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Reviews for "Ventures Of ♛Cyberdevil"

It's not very fun. It's basically just a bunch of trolling. The controls are not nice either, and it's strange that you can jump down a hole you can't walk down.

You get a half star for the Doom head.

DIWAKAR responds:

It shows how you control your mind According to Level

Oh, another one of THOSE games. Yeah, I don't think someone who says "Jump exactly 23 time" or "My head's paining" is qualified to tell me I have an IQ of negative 400 something.

7777777.... Duke? DUKE? You think that's Duke Nukum? Oh that's sad. That's the frigging Doom guy! Everyone knows that! What the hell. And it's ID software, not 3d realms.

Greigh you have to jump 24 times. It's a stupid trolling game, remember that. Not even to the level of the "I wanna be the" series or cat mario. I think whoever made this was thinking that "go" meant jump again. So jump 23 times and go would mean jump 23 times and then jump a 24th time and land on the flag.

DIWAKAR responds:

The jump counter skips from 9 to 11 Thus its 24

Alright for a IWBTG type game, but some of the puzzles could have been more clever

i never thought i would say this one day but: The youth of today has no respect for the work of the elders (here ID´s D00M) - no really, there might be some weird kind of creativity behind this, but at least it should have a bit more playabillity and some more intelligent aesthetics (xcuse me english)

DIWAKAR responds:

Sorry about that but i will make CD and all the reviewers with next game

Well, you could have done better...

But all in all it was kinda okay. A platformer that tricks you constantly with traps and out-of-the-box puzzles. Kind of like "I Wanna Be the Guy", but this is just not that well made.

Just try a little harder with your upcoming work.