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Reviews for "Snowdrift"

i got up to day 18, it wasn't too hard, running around the first 2 areas, i actually figured out how to move from place to place without any light, i had plenty of food and nothing to spend the "night" on except feeding the fire over and over. i lost because everything just went pitch dark when i was like 3 areas away, with no oil. I'm not sure how far i got or even if i moved at all, but i had fun. Really good in terms of originality. I got ending #1 and #4, too lazy to try to get the rest. Kinda wish i knew everything that affected the endings, as well as seeing the other 2 without having to play to day 13 again.

Placeable responds:


When outside at night there is a chance the darkness will consume the area you are currently in, making it pitch black. Even your lantern is affected! But its okay just quickly open up your inventory and lantern again and you should be fine.

Absolutely fantastic, cant wait for more

look, very good game, very good narrative and though, BUT some controls gave me truly despair, on the next why not put C as undo/leave? it would really help in quick thinking situations. Being unpersonal this is one of my only complains, the terror was well thought and well placed and everything in general was good.
But oh god, being personal....
I have this thingg that I completely and with all my being hate web terror (like the smile) and subliminar messages (those pics that apear only for 2 secs), but being a terror and gore fan, I take it as not a low, but lower kind of terror, as it frightens the subconscious, not the conscious mind.I got to a point that I would low down the screen and let him finish his sleep until I heard knocks.

I quit the game at day 28. It was interesting at first, but the game became a "stay out of menus as much as possible" race for food and water. While that may put a rush on things, I was able to survive for an extremely long time doing nothing but the exact same things over and over again. I am fairly confident I can continue on or another 4 days if I don't run into any rabbits, which would extend my game by another 2 days.

Is there an end? Do I get anything if I still survive?

You make it fairly clear that your intention was to have the player survive for a long period of time, but never indefinitely (unless they wanted the other endings that I have read about in the other reviews). For the player that is capable of pushing the game past the point of "fun," it just gets ridiculous to keep going. I have no indication as to whether I should just die or keep playing. The game gives me no idea as to when to actually stop. I have no goal, no progress. I don't even have changing texts or events that inform me that there was a point in playing more. I have no direction.

Am I supposed to just die?

Placeable responds:

If you have the bad ending you could play on forever until you die really, that's when you get the ending.

As for the Good and Neutral one you you get hints on what to do. Not much so on the Bad one because... well, you did BAD! :P

You have an ending if night time start as soon as 09:00 on the morning, that's the "End Game".

Good job on making it to 28 days but I would advice you to go die in the game (Oh that sounded strange).

Was enjoying the creepy vibes but first time playing menu wouldnt pull up and game froze at 18:00. Reloaded and everything seemed to be going well but soon could only move if menu was pulled up, making it impossible to perform actions. Easy playability simple obectives to stay alive but difficult enough at times to present a challenge. And of course some creepy noises to keep you company as you perform them. DONT get tired in the woods.