I liked the atmosphere at the beginning. At :14, the tranquility of the piano contrasts nicely with that mid-range synth making the wubs. There’s a lot of tension here with little sense of climax or direction until 1:09. I think you could’ve done a better job of phrasing the first minute or so to keep things interesting. Over 90 seconds is a long time to go before the first drop, after all, especially when your piece is fewer than 3 minutes long. I enjoyed the structural contrast you offered at 2:06 with the calm, smooth orchestral instruments. I don’t think the added effects at 2:33 were necessary. It sounds like you interrupted what really should’ve been a 4-minute-long track with a thunder clap and then cut it off suddenly. It’s usually a good idea to have at least 2 climactic sections in your piece, as this structure allows you to develop melodic ideas further. Perhaps this isn’t a structurally complete piece in that regard. Still, I enjoyed the mixing and mastering, which were both solid throughout. If you flesh out the composition of the piece a bit more, with some stronger melodic sections and variety in a second drop, this would be a top-tier piece. Until then, keep at it, man. ;)