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Reviews for "_-={Apocalypse}=-_"

Mastering failed...

It still rumbles and crackles :/ though not as severely as before. It's pretty good btw, fits the title much better than the demo, truly gets apocalyptic at 0:52. I'm glad you kept the rude brass too :D This is definitely going on my rpg soundtrack playlist, the one which I listen to while playing an mmorpg... and it's full of your songs XD
P.s.:You know what I miss? Organs! Those would have gone well with the melody at 0:52.

MaestroRage responds:

Yeah... the crackling. Damn that crackling! I had in fact talked to DavidOrr and Arbiter about this piece, and they both said it needed mastering work, David even told me how to fix it. Though I did everything he told me, I must not have done it right, or to the right degree. I should have waited a couple days to forget about how the song sounded so that I could listen to it clearer.

Mistakes and more mistakes :(.

I plan on making an extended version of the song. I don't like that ending at all, not angry enough. I'll keep the rude brass, but that part is going to have to get a face lift.

As for organs... it's not a bad idea actually. I just hope I didn't screw my frequency spectrum enough to have to really blast it to hear it!

thank you for the review Skragga! I'm glad you liked it!


What's there to say? hmm, Brilliant? =)

MaestroRage responds:

You COULD say that. I personally say "Nightmare of a piece which refused to be equalized properly and made poor Maestro lose hours of valuable sleep because the ONE bloody instrument refused to yield to my demands"

But either or you know, both work out just fine :D!

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

It's a bitchin' piece

I can only imagine how much it took to get this right, man. But either way, it works out well, just like the other pieces of yours that i've listened to. I wish it was a little longer, or looped better, but barring that, the stuff makes for an epic mental picture. Congrats, mate.

MaestroRage responds:

It seems most of my pieces are too short, and truth be told I probably should. The thing is I make these tunes by zoning into a certain feel/emotion/scenerio, and when I do having multiple emotions present would result in a longer piece. Story songs like Mighty Hails for example, will be a decent 3 minutes or so. This song in particular was focused on ruthless intent to slaughter.

I will however, try to make even these longer.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you are able to see these mental images. I'm also glad you liked it!

I have a good story too

Will stood up. He picked up his sword and met Phaladon's dark eye.
"Go." he said, "There is no place for you here."
"Never!" shouted Will as he leapt at Phaladon. Phaladon put enough lightning into him to kill a horse.
"You will never defeat me Will. Leave or die."
Will, slowly, got up. His sword was burning with light. But it was drawn from his hands and flung into a stone, and meanwhile, Will's arms and legs were bound to thin air with black matter.
"Urgghh..." gasped Will."NO!"
"Then so be it... I'm sorry Will, but it has to be this way." Hellish flames rose up around him, and he channelled it into Will. Will screamed. More and more pulses of energy circled round Phaladon. It was absorbed into his hands and he sent a massive energy blast at Will, but it bounded off into the sky.
"You cannot harm me like this Phaladon, not while the Zephyr crystal has been activated."
"but... that's impossible!!"
"oh but no Phaladon, it was you who did it. now you are going to regret it."
The chains shattered and Will ran at Phaladon.
"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" screamed Phaladon as he was incinerated.

But more was to come...

MaestroRage responds:

activated by Phaladon? Maybe when he shot the lightning? There is a lot of unanswered questions here, though it does let me imagine quite a few things.

I can't write much without knowing more, but for what was there, it was an interesting scenario! Thanks for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

Loved this soundtrack cause of Refrigerator Rampage 2. Good use of the song and I loved the orchestra in it. Great sounding.