This cute music from Newgrounds 20th Anniversary Collab!
This is the first time I've given my harp a spin for Newgrounds!
I decided to record this at night-time today after finding that this tune and these chords were stuck in my head for quite a while. I was SO CERTAIN I had heard this tune somewhere before.... anyway, I am putting it up here so that any of you who have heard this tune somewhere can tell me what it is.
Apologies for the mistakes. I only started picking up the harp after Christmas Day 2014. I quite like it though.
Related media:
This cute music from Newgrounds 20th Anniversary Collab!
Ayyy, this is how it all began!
Hey, I'd say that's pretty good for only having played the harp for a little over 2 months. Singing was lovely (as always), and I admire your sense of progression and harmony. I thought the balance was a little off at times (i.e., the harp sort of drowned out the singing). Still, you use simplicity to your advantage here. It's very pretty. Keep up the good work! ;)
harp harp harp harp i love your harp playing and beautiful singing :)
harp harp harp harp XD
I'm glad you enjoy it so. Perhaps, with a bit of practice, I may be able to do full songs on it -- I trust you'll look forward to it.
I love it!!! As soon as it started playing. It hit me. This tune IS FAMILIAR!!!!. And They way you La. I love it too. Great work!!! And if you find out what the tune is. PLEASE TELL ME!!! Its killing me now. TT A TT
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.