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Reviews for "Guild Dungeons 2"

Though it's a bit slow and confusing in the beginning it gets very good. My big problem is that when I loaded a game, I can't start quests. I get the leader quote about it (like when a quest starts) but its a leader I never used (the Healer) and it doesn't progress/end.

Power outage... There was a power outage and the saved data seems to be gone to oblivion...

Anyways, just as addictive as the last game, and has the same effect after some time - makes you wanna go outside and do anything else :P Looking forward to reading more quest logs and hopefully not starting from scratch again before finishing.

Adding something to remember the unit types used last time would be an improvement.

I really wanted to like this game, but it still needs a lot of work. Everyone has mentioned the slow pace in the beginning - an easy way to deal with that would be a fast-forward button (sitting and waiting is not fun - you can't even leave the game running while you do other things because an event can occur, which pauses the timer until you click it). Grinding may appeal to some people, but not to me.

But there are also interface issues - too much clicking on too many tiny boxes (for example, "sell" and "buy" goods should be in the same menu). You need more visual displays of what you can do - for example, highlight buildings that you can build in green. When you mouse over buildings for which you do not have the resources, the amount of resources you are short should be highlighted. In fact, you should have an option right there to instantly buy the building for the appropriate cost in gold/silver, saving you the busywork of going through multiple menus to trade for the needed goods.

And a more thorough tutorial.

I hope that one day you can bring yourself to make an improved version. It has potential!

Ok. So I loved this game. I played this game for the last week, every single day, for at least two hours a day. I've been addicted.

Now I'm fucking PISSED!
Because I clicked load game and it will not load. At all. Then I made the mistake of accidentally clicking new game and permanently screwing myself.

So in summary,
I'm so super butthurt.
But you made a great game all and all so,
(besides the load game thing)

Really awesome game! Don't listen to the people complaining about how long it takes, and how hard it is. These things are what make it such a great game. I finished without unlocking everything, but I am sure to play it again at least a couple of times, just to experience all the great details.

Loved how the battle is described and how it provides hints in what to do next. Also, because you don't know exactly how much force you need to succeed in a quest really keeps the tension in the game. I lost my army twice, in the beginning, but then I switch to a more slow paced playing style, leaving it open in the browser to collect resources (The bad thing about that is when events happen,like the harvest festival, the game is paused) while doing other work, investing silver in profitable industries, slowly building my army...

Finally, with my heart racing, I sent my biggest force into the last battle, just hopping for the best... And I won, and indeed it felt like a great victory! (Hint: Minotaurs are really great assets).

There were a few things that were annoying (like the mushrooms, and iron 2 gold), but nothing too important. (I suspect that they were purposely made annoying, and that's great :D).

So overall great experience! Thank you for this game, and hope to see more like this.

P.S.: Please don't give into the popular demand of making games easy and completable in 10 min. There are fewer and fewer games who provide great and long gameplay. Although it might target a more wider audience. Possible, simple, solution different levels of difficulty ( I would love to try this game on a harder difficulty).