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Reviews for "The Children of Brinn"

It's an OK old school text game

A very good interacticve game. Lots of different decisions that ended most or less the same.
The idea of a scoreboard is quite unnecessary, beacuse you can simply skip the reading and keep pressing continue and random decisions that leads to points quickly. I suggest that the points are added only at the end, so once the game is started again, the points erase and starts over.

Hyptosis responds:

Well most of the points do erase, however if the player made a choice that had an exceptionally good outcome, like 10 percent of those points are stored for the next play through. So really, yeah, random clicking over and over for a long period of time can build up points, but you're a dork if you do that. Plus I needed to learn how to use the scoreboard, this game was my teacher. Thanks!

I love these sort of games, FIVE STARS FOR SHEER SKILL!!!

Every time I play your games, it always make me feel like I'm in the game.

On behalf of all your fans, I thank you for your time and effort put into every game you have ever made.

Your fan, Random Man641.

Hyptosis responds:

Thanks so much!

great game!!

Hyptosis responds:

Thank you!

Its might be said cheating but i skip the story to get all medal b4 i read all text slow mode enjoying the story line