== This is an official NGUAC Review ==
Wow, this song is beautiful.
First of all, I ADORE your vocal harmonies. I think as soon as I heard you sing the first harmony I was hooked and also amazed, and the song only really improved from there. I can't even think of other songs that do 3 part harmonies off the top of my head... maybe the Beatles, or some psychedelic music, I dunno... but like, your harmonies are so effective everywhere. The harmonies in the chorus are a different style, but they're really good too.
While I'm praising stuff, allow me to also praise your composition and melody writing. It's all excellent. There isn't a single bad melody in here. The chorus is great, the verse is great. I like it all. The song is very sombre and thoughtful and pensive in the way that you'd imagine a song about a breakup to be.
I actually find it hard to believe that you're still mixing this down with just pure Audacity. Dude, if you are looking for a sign that you're good enough to use a better DAW, LET THIS BE IT. Your songwriting is great and it could REALLY be helped by all the additional stuff that a decent DAW can afford you, like more instruments to add into the song, greater ease of mixing, etc etc etc. The advantages are too many to really list.
My biggest problem with this track is the slow and plodding speed of it all. When I first saw it was verse/chorus, I was hoping that the chorus would speed up the track a little bit. Unfortunately, if anything, the chorus is even slower than the verse, stripping away even more layers and high passing your vocals. If the song was only a single verse and a single chorus, I think that it would have worked, but unfortunately as it is I get kinda tired of the same thing again once we launch into the second verse and chorus. Don't get me wrong, the melodies and harmonies are great, but it's too much of the same, you know? I would have LOVED to hear you ramp up your harmonies even more for the final chorus, like really fill out that mix!
My other problems with this song are mainly minor. I think that the guitar tone is pretty thin and definitely needs a better recording. Also, the guitar drumming at 1:20 and a few other places is just goofy, it doesn't sound good at all and should definitely be replaced with something else.
All in all, great track, just let down a little by the arrangement and slow tempo.
Mini-scores (not used to calculate final score in any way - just so you know what needs improvement):
Arrangement: 3/4
Composition: 4+/4
Sound Design: 3+/4
Production: 2+/4
Overall: 9.0