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Reviews for "Guild Dungeons 2"

I have the same problem.. My population will not grow... You need to fix this or, explain how to get population. If I buy hovels all it does is increase my max population but, it doesn't increase my current population.

for some reason my population won't grow. Any ideas?

Really good game, I was looking forward to it but since I can say one thing, better make the most of it

So generally, the game and everything together had some minor flaws and I have a few problems with some of the other people.

One of the most important things I would like to talk about since Guild Dungeons 1 is the "Quests". You probably know where I am going with this though I'm going to jump straight to and skip the unnecessary. See the thing about the series is the quest rate, you let none of us know if we can complete a quest or how dangerous it is, you say that with numbers that don't really indicate anything or show up in my army to see how powerful it is, perhaps you could add in a specific number or percentage of Success % or underneath your army an ARMY POWER with a bar and such showing if you are strong enough to take on this mission. Now when I end a quest... unfortunately I lose all my Soldiers if I fail which is terrible because I spend half an hour mashing the button hiring and then they all die EFFORTLESSLY in battle and none return, no loot, that's pushed too far and thought would be fixed. By the way, it would also be good to add an in battle gameplay to actually strategize and feel like I have the battle in my hands and up to me other than sit there doing nothing.

Okay, escaping the quest segment I want to jump to the leaders. Their artwork is wicked and twisted like which I love and their names are clever too but enough of that. See the choice between choosing leaders for a different outcome is not so high, not so much will help which I find disappointing.

Now to end things with positive thoughts I'll direct this toward the construction segment of the game, building the city was really enjoyable and one of my favorite parts of the series itself and the artwork of the game was incredible which Kudos to you for your art talent. I love how when i build something I go and see it later on and is there in the city but I have forgotten to mention another subject on the topic. You've made a long way from the past game and I see you added more than you stripped off of it with constructing but that doesn't make things better, this goes to the limitation of farms, lumber mills and mines that really pushed my buttons. Resources were hard to come by and would really helpful if I could buy Mushrooms since Quests are too hard and not worth it, it's the only place to find them and you can pretty much grow +1 cheese and minerals and what not which overrates growing resources... in short ( Buying resources is much more helpful than Growing)

Going to the secondary last part of the Review, I'd like to about the smithing, crafting and researching objects which has come a long way from the past game it was still not satisfying for me. From the 1st Guild Dungeons you could research and craft with ease which was something i preferred rather than create buildings.

Now to generally speak for the game itself, I was really looking forward to Guild Dungeons 2 but never got what I wanted cause I expected somethings to be fixed ( mostly the quest completion rate). I wish i wasn't disrespectful in anyway and understand I was speaking with a preference and personal way of opinion... I really appreciate for the making of the making of the game and can see your effort and how much you worked your ass off, the combination of good art, concept, idea, interactions and gameplay is extremely rare to find nowadays with websites flooded with horrible and sloppy flashes, this stands out.

Thank you, Hyptotis, for all the amazing games you've done throughout the years and helped us all enjoy ourselves!

Edit: This is the 1st review I've ever edited and it's also from nearly a decade ago (it's now 13/08/22). I'm playing through the game again for nostalgia's sake and I need to point out something that wasn't in my initial review. Though the game idea is beautiful in the abstract and even in practice, it falls flat in the practice part.

You're given the idea that there's a lot of features and functionality but in truth, most of the functionality is half assed and badly implemented. Lots of mislabeled items like building production resources, poorly explained mechanics such as building limit, resource rarity and of course, the entirety of the questing system. I notice that my teenage self managed to put an exclamation on some of these issues but not enough. The biggest atrocity this game does which I felt such a strong need to point out that I had to edit this review is the unbelievably slow wood production. Lumber is used in virtually everything. It can be gained through quests and trade to expedite the process but it is still an unsatisfactory pace. You can create a SINGLE lumber mill as opposed to the infinite amount you were allowed to from the previous game. And to supplement your in-house wood production you do in your own town, you can hire a measly amount of 3 woodcutters. That brings production up to 8 per income turn. That would be all well and good if most endgame constructions didn't demand 1000-2000 lumber or all other early to mid game constructions needing within the range of 150-250 lumber. Let's dive deeper into this lumber issue with a really short time calculation segment. To gain 960 wood, you would need to wait 120 income turns. Each income turn lasts around 18 seconds from beginning to end. 120 x 18 is 2160 seconds which is 36 minutes. I find that really really tedious considering the amount of lumber you need in total in this game.

Another thing that I want to segway this discussion into. Say you want to buy that lumber. It's gonna cost you an arm and a leg. The price for a single unit of lumber is 4 silver. What's absolutely confounding to me is how most other resources in the trade screen are dirt cheap in comparison and ones that don't even make sense and get produced slower than lumber. Bronze, a supposed rare alloy between tin and copper which requires a smelter to be produced (and very very slowly per turn mind you) can be bought for only 2 silver per unit... just 2 silver. Add to that the fact it's used in small quantities for building constructions or researching and you realize that something's wrong. This leads back to what I was saying about half assed functionality and features. It's tiny mistakes like these which are prevalent throughout the game that you cannot see because most mechanics are poorly or not explained at all. My hypothesis is that it's a design oversight and lumber was meant to be much cheaper and the other resources that are also very slow to produce and cheap to buy were meant to be more expensive. Also, don't bother selling any products, you will get scalped heavily in the exchange rate.

Last thing, I wanna take a dump on the quest system which I didn't get the chance to back in the days as a kid and I loved every flash game regardless of its flaws. You're given arbitrary health, damage and defense stats for each unit that you never really know how to benchmark. You can never know a unit's effectiveness in battle because battles are pre-simulated with some really light RNG thrown into the mix and all you get in the end of a quest is a very vague text description of the outcome of the whole quest. This is actually fine too, having a text description give you the result of a battle in vague but detailed terms without showing detailed game statistics. But you're given very little information as to enemy troop numbers, how effective your troops attack were, how effective a leader was, how dangerous an area is BEFORE you go in there, how many troops it will need etc. etc. You're left in complete darkness to figure things out for yourself and even then, it's still difficult to understand how the quest system actually works and what is the most optimal strategy. Moreover, how can you know that there's no design oversights with the quest system? Like for example, how can you know that an area is actually dark and has bad weather because the description said so? What if Hyptotis the designer overlooked a specific area just like he mismatched labels for some buildings or messed up the trade goods exchange rate? Don't get me wrong, the idea is there, the questing system is a really gorgeous with a lot of promise but it's poorly executed.

I bumped off 1.5 stars from my original review. I really do think this game is a 3 because it's a fun make-believe game where there's an enjoyable cathartic feeling in seeing your city grow from nothing and to see the beautiful artwork for the sprites and character portraits Hyptotis did. But as a functioning game, it falls short. Even if it's a flash game, I can only cut it so much slack, ESPECIALLY considering it's a sequel which means it was meant to improve and iron out the original's flaws. But the questing system hasn't improved, it remains vague, the game remains a tedium because of the lumber production issue and still has balance issues like the trade goods exchange rate. 10 years later I still love it but I'm also more fair in my reviews with games, even if it means I'm tough on them.

Great game,but not without many flaws/annoying bits
(Keep in mind,i don't consider quests as an 'active' source of resources)


One big thing i need to mention right now,is there NEEDS to be another source of resources other then the mines
What i mean by that,is the resource amount you get from the mines are pathetic,i mean,how do the workers manage to bring back a single stone every day,FROM A MOUNTIAN MADE ENTIRLY OF STONE?!

Ether give us the ability to have more then a single mine of each type(like mabye up to 5,10 ect. of each mine type),or more buildings that also generate them

Speaking of the minable resources,and the poor income of said resources,once you have made the smelter,your tin income from the mine stops completly(since you only get 1 per turn,which is automaticly used by the smelter),same with the iron from the mine,once you have 10 iron,it all automaticly gets used for the smelter,just more proof we need more then just 1 resource per turn

There seems to be a massive copper income(once you have most buildings),but it seems mostly useless,atleast compared to how much of the OTHER resources you need to build stuff....(stone,i'm looking at you)

Also,i've never been able to find mushrooms,so i assume their strictly quest-found items....which they shouldn't be,you should be able to buy/grow them


This will likely be the shortest of the 'segments' in this review

I find it kind of odd how it claims gold as being the primary currancy,yet SILVER,is,there are far more things that require silver then gold,so technicly it's untrue

Also,little tip to every one,when selling gold,whatever amount you try to sell,it will add a 0 to the end of the sell price,meaning if you sell say,177 gold,it will sell for 1770 silver


As a few have said,i see very little diffrance between the effects of the leaders,theres only been ONE time,that the leader i chose actually had a particular effect,although it didn't matter since i had my army outfitted with equipment that would of done the same thing

Also,i'm not sure what it is,but something about Larz' portrait is....unsettling...mabye it's because his skin is so bland that it makes the other fetures,like his eyes,horns ect. stick out more?


To be honest,the only troops i use,are the ones who have highest stats that i can curently use,though i always have atleast one who has special skills like lockpicking and the like

One thing that i can't understand,is te Sackmen

The Sackmen,are basicly like living voodoo dolls,right?

So,if they don't have a body that requires food,why does it not only cost 5 meat to hire them,but why are they the only ones of my army who have DIED OF STARVATION?!
How does something that dosen't eat,starve??

Another thing that i find a bit annoying,is when your selecting which troops to take on a quest,the only options are 'Select this unit' and 'Reset',it would be extreamly helpful if you could reselect a unit you've already chosen(be it on pourpos or by a miss-click) and be able to do something like 'Unselect this unit' rather then having to COMPLETLY reset your troop roster and select them all,all over again

I'm not sure why,but i also lose hunters almost every time i send them,the quest report thing claims that they dies while trying to climb.....I GET THIS LETTER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEND HUNTERS,you'd thing that after so many failed attempts,they woudl realize 'Oh ya,we can't climb',i even outfit them with a rope ad they STILL try to climb manually,resulting in their death
...Which brings me into one of my most dispised aspects...


I have had so many stupid little things happen on quests.....as i already mentioned about how hunters practicly seem suicidal,and how the Sackmen,the only INCORPORAL,unit i've unlocked so far,managed to die of starvation dispite the fact they shouldn't need to eat to begin with

Also,just what is the % of failing a quest?(or is the % the difficulty? like 32% chance to fail on a difficulty: 32?)
I did a quest that was 'Difficulty: 32',and failed both times...then failed a difficulty: 7 quest?
The likes of which i had been able to complete with no problem back when my army was weak?

As i said,i keep failing a difficulty: 32 quest,no matter what units,items or leaders i use

....And why is the penelty for failure,THE LOSS OF YOUR ENTIRE ARMY??(The ones you sent atleast)
I can understand of SOME,or even MOST are lost when you fail,but not the entire fricken army that was sent....i lost so many units because of this,including my highly expensive succibi(i consider them expensive since they require iron which as i already said,has to be manually bought once you have the smelter because it automaticly gets used once you have 10 iron)

I also don't quite understand what factors in to troops collecting an amount of resources,then only bringing SOME of them back(they once got 80 wood,and only brought 32 back dispite the fact there was no problems along the way fro them to have lost them)


I have to say,i love these kind of games mostly to watch the city grow as you add more to it,there are a few you left out though that seem like odd choices

With the drawbridge,you could of just added a bridge on ropes that goes across the moat,with the gatehouse,you could of added a gate in the wall's main entrance,and for the side passage thing,you could of added a small door or something somewhere along the wall

The shrine also seems.....large,compared to what you would expect before you build it


It is without a doubt,a great game,it's fun building up your city

One last suggestion: it would be nice if there was a seperate option for muting,like say you want the soundeffects unmuted,but you want the music TO be muted

An example,is i'm currently in the middle of playing console game while playing this,so i want to mute the music in this,but at the same time i need to listen for any events/my income since i won't be paying attention to the computer screen


I look forward to more games from you

I'd kinda like to be able to buy Mushroom caps in the Trade Goods section, but I made by finding enough to build everything just by questing 2 caps at a time.

Tycook Forest was pretty good for the amount of time the quest took. You get 900 Silver, and you get 95 wood, which is great because wood is one of the most expensive Trade Goods that's a major building material. And it has forest in the name, so you can actively seek it in the quest section.

I never found a single Drainstone recipe, but here goes some smithing ones: (wood,wood,wood,wood,???) (coral,coral,sky,elk,pearl) (bear's tooth,mycelium,feather,coral,fossil) (scale,scale,scale,scale,fire) (onyx,flame,wood,leaf,pearl) (coral,scale,scale,scale,flame)