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Reviews for "_-={Apocalypse}=-_"

Oh snaps!!

Damn... this shit is extremely sick. Like.... I have no words for it... I wanna sample this, I just don't wanna ruin it! oh meh gawd! >.<

MaestroRage responds:

Nonsense my good sir :D! You should take it and rip it apart to your liking! As long as you walk away with something new from it, I don't rightly care what you do to it, if you do anything at all! Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!


If you have a sheet music version, please send it to me! My school band would like to play it!

Heres a story (horrable writer btw)

Nightfall was upon the few remaining soldiers and it seemed the onslaught of blood-stained and mutilated undead would never end. The soldier's leader, Aduro, was as determined as ever to end this madness but most of his men were either deserters or dead. Aduro shouted at the top of his lungs "Charge!" some ran with him towards their doom while others took off in the opposite direction. One by one he cleaved the undead into two with his bastard sword. His other men fought bravely but soon met a grisly fate. With all his men gone, surrounded, and wounded he fears the kingdom is lost but is assured when his brother, Acerbus, appeared on the horizon ontop of some sort of undead giant. "Aduro! Give up your kingdom! Losing your life isn't going to save the kingdom! If you surrender I promies I will allow you to live in nobility!" Aduro shouts back "You heretic! I will never become someone who follows you! You satanist! Burn in hell!!" Acerbus, enraged at his statement, waves his hands and the ground beneath Aduro's feet turned into a cesspool of gore and bone. The cesspool began to form into some sort of ghastly ooze consisting of bone, skin, and blood. The ooze slowly pulls Aduro into the muck despite his best efforts to break free "Acerbus! You don't have to do this! If you stop the killing I will give you the throne you wanted your whole life! Please!!" Acerbus followed the path of Necromancy, he wasn't suppose to feel guilt... But he felt it. Seeing his brother Aduro slowly drown in his own fallen men's blood made him actually think of what he really has done.

"To be continued" (I like cliches...)

MaestroRage responds:

you're not a bad writer at all! There were some parts where flow and direction were a little thwarted, some awkwardly phrased sentences, but the overall sentiment, the core is intact, and effective.

I've never heard of a necromancer who was able to pull together the blood and decayed flesh of the fallen... i've always thought they were more interested in the body and bones of said fallen...

One questions why this necromancer brother decided to undergo this root. The fact he can feel any kind of guilt is proof of his dwindling humanity, perhaps he did approached necromancy only as a means to an end, and not because he wanted to turn the world into a darker, deader place.

Still it takes big commitment to wage war, and kill your fellow kin.

Overall, a great story, and my good Ghettodemon, there is a difference between classic, and cliche. The two are worlds apart, I don't think this storyline is cliche.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

The end of days...

the clouds of dust begin to grow as the horns sound. Machines of war roll over the bodies of the fallen, The rumble of their engines causes the wildlife to scatter in fright. The last pocket of humanity is under seige from the leigions of otherworldly invaders. Te planes soar overhead as they make one final attempt to save themselves, but know in their hearts it is inevitable, for it has been predicted, though perhaps the biblical prediction was not 100% accurate, for these demons came from the heavens, not the earth. the dead began to rise to the invaders will and soon were slaves with not a mind of their own, as the clock ticks down the last form of government plans a desperate attempt to escape, but it is hopeless for no matter where they run the invaders will follow, they are bent on the destruction of mankind. that is what i picture going to this song, lol.

Not sure if you'll see this message

Just to ask, can I use this song in a game? It won't be here on Newgrounds because I don't have Flash and am not eager totry and learn a sixth programming language, but it'll be on another site that I won't mention, but I can send you the link when it's done.