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The Ng London Meetup Aftermath

44,302 Views | 627 Replies

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 05:31:42

I so wish I could have been there for the NG super secret reveal. Just for To'ms face when Bezman pulled out the awesome.

Anyways, outside London forme shouldn't be a problem so long as it isn't anywhere near/after christmas, I tend to go from comfortable wage to broke around that time very easily...

Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body - Shalashaska-1, 2008

Feel free to MSN me: warsmithdave@msn.com

Beware the NGSkeletonGimp! M:tG Klub.

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 06:41:25

At 1/21/09 08:54 PM, Luis wrote: my sister passed this picture over.. ill have to use a higher res one when i do the hub thingie.. but yeah there was alot of people at this thing.

I can count at least 60 O.o I'm surprised there was any room in Nacmo Station to fit us all.

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 07:43:51

At 1/21/09 03:24 PM, Cally wrote: Come down my way and be hippies for a few nights - we have Stonehenge, Bath and Glastonbury ;)

*twitches, remembering the recent trip to Avebury*

Just kidding, it's pro'ly very difficult to mass-transport people to South West. :)

Yeah, it's not as bad as trying to get anywhere in Wales excepting Cardiff or Swansea, but it's close :P

At 1/21/09 03:31 PM, Luis wrote:
At 1/21/09 03:18 PM, Coop83 wrote: But if you're after that sort of thing, Leeds is a pretty good city for night life, diverse cuisine and a few decent arcades.
Well, the point is. for the people who are interested in hanging out multiple days, they will need to go outside of london where its not so outraggeously expensive. and its easier to manage. We'll still commute back into London as a group for the meetup day but most of the meet will take place outside of London.

Well, there's plenty of places that are still London, but 'Outside the M25' (London's ring road, or motorway that goes around it.) Hotel prices are cheaper, not quite as exclusive and you can still get a decent night out for less money as well :D

At 1/21/09 03:49 PM, Dangan wrote:
At 1/21/09 01:03 PM, Coop83 wrote: Mind you, you were at the correct height for me to balance my pint on your head :P
O! You Didn't....

Well... no, because your crazy hair style would have left me without a pint :P

Basically, it's going to form around a get-together for most of the English Gentleman's Club over in the C&C forum. Preliminary plans were made for one last November, but they then fell apart. We are attempting to go Bowling at Fiveways in Birmingham, then out for a few drinks. By the sound of it, it could be bigger than I bargained for :$
It sounds like a large amount of NG'ers are coming?

Well, they need to stop by the English Gents Club and have a look at the plans that we're making. We might need a change of venue, as it could become something bigger than planned, if people turn up and find me and a few guys bowling, then turn it into an unofficial NG meet.

In that case, when we start the preparations, I might send Tom a PM to ask if he can allude to it in his News Posts
Would be a good idea, i'm more than happy to arrange it with you budday :D

Cool, I've put the wheels in motion, so let's get cracking.

At 1/21/09 12:57 PM, Lost-Chances wrote: Wasn't it something like 1.1 metres?
Yep and Dangan measures in at a mighty 1.4m
While our good friend Coop towers over most with an epic 118.2m

118.2m?! Your perspective is somewhat dimmed - get new glasses.

At 1/21/09 05:04 PM, Cally wrote: Screw all you tall people! :D


Alternatively, it's a fair challenge :P

At 1/21/09 05:50 PM, Dangan wrote: I suggest my hometown of Milton Keynes, it's easily accessible and in between Birmingham and London

Plus it has the greatest Marilyn Manson quote - "MILTON KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYNES!" and the crowd just stands there emotionless. Clearly Satan's lay-by has drained them of soul.

At 1/21/09 05:57 PM, Cally wrote:
At 1/21/09 05:25 PM, Dangan wrote: Short NG'ers united Cally <3
We should form our own little club of shorties. Me, you, Tigerkitty, Gagsy, Jim. Between us we might be.... up to DHT's shoulder. Hmm.

Pyramid, or standing on each other's shoulders?

At 1/21/09 06:53 PM, Dangan wrote:
At 1/21/09 06:50 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
Yokel i totally knew you'd ask that question.

It's like a mini-london, certainly not ideal if you drive through here like me but otherwise is good for tourists.

So let me get this right - we want to take the NG meet out of London to... London?

At 1/21/09 08:13 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: * Note for Americans and other aliens: Milton Keynes is a new city approximately halfway between London and Birmingham. It was built to be modern, efficient, healthy, and above all, a pleasent place to live. Many Britons find this amusing.

Epic quote. I think this sums up the arguments nicely. Dangan obviously sides with Aziraphale, while most outsiders are on that of Crowley :P

At 1/21/09 08:54 PM, Luis wrote: my sister passed this picture over.. ill have to use a higher res one when i do the hub thingie.. but yeah there was alot of people at this thing.

Makes me think what would have happened with putting them on a river tour boat.

62 Newgrounders in a Boat. Any takers for an epic flash, charting our poetically enhanced day out?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 08:04:29

At 1/17/09 05:00 PM, Dangan wrote:
At 1/17/09 04:56 PM, Ferris95 wrote: Man that sounds like it was fun, sucks that I couldn't go.
It was, so many memories...

Just come to the next meet up?

I am generally tempted to fly to London from here to have a random night with you guys :)

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 08:59:06

At 1/21/09 02:54 PM, Luis wrote: LilJim mentioned York as being something of that nature. Its apparently 1.5 hrs out of london and accessible by people up north in scotland and such.

York is a fantastic city but it is way too far to commute to London. When you said somewhere outside of London I thought you meant not far outside of London; just past the outskirts in some small place. York is halfway up the country and a train ticket to London would be expensive (maybe only £10 if you book in advance but that'd probably be £20 return). Anyway, I think having the meet in a different city would be a good idea next time - just to try it out perhaps. York would be an OK place, I've heard the night life is pretty good plus it'd be a great place to visit for anyone interested in anything touristy because there are quite a few tourist attractions there.

Leeds has been mentioned by Coop and BBM, I'm from there and I have to say it's a brilliant city - the night life is brilliant, there are tonnes of pubs (I think most of us prefer pubs to clubs when we're trying to get to know people :p), it's very cheap - you'll be surprised how cheap everything is compared to London. There's a huge train station (about the size of London Kings Cross) and there is an airport (Leeds & Bradford) although it's probably better to get a train to Manchester and then the train over to Leeds. As for accommodation, I don't know where you could find a nice detached house or something but it would definitely be cheaper than the flat Tom rented.

Sup, bitches :)

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 10:47:45

Well, York turns super expensive when the york horseracing is going on and they seem to be going on all throughout the summer. So probably a bad town to do it in.

August is just a tough month to plan. Theres the Reading festival to steer clear of and also pax to steer clear of. Its like a minefield of a month. Its also the best month though. July is comic con, june is mod meat/montreal meet and anytime before june is too soon at this point.

Leeds might be fun... or that new city or whatever that kayn was talking about. Birmingham would also suit us fine. I still like the idea of going back to the same spot for the meetup day.. im tentative to touch that. Its served us well all these years. Who cares that its the same thing every year.. the people always change.


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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 11:54:44

At 1/21/09 08:54 PM, Luis wrote: my sister passed this picture over.. ill have to use a higher res one when i do the hub thingie.. but yeah there was alot of people at this thing.

Fucking huge meet. Dang...

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:06:28

Don't forget coastal towns bournemouth (Going there this weekend, busy cause of uni, plus stag & hen do's), southend (Pretty quiet town but nightlife is busy due to uni).

Inland towns: canterbury (only thing is, army barracks near), nottingham (Girls outnumber guys up there).

I've been leeds, that's good, birmingham might be an idea too as some as suggested :).

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:10:27

Well I wasn't at the *actual* meet, but I was there on day 4 at Sports Bar and how can I forget Sound! I had a lot of fun with all of you guys! I will forward some of my pictures. I also have a video of Tom break dancing haha, if anyone could upload that (or maybe I will just put it on youtube).

The Ng London Meetup Aftermath

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:10:38

At 1/22/09 07:43 AM, Coop83 wrote: 62 Newgrounders in a Boat. Any takers for an epic flash, charting our poetically enhanced day out?

I'm animating the hobo fight...

If you miss him, AfroPON is here...

I like cats

Remember Decent?

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:12:06

Oops, forgot to add, on the picture it's The Swain, Luis and me! :D

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:14:24

At 1/22/09 12:10 PM, barbiegoesbad wrote: Well I wasn't at the *actual* meet, but I was there on day 4 at Sports Bar and how can I forget Sound! I had a lot of fun with all of you guys! I will forward some of my pictures. I also have a video of Tom break dancing haha, if anyone could upload that (or maybe I will just put it on youtube).

Luis trying to choose between you and the Swain..

Tough choice.


Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:22:36

At 1/22/09 12:06 PM, EviLDoG wrote: Inland towns: canterbury (only thing is, army barracks near)

What's your point?

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:24:27

I would pick the swain, cause he had a heavenly voice that would just send you to sleep after the painful arse sex.

Serious, anyone else think he had the most awesome voice?

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:40:15

At 1/22/09 12:22 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:
At 1/22/09 12:06 PM, EviLDoG wrote: Inland towns: canterbury (only thing is, army barracks near)
What's your point?

i like what teeth i have left, squaddies usually either get on well with other large groups or fight them. i dont want to risk the latter.

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 12:46:32

At 1/22/09 12:40 PM, EviLDoG wrote: i like what teeth i have left, squaddies usually either get on well with other large groups or fight them. i dont want to risk the latter.

I've never had any trouble in Canterbury before, lived there last two years, I think it's just you ;)

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 13:06:40

At 1/22/09 12:46 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:
At 1/22/09 12:40 PM, EviLDoG wrote: i like what teeth i have left, squaddies usually either get on well with other large groups or fight them. i dont want to risk the latter.
I've never had any trouble in Canterbury before, lived there last two years, I think it's just you ;)

Well, that wouldn't be a surprise, would it!
Hell, even buses want to beat up Dean! :P

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 14:04:05

lmao i just spit out my drink at that photo on the last page. Tom is a good breakdancer... sort of.

At any rate, I've been thinking and it would be refreshing to have a non-london meetup ... so the next meet wont be in london... itll either be Birmingham or Leeds. I'll have to flip a coin... its boring to do London two times a year anyway.

Might be a smaller group but who cares... two years ago London was only like 12 people.


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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 14:07:35

I think Manchester should be in consideration. Airport, big city, cheap, good night life. Also, some people could stay in my house.
Oh and I fucking hate leeds.

BBS Signature

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 14:14:29

At 1/22/09 02:04 PM, Luis wrote: lmao i just spit out my drink at that photo on the last page. Tom is a good breakdancer... sort of.

At any rate, I've been thinking and it would be refreshing to have a non-london meetup ... so the next meet wont be in london... itll either be Birmingham or Leeds. I'll have to flip a coin... its boring to do London two times a year anyway.

Might be a smaller group but who cares... two years ago London was only like 12 people.

I live in Birmingham so would be pretty handy for me. If people are coming from abroad it'll be pretty underwhelming compared to London though.

Can't think of anywhere here as good as Namco for the main meet in the day, there's an arcade but its a lot smaller (not sure if its even open any more).

BBS Signature

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:09:38

At 1/22/09 02:04 PM, Luis wrote:

itll either be Birmingham or Leeds.

Tell us way in advance for lords sake then.

I am gay for three men. Three Sexy, Handsome, Boneriffic young men.

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:13:39

So my question will sound quite harsh, but are either Leeds or Birmingham worth crossing the ocean for?

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:17:16

At 1/22/09 12:46 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:
At 1/22/09 12:40 PM, EviLDoG wrote: i like what teeth i have left, squaddies usually either get on well with other large groups or fight them. i dont want to risk the latter.
I've never had any trouble in Canterbury before, lived there last two years, I think it's just you ;)

Nooo :(, i have mates in the infantry they are always going on about the trouble they start in canterbury.

Lovely place though, i imagine it will still be expensive though. Birmingham im up for, leeds ive already been, but wouldnt mind going again... we can go to reflex's daddy, flares :P thats over 18's every night, never has an over 21 rule.

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:17:16

At 1/22/09 12:46 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:
At 1/22/09 12:40 PM, EviLDoG wrote: i like what teeth i have left, squaddies usually either get on well with other large groups or fight them. i dont want to risk the latter.
I've never had any trouble in Canterbury before, lived there last two years, I think it's just you ;)

Nooo :(, i have mates in the infantry they are always going on about the trouble they start in canterbury.

Lovely place though, i imagine it will still be expensive though. Birmingham im up for, leeds ive already been, but wouldnt mind going again... we can go to reflex's daddy, flares :P thats over 18's every night, never has an over 21 rule.

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:23:34

At 1/22/09 03:13 PM, AsthmaticHamster wrote: So my question will sound quite harsh, but are either Leeds or Birmingham worth crossing the ocean for?

Yeah Birmingham is pretty good, don't know about Leeds. Birmingham is Englands 'second city' and rightfully should be the capital because of it's positioning. I don't know what there is to do there other than go to a Villa game haha, thats all I go to Birmingham for. Well, and to see my grandad but that's not really a group activity for NGers is it?!

BBM & ChromeShark can tell us more about Brum.

Oh yeah... Birmingham is home to the best accent in England too..


Luis what picture are you talking about? Got a link?


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:41:15

Birmingham's just a 40 minute train ride away from me so that would be swell.
There's a neat Japanese Bento Restaurant I go to that's pretty neat, which has sushi, curry and bento boxes. And I'm sure there's a few clubs around.

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:43:42

Fuck the British.

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:48:49

At 1/22/09 03:43 PM, EyeLovePoozy wrote: Fuck the British.

Did you really?

Part of Newgrounds furniture since 2000.Clicky, clicky.

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Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 15:56:38

At 1/22/09 03:48 PM, Cally wrote:
At 1/22/09 03:43 PM, EyeLovePoozy wrote: Fuck the British.
Did you really?

That hobo and him got on better than we thought....

Response to The Ng London Meetup Aftermath 2009-01-22 16:02:19

At 1/22/09 03:17 PM, EviLDoG wrote: Lovely place though, i imagine it will still be expensive though.

Canterbury's a big student town (2 Uni's) so it's really quite cheap, compared to London anyway. About £1.90-£2.60 a pint.

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

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