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Reviews for "Snowdrift"

This game is pretty frustrating to play. I've died 3 times with out being able to find a source of water Sam can use, though I did find a lake and he simply refuses to use to fill his water bottle. Fist time I played I got lost and died, last two times I died simply because the lake's water isn't good enough for Sam. I love the concept of the game which keeps me wanting to play.

Still, this game would be for more enjoyable with a map. Not even a good one, just one that show where ever a water source Sam will actually use is. Maybe show where a bush or berries is when ever a player comes across them? A pause button would be great, time FLYS in this game and I have things to do then just sit here and only play this game. You get up to grab a glass off water for yourself and Sam dies :P

Placeable responds:

The water source is located really close to his house. If you go to the left area of his house and head straight up north to the right corner of the map there you'll find the water.

Sorry for the inconvenience but part of the game is to explore the areas and find the resources yourself. A lot of players have been drawing their own map to make the game a bit easier for them but once you get the hang of it it should be no problem :)

A pause feature is something I will make sure gets in the sequel.

Thanks for the review!

Part of me loved this game. The art was cool and retro. The sounds and ambiance were creepy. The concept was interesting, though seriously vague.

Problems? Well, I glitched out several times where the character actually completely disappeared from sight (in the middle of the day time) and I got stuck on the side of the screen as I could see trees going up and down, but no character.

I also felt that everything was too vague in terms of how to play. And sometimes too difficult to play because of that vagueness.

I finally made it to the third knock... but soon after lost to hunger, though I had cooked something and was trying to eat it. That was frustrating and also the last straw for me. I cannot simply go back and play the days over and over and over and over again.

A pause button, as someone else mentioned, would be fantastic.

An opportunity to save, would be great. I could have saved right after that 3rd knock and then continued to "survive" after that.

I also feel that I didn't get to explore as much as I wanted to because it was so hard to get some food and water and wood before the darkness set in. I know it should be challenging, however, I really wanted to explore more and felt that all my time ended up monopolized. Time went far too quickly in game.

Anyway. I am now bored with what could have been really fun.... because I'm tired of starting over and over. Maybe I'm a wimp but... I sure wish there had been a little more to it then just trying to hurry and get food, water and wood before dark. But I did like it... even though there were some glitches and things.

Placeable responds:


The game actually autosaves for each new day (At 06:00) so you could start the game again and hit "Continue" and you can start off on the day where your last quit/died.

I wouldn't be so mean and let players restart the whole game because of a glitch :)

very good scared the shit out of me at some points.

Mr. Placeable.

Everything I believe of this game is already written in other comments (both good things ( BTW, I played this at 3 AM... NOT COOL XD well It actually was cooler than my replay in daytime real life) and bad things (Complete darkness bugs upon entering the house etc etc). HOWEVER, there is only one thing that I haven't seen in the comments: The way the Character moves should be fixed (TO YOUR CONSIDERATION OF COARSE). What am I referring to? If you want to move say in a cartesian coordinate system up AND right you travel exactly one unit to the right and one unit upwards. The game as it is allows you to move up and right at the same time, and this way it advances faster than it should. How is this? if we were to calculate the distance traveled this way (pressing up and right at the same time) with the pythagorean theorem, you would see that you advance 1.4142 units diagonally, but In my OWN opinion I think it should just travel 1 unit of distance. See what I'm getting at? this kind of problem however has a great deal of importance in such a game, where moving is an important (I'd say the most important in this game) aspect. Thus I leave it to you. HOPE IT WAS HELPFUL... AND IR EALLY HOPE YOU MAKE THE GAME MOVE 1 UNIT DIAGONALLY SO PEOPLE CAN TRULY TASTE THE FEAR MWAHAHHAHAH


Placeable responds:

Haha! I will totally do that man :P Gotta love them old mathematicians, Pythagoras is a BOSS!

Good graphics, good ideas, interesting story, but overall you quickly understand everything and just wait for new things that won't come.

Gameplay wise, i looked for interaction with the river, the trees, the sprites, anything, but nothing comes up. I pretty much stocked food and wood and waited. By the way, isn't eating snow a good way of getting water? ^^

Story-wise, we get the "end of the world" thing, but nothing much comes out of it. Who is Sam? Are these hallucinations he has form his past? Are they what he hopes for? Not much is said about it. (though i admit i only watched the good ending, being too lazy to play the game again)

But I guess I had too much expectations for a flash game. I never made one myself, but i guess it takes a lot of work to have this game. Good game, maybe an even better sequel? :p