07:59

At 5/4/09 10:58 PM, Nav wrote:
It's neither precise nor imprecise. You don't have to know everything, but it helps to know something before you open your mouth.

The point I was trying to make is that some (many?) of us, this being an Audio forum, do in fact have a reasonable knowledge of various genres; including electronic. Your blanket statement of "none of you have any idea about electronic genres" is a bit ridiculous.

Also I would like to posit that knowing something about genres helps absolutely nothing whatsoever. The only thing it helps is when some douche asks "duuuude, whats your music like?!" and you are able to say "Hey guy it sounds kinda like post-hardmetal grungebeat nu-jazz mostly but sometimes it can breakdown into funky sub-chillout groove pseudo-IDM shit". Very informative.

Hi there my name is not Bill.

BBS Signature

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-04 23:14:47

I'm with Currie on that one.

I'd rather make what I think is bad trance then learn how some other dude derives his elitism by knowing which douche coined some genre I don't give a shit about.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-05 03:20:18

@ Nav: OOOOOOkkkkkk. I was talking about the here and now and not where it came from. I'm glad you know everything about where each subgenre of techno came from. I'm sure it'll get you a high-paying job that you can raise a family off of.

@ curriemaster: You need at least 3 joints. Just chill man.. breath in... and out... good. Feel better?

@ Erkie: I totally agree with the first and second posts you made. This whole little rant was what happens when you categorize your music to describe it to others, but it turns out it's nothing like that category. It's like painting a picture of an elephant and naming it "A picture of a grapefruit".

@ loansindi: I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but I'm a complete newgrounds n00b. If I had known this was gonna piss everyone off I would have never posted it. I FORMALLY APOLOGIZE TO THIS WEBSITE AND ALL WHO WERE AFFECTED BY MY POOR DECISIONS.

@ Darren-M: APPARENTLY, and this just how it was explained to me, 128bpm is supposed to be the average person's heart rate while dancing. Is it true? I don't know. Of course, apparently everything I do and say is wrong on newgrounds. I don't even know if I'm actually typing in english. Maybe I should ask Nav if he knows the origin of all written languages so I'd know.

@ Nithalahk: Wow, you kinda popped outta nowhere with a left hook. I posted this because I was tired of listening to a song that the artist labelled "hardcore techno" that sounds like a Nick Jr. theme song and writing a review saying "Hey, if you're trying to get a hardcore sound, try doing this," only to have my head ripped off with a reply like, "FUCK YOU DOUCHEBAG I DO WHAT I WANT I'M BETTER THAN YOU! *eats a kitten*".

@ EVERYONE: Ok, I think we can all agree that I'm pretty fucking retarded. Let's just leave it at that, and let this post die and fade away into the archives in the Newgrounds web server, alright?

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-05 08:32:00

@ thread: lol.

Everyones post made me laugh a little, though in the mist of relativity you're all correct. My personal philosophy is non-obstructionism. It's borrowed from John Cage, but I think there's a lot to be learned from an idea that allows us to sit back and watch something new grow from virtually nothing. What does it matter what a genre is? I've found that having any sort of music knowledge only makes you "pretentious" in the eyes of the people around you. An exception to this comes through modesty. Only give help when it's asked for and you'll never be wrong.

quarl BandCamp

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-05 09:00:01

I think we've learned this:

If you're new to a forum, look the hell around before criticizing the website that hosts the forum.

Now let's all lawl a while and forget about it.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-05 09:03:01

Seriously, did we need to feed the troll? Topics like this have been done a million times, in the end who cares how you categorize your music. Its all about whether or not its good and if enough people appreciate it.

Response to Hardcore isn't very... hardcore... 2009-05-05 09:33:20

At 5/5/09 03:20 AM, SuperMechaCow wrote: Ok, I think we can all agree that I'm pretty fucking retarded. Let's just leave it at that, and let this post die and fade away into the archives in the Newgrounds web server, alright?

lol ok maaang.

Wakka wakka