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the warhammer 40k collab!

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Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-23 05:49:01

At 6/23/09 05:16 AM, Pawn007 wrote: Just got back... I took a glance through the few pages of posts... haven't yet read all of them.

I saw a couple of messages saying that Flashbound thinks I have contributed enough for this collab.

My questions:
1. Am I going to be included in the bio page and if so are my 'questions' different or do I just make smart ass remarks :-)
2. About the image request... what dimensions / colour scheme would you like?
3. Since I haven't used flash in about 10 years... and don't own an editor, what alternate file type would you like (it would be made in photoshop so basically any image type would be fair game)
4. In keeping with Flashbounds concerns, does anybody need me to redo any of my own voice work?

Its good to be back and I gather things are coming together swimmingly.

Yes! Please send me your bio, it'd be both rude and unfair + you deserve getting a bio page apartf form a mention in the credits. As for the image on the rock, if you'd like to try out drawing somrthing feel free, but if you want me to draw your face or something to place on the rock, i'll make a little exception and do it for you ;p

TO EVERYONE: the artowrk'd better be linework, pref. with a fine brush :)

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-23 06:09:42

iim a bit confused about what u want for the image bomblu...a drawn picture of us? or a still shot from our collab part? or just whatever we want?

also....this might be dumb...but if its just a still image u want, why FLA...cant it just be a jpg or whatever?

haha im confused...sorry for being a pain in the ass

Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-23 09:15:29

No problem mate, i'll explain :)

:want for the image bomblu...a drawn picture of us? or a still shot from our collab part? or just whatever we want?

We'll use the pic to fill up the rock on the Artist Bio page (you can see mine on the previous page) which will serve as a form of avatar for us.

also....this might be dumb...but if its just a still image u want, why FLA...cant it just be a jpg or whatever?

For me to morph it into the rock, it'd better be flash cos it'll remain neat, clean and drastically reduces filesize.

Hope this helps :)

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-23 09:20:36

bomblu, than what about the faces for the marines on the front page? I'd say we should send photos, but maybe in the interest of time you should just give everyone a marine helmet (accept for Micky, I thought it would be funny if one of the marines has a Micky mouse head)

pawn, you absolutely deserve a bio page, and even a coauthor as 'voice actor' if space provides.

redharvest, I'm sure he means the fla file, because the Image will be in vector and he'll be able to change/ manipulate it without losing any quality.

I have noticed a pattern that you guys are always active late at night for me, so I hereby acknowledge we probably have large time zone differences, and I'll stop occasionally bitching about nobody's posting

keep up the good work! :)

"Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave"-Constantin Brancusi

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-23 10:05:43

For all the menu stuff, please email them at thebomblu@hotmail.com

Oh, and if somene has some free time and wants to help me out a bit (chopping a agood audio file for the menu loop, etc) please pm or email me, it'd be greatly appreciated :P

I'm running through all the things we discussed and remembering them bit by bit (i'm still a work so i cant actually stop and think for now :P) and i remembered some stuff which i think hasnt been done yet:
(in no particular order of imortance and not targeted to anyone, i discussed flashbound's text and i believe his decision was a decent one considering the placing of characters, howver, for you others)

1. SUBTITLES: I suggest they'll all be in the same font, same size, same placement etc. I like uniformity, so if you like the idea, you can start by writing your subs on a word document. If flashbound saysthat we should keep them all in a unifom thing, i'll create a template file and post so you can use it in your animations.

2. FILE SIZE: If we can reduce the file size, the more the better cos i for one have the biggest flash animation due to the vids in it. I'll search on compressing vids once i'm home.

3. TRANSITONS: Shall one of the colab members re-make it? Shall we keep one of the ones already made?

4. AUTHOR NAMES: I believe they have to be in one specific corner of the animation screen, possibly in the same font etc but flashbound has to decide upon this i think :)

That's all for now, just remembering all the stuff and acting like a secretary to the boss :P

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 04:15:52

Little update on my progress with all the pending stuff. Menu's almost complete, if anyone hasnt sent in their bio PLEASE do so by the next 8 hours so i'll be able to upload the final verision for all to see. Flashbound, if you could email me the preloader with game, i cant embed it into the menu in the 1st frame so we can see them together. I'm hoping to finish off i kissed a spawn and the little tweeks i need to make by saturday afternoon, leaving me with sunday to make the credits.

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 08:47:58

At 6/24/09 04:15 AM, BoMbLu wrote: Little update on my progress with all the pending stuff. Menu's almost complete, if anyone hasnt sent in their bio PLEASE do so by the next 8 hours so i'll be able to upload the final verision for all to see. Flashbound, if you could email me the preloader with game, i cant embed it into the menu in the 1st frame so we can see them together. I'm hoping to finish off i kissed a spawn and the little tweeks i need to make by saturday afternoon, leaving me with sunday to make the credits.

will do, but on friday. I'm leaving for 2 days and won't be able to check back during that time.

just work work work, and listen to forbid (and basically bomblu too)

"Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave"-Constantin Brancusi

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 12:24:55

As a graphic 'artist', I can take on the transition scene <_<
If so, contact me through a PM.

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 13:06:05

At 6/24/09 12:24 PM, TrojenMonkey wrote: As a graphic 'artist', I can take on the transition scene <_<
If so, contact me through a PM.

If you feel your parts are 100% ready, de-bugged and front page quality, make one and post it here. We can then decide which one is best. Democracy, the way to go :P

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 15:21:44

At 6/24/09 01:06 PM, BoMbLu wrote:
At 6/24/09 12:24 PM, TrojenMonkey wrote: As a graphic 'artist', I can take on the transition scene <_<
If so, contact me through a PM.
If you feel your parts are 100% ready, de-bugged and front page quality, make one and post it here. We can then decide which one is best. Democracy, the way to go :P

There's a limit I work per day, photoshop crap takes about 2 hours or less.
I might even send you a prototype in a jiffy.

P.S!!! : My BIG file size is not due any blur effect or .SWF loop'...
IT'S THE FRAME NUMBER. about 400 frames (Because of the lovely 24 fps) of graphics whores the filesize....I can't change it =/

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 16:23:44

At 6/24/09 04:15 AM, BoMbLu wrote: Little update on my progress with all the pending stuff. Menu's almost complete, if anyone hasnt sent in their bio PLEASE do so by the next 8 hours so i'll be able to upload the final verision for all to see. Flashbound, if you could email me the preloader with game, i cant embed it into the menu in the 1st frame so we can see them together. I'm hoping to finish off i kissed a spawn and the little tweeks i need to make by saturday afternoon, leaving me with sunday to make the credits.

Hey BoMbLu

Could you make us a list of who owes you stuff?

Actually, make a list of whose stuff you have would probably be easier.

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 21:05:54

Awesome work Crabpope really funny.
Try to throw in more jokes, if only the artwork could be better...

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 21:50:44

well...if its just an easter egg i think its fine the way it is...really funny tho!

Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-24 22:27:08

ok, to finish up my part i need some sounds!

Army running sound (any running will do)

an eldar saying "Whats his problem!?"


BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 03:35:19

At 6/24/09 04:23 PM, Pawn007 wrote: Could you make us a list of who owes you stuff?

Offhand, i need the avatars from all you guys except Pawn007 and RedHarvest. Nuttro and Forbid (possibly another one or two) need to give me their bios. I didnt do anything yesterday as i was busy drawing storyboards for a possible film filmed in malta, but i should be able to finish menu and i kissed a spawn by the weekend :)

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 04:30:47

At 6/25/09 04:26 AM, CrabPope wrote: Thanks Guassman and Redharvest!

I'm trying to send my original movie fla, but it's 15 MB, is that unusually high? I can't find an email provider that will let me send it.

Use www.mediafire.com or www.sendspace.com

They both work quite well.

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 05:02:24

At 6/25/09 04:26 AM, CrabPope wrote: Thanks Guassman and Redharvest!

I'm trying to send my original movie fla, but it's 15 MB, is that unusually high? I can't find an email provider that will let me send it.

Good point. Ok, once flashbound's off for a holiday if i'm not mistaken and forbid's busy playing with his sexbox (i should be doing that cos i just got one :D) I'll give out a few suggestions to all of you guys.

If i were you i'd start uploading your animations onto one of those sites, and PM them to Flashbound18. DONT POST THEM HERE as some guy can come, download them onto his pc and publish thm in his name. After the hard work we've been through, it'd be a pity toget it published illgally :P

Also, trojen, if you made some transition please post it so i'll see if it's pretty or not ;p

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 07:55:29

Welp, here it is.

the warhammer 40k collab!

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 08:06:44

P.s: A more suitable transition (Rather than a falling picture), will be :

The scene switches to a white-noise, the picture appears, and than a cartoonish remote comes to the scene, and switches to the next scene.

Try to picture it.

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 08:08:52

Thats awesome but just one tiny thing...can you remove the fire a little bit from the W in Warhammer???
It doesnt show that well.

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 13:03:00

Ya if you hand-copy it you could make look goofy or something like that.
You can use your original drawings the ones that you used to post and make them walk as a transition they already look weird so you've got that covered.

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 13:11:09

I suppose, i'll try something new, and post it in a jiffy, hopefuly.

At 6/25/09 01:03 PM, GuassMan wrote: transition they already look weird so you've got that covered.

Jee, thanks.

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 13:56:52

Transition offer #2 :

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 21:47:54

i definitely think that the quality of the transition is good...but might it get old to see that remote coming on every single time?.....just a thot...

rock on

Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 21:52:17

Ha! Awesome! Is it too late to participate? How much time would I have if I were to make something for it?

-Formerly known as Phobotech-

Voice Actor / Pre-Production Animator / Illustrator / T-Shirt Designer / Author

"I sail through a golden nexus. By tanks with armor that glisten. I watch and I play with creations, and what I'm not reading, I listen." <-

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 22:02:37

^^^ i say let him join! i just checked out his stuff its pretty good!.....*unfortunately i'm not the one who decides.....haha...

Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-25 23:06:02

At 6/25/09 10:51 PM, ForbidMetal wrote:
At 6/25/09 09:52 PM, Phobotech wrote: Ha! Awesome! Is it too late to participate? How much time would I have if I were to make something for it?
Yep you can join.....if you can do it in 2 days that is... good luck :P

2 Days? FML...if you guys are doing this again, lemme know.

-Formerly known as Phobotech-

Voice Actor / Pre-Production Animator / Illustrator / T-Shirt Designer / Author

"I sail through a golden nexus. By tanks with armor that glisten. I watch and I play with creations, and what I'm not reading, I listen." <-

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-26 02:04:39

Currently working on my short...two days? Christ, this'll be a challenge.

-Formerly known as Phobotech-

Voice Actor / Pre-Production Animator / Illustrator / T-Shirt Designer / Author

"I sail through a golden nexus. By tanks with armor that glisten. I watch and I play with creations, and what I'm not reading, I listen." <-

BBS Signature

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-26 02:32:55

I say we drop my remote idea, as it's too long and WILL get boring, and might destroy the quality of the scenes between them.

The transition must be at least 1-1.5 seconds ><
If you want to adopt the remote idea, go for it. Just make it shorter.

Response to the warhammer 40k collab! 2009-06-26 10:22:39

At 6/26/09 10:08 AM, ForbidMetal wrote:
At 6/26/09 02:04 AM, Phobotech wrote: Currently working on my short...two days? Christ, this'll be a challenge.
ahaha, your actually trying it? I respect your enthusiasm.

Well, it did take about 2 hours for the first Michael Jackson is dead flashes to come one :P

Not that I advocate the 2 hour flash concept...

BBS Signature