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Schizophrenia Story

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This is the story about little Timmy Flanker, and his rather.. Extraordinary schizophrenia.

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I especially like them, on my forehead!

Billy, Billy, BillyBean------>
You did a FABulous job at developing a story in such a short amount of time! So many voices in SO little time. I particularly liked the "Experiment Leader's" voice. That raspy tone is creepy. ALL of Timmy's friends that live inside his head were great! Jenny Hospital, eh? Hmmm...wonder if I met him while I was commited there. I just loved how his own voices fought with themselves. You're such a silly guy. I hope to be able to work with you again soon. Until then. . .

....................Take care, be good and don't forget
to give little Timmy his antipsychotics.period

BillyBean-VA responds:

Aw, thanks. <3

I could do much better if I put my mind to it. The story took me 20 minutes to write, and all together production of it took me an hour.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Jul 23, 2009
6:08 PM EDT
Voice Demo
File Info
2.3 MB
2 min 34 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.