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Reviews for "Ventures Of ♛Cyberdevil"

this game doesn't do me a justice but u wanna know something the i don't like the game but it could be better if doom guy wasn't so slippery and the game is a constant troll so why put damn I Q in the game its a bull shit idea and you need to think before posting a troll game the traps are to surprise you not be in the obvious and everywhere. oh yea could you make doom guy jump lower so the game dosen't fuck with u to do what u want the player to do.

Alright, I played through this GOD-AWFUL game and hated every second of it, but that's not what I'm here for. To everyone confused by the jumping puzzle: The counter goes from 9 to 11. It skips ten. You have to jump until the counter hits 24, or count yourself to 23. Once you've hit 24 (which is actually 23) you touch the flag and move on. (I swear, I created an account after playing this "game" to post this bit of walkthrough. I hope you're all happy, making me sit through this.) And for the creator: Next time you make a platforming game, don't put so much... glide into it. There's a difference between momentum and floating, and this is floating. The puzzles are... fine, I guess, but the controls kill it. If you want to make another game like this one, try playing "The Unfair Platformer" first. Then emulate that. Good game: Created.

Jesus, fix the controls man.

ses var görüntü yok
there is only voice i cant see anything

Decent concept, but unplayable.