I like the harpsichord at the beginning and the tempo changes at :13. The mood is pensive and danceable at the same time, and has a fun oom-pah underlying drive. I wasn’t a huge fan of the sample at :18 - it sounds a little sharp and synthetic to me. The energy level and percussion at around :45 are great, although I wasn’t a huge fan of the sudden transition at 1:08, especially given the thin, extremely high-pitched sound of the violin there. I like the more emotionally charged and reserved content at around 1:25, but I’m again thrown off by the re-introduction of the harpsichord and spiccato-style strings at around 1:45. Admittedly, I’m also concerned by the lack of originality in the harmonic framework and rhythmic content here. It sounds very similar to In The Hall of the Mountain King; I know you cited that piece as an inspiration for this track, but at the risk of coming across as accusatory it seems like more than inspiration to me at times, especially at around :35. I think the mix here is a tad quiet during the more mellow parts, but otherwise it’s quite clear and well-balanced. Overall, I enjoyed the melodic content and sound design the most here, although I’m concerned by the choppy arrangement and originality issues. Keep at it, Everratic! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score