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Reviews for "Infectonator : Hot Chase"

This Jetpack Joyride clone was passable, for the most part. It provides anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour of enjoyment, though there were a few glaring problems with it.

The most notable problem is the mechanic whereby you need to maneuver your mouse to the boost button in the middle of playing the game, instead of just having boost mapped to a button on the keyboard. A very poorly thought out mechanic, as taking your attention away from the screen can cause you very quickly to make a costly mistake, especially since getting hit by a single car (most of which come in very fast and unannounced) is pretty much the end of that run for you.

I loved Infectionator, the gameplay was fun and challenging, so I know the people who made this are capable of better work. It's a little sad to see them put out something this mediocre and blatantly unoriginal.

Infectonator: Hot chase is one big disappointment with few redeeming qualities.

The upgrades: The upgrades are pretty good for the most part and don't take that long to do... Minus the health. Seriously, it shouldn't be that tedious to get the health to the max level. At this moment, I'm only at 59, and it takes 2-3 games running through 5 or more worlds just to get enough gold for leveling up. Also, the speed and stamina upgrade don't seem to make much of a difference, even at the max level.

The mutations: Some are really useful, like the brute, puker, charming, and bolt. The bomber MIGHT be useful, but I can't figure out how so, since he usually blows up or his duration runs out before you get to a place where you need him. As for the swag mutation, it's completely useless. Intentional or not, the reversed controls ruins it. The coin magnet doesn't save it either due to the buggy controls AND the fact that you can buy Gangnam, who's coin magnet seems to be more powerful.

Besides two mutations being useless: Charming, puker, bolt, swag, and bomber all die too easily, even with the health maxed out. Running into an explosive thing kills them. Running into a car or getting run over by one kills them. Even getting shot once or twice kills them. Thank god for brute, whose health never runs out.

Difficulty: Up until world 3, things are pretty easy. In world 4, there's a lot more enemies with guns, but it's still easy to get through when you have enough upgrades. Starting at world 5, however, is where things start to get unnecessarily hard. It seems like every 5 seconds a car warning pops up, and you have to get out of the way to protect your horde, missing people, pods, boosts, and chests most of the time. And when that's not happening, you're trying to infect more people, but that's kind of hard since the streets seem to be filled with more explosive things and cars than anything else. When you do find a person to infect, it's usually a cop or soldier, or any enemy with a gun. That might not be so bad if they didn't shoot your whole horde down, leaving you powerless and making it A LOT harder for you to infect anyone, since the hit box is buggy. Also, it seems that whenever you manage to hit a pod, there's a super close wall, bomb, car, or gun enemy that almost instantly kills the mutation before you get a chance to do anything.

Infectonator: World domination was an easy, fun game that almost anyone could play. Hot chase seems like that kind of game at first, but then it becomes a frustrating game for extreme, experienced gamers with such an extreme devotion to games that they'll play this for 10 hours straight trying to upgrade all the way and beat the game (Which apparently has NO end). Let's be honest, MOST of us aren't like that. MOST of us just want to play an infectonator game and have the same fun we did with the last one.

Suggestions: There really needs to be a good mutation health upgrade. Yes, the mutations health SUPPOSEDLY goes up when you upgrade them, but that doesn't explain how every mutation minus brute will die whenever you hit anything explosive or get shot, even at max level. There DEFINITELY needs to be a horde health upgrade, since they can only take one hit before dying. The hit boxes for the people need to be bigger, since you can hardly infect anyone without the use of your horde, and sometimes that even fails. The explosive objects need to have a somewhat smaller hit box, since they can still damage you even you you CLEARLY didn't hit them. You should probably make the game a little slower, also. I find it hard to keep up, and I try to look in front of my character to see any boosts, pods, and chests, but then I can't look anymore because I start to get a little dizzy and my eyes hurt. I'm forced to stare at my character, which makes me miss lots of boosts and useful things since I can't get to them in time. Oh, and get rid of swag or replace it, or just make it spawn a lot less.

Other things: The achievements seem to be glitched. I either get an achievement I didn't earn at all, or I get an achievement that I already earned. Sometimes, I obviously earned an achievement, but I either get one lower, or I don't get it at all. Besides that, the only other thing that's buggy is the nyan cat's people magnet. Charming's magnet is powerful and actaully works, while nyan cat's is so weak, that sometimes it doesn't work, and when it does work, you have to be practically on top of the people. Lastly, there is a glitch where your mob disappears for NO REASON. It gets especially annoying in the worlds like world 4 and onward.

Good things: The art was nice and cute, like always. The music was good as well (even though it gets a little repetitive after a while). Brute was by far the best mutation. The different game play and controls were actaully nice in my opinion, even though it's just not the same as infectonator: world domination.

TL;DR - Big disappointment, unnecessarily difficult for an infectonator game, extremely tedious, buggy and glitchy, only a few good things about this game (Good enough to earn 2 stars, but that's really it).

yay black loading screen : (

I liked the graphics but my game didn't save and now the game won't load. With the game having this much grinding and then not saving properly I can't give it a good rating sorry.

It seemed kinda nice for a while, but then everything was getting ridiculously expensive. The speed and stamina did barely anything for a high cost. At the end of the day, it was a good way to waste 5 hours of your time.