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Reviews for "Snowdrift"

I played this game till day 20. I finally got fed up and stopped playing after the 3rd time the game froze on me. Up until that point it was an interesting game, a bit random but a time killer non the less. Good sound effects paired with pop up images, nothing amazing but well done.
Please fix this bug I wanted to finish the game.

Placeable responds:

Hit up Continue and carry on your game should be enough to fix it. It will load the game from your last played Day.

I reached the third knock. I like this game, and everything about it. But there is a few annoyances, and that is the difficulty, rapid time speed, inventory, and item management. It seems without using a few simple glitches that the game could be impossible.

I swear I almost cried when the oil in my lantern ran out and darkness suddenly set in at 10am on Day 9. Managed to make it to 13 before I got the bad ending (always ignoring the knock and getting consumed by darkness) and I definitely want to see the other ones now. There was an excellent use of sound to build up tension and I think my only complaint is that I fell into a routine a little too quickly and got bored after I had explored. I'm definitely looking forward to checking out more of Placeable's work.

I liked the game enough, to take a try to get all the endings. I couldn't get the bad ending, though. On my second try, when i decided not to "let strangers into your house", when someone knocked to my door for the third time, the game frozen at 16:00 - no hunger, fatigue or thirst was taken, but then i couldn't sleep, neither could i use any items.
Every attempt to scary me was successful - i jumped then and again even at my third try, when the nightmares occurred. I liked the game overall.
I can't get rid of the feeling, that the whole magic about which ending we get, is all about when do we let the blue character into our house. Let him all three times to get the good ending, don't let him only for the first time, to get neutral, and not sure what to do, to get the bad ending. Any real walkthrough would be welcome, as from the reviews I cannot see anything clear, and there are too many possible options. Is it real just our answers to yes/no or something other? How much time we spent in the dark? Did we wake up when nightmares occur? Did we chop wood in night? Did we sleep during a day? Did we spare hares? Did we clear all the bushes? Did we let our house to be consumed by darkness even for a minute? Possible options really are too numerous.

Placeable responds:

There are several factors taken into account for the ending you get. There are several minor ones like what you mentioned (I won't go into exactly what they are) and there are the three major ones and they are *drum roll* you guessed it! The three visits from the stranger.

The glitch you mention is known and I have a really hard time myself to recreate it. Really the reason for it is unknown to me and it seems like a really odd one.

Worst case when something like that happens is to simply refresh the browser and hit the game up with Continue to start off from the day you last played.

Sorry for that!

Glad you liked the game though and thanks for the review!

Really good game, actually; kept feeling thirsty irl when i was running out of water in the game, and in the later days the sight of a rabbit was like a holy miracle... XD

I think i stumbled into a bug, though: at day 16, i got the "knocked door" event. Now, i had let it in for the first two times, then refused to open for other two times. It may sound stupid, but i was running out of food during night, i had finished my oil days before, and i was pretty much condemned. Then i decided to grasp to the last desperate hope: i decided to open the door to the stranger, hoping it would someway get me out of that situation, no matter how. Then, bugged. The time stopped like always, but no one came in. After some seconds i was able to move the character again, yet the time was still frozen at 16:00. I went out, and when i was certain that was a bug, i entered the dark, curious to see how sam was going to die if i stayed too much in there. Heartbeats, a door slamming, then silence, nothing happens. So, i couldn't even die.
Hope i have been helpful. :)

Placeable responds:

Thanks for the review!

Yep you are not the only one to happen upon this bug, if you simply restart the game and hit continue it should just let you carry on from your last day. Bug free.