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Reviews for "Wasted Colony"

Overall a really good game. There are a few issues some people have mentioned that I dn't feel like need to be mentioned again (you can already see them).
But, if you tidied it up a bit it'd be an awesome game.

Great game!
I would love to see it on an Android Smartphone :3

I agree with ItsNotAsian this is a dumbed down Rebuild 2. It could be still good, but this game has pretty bad flaws! Two things I hate the most:
1.) No matter how many people are there in the house only the guards will fight and also you can send people helping a survivor in trouble from your guard - potentially degradeing your defense unholdable and potentially sending the helping team to their deaths becouse there is no information about the strength of your remaining defense nor about the chances of your rescue team!
Every single person in the safehouse should be guards! Maybe people appointed on guard duty could have some defense bonus, but in a desperate situation everyone should rush to defend the house! Does it make sense to you that people in the back continue makeing disco or cooking while their comerades are getting killed at the front door and the zombies breaching?!
2) For the reasons above if you make a mistake it's gonna be most likely fatal, by cousing a breach wich even if you survive it's unlikely you will be able to recuperate! And since there is only one savegame, wich saves automatically at the start of each day even a long and successful game can be royally screwed by one mistake!

There are a bunch of less critical but still annoying flaws too:
- The general lack of information. I alredy mentioned above some very important information being witheld. Also after scouting you only get to know what are in the house in question but no hint about how much of that stuff. No hint about how many people worth being sent scawengeing an area to get everything. (I usually send 3, that's generally enough to get all the scrap and also I'm rarely able to spare much more.) No hint about the chance of success of a recruiting mission either. (But it seems someone with a work skill larger than 60 has a fairly good chance.) Even the information regardeing the safety of a mission lies: it seems a team either gets attacked or not and if they get attacked they always need a rescue team or els the get killed (even though it was told their chance of dieing is 0%)!
- Moral as a consumable resource. That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard! Well, maybe not, but it's still a very stupid idea! Building something reduces the morale? It makes no sense!
It's probably to make the game more difficoult by forceing the player to keep more people at home (to produce the resource) but I can't belive you couldn't come up with something better! Also since only the guards can defend the safehouse forceing the player to keep a bunch of non-guards at home is unfair. I hate when for example I have like 18 survivors but can't send out more than 5 people (wich is 2 missions, 3 at most) and still don't have more than 5 guards - of wich at least 4 is needed permanently otherwise they can't hold off an attack!
- It gets boring after a while. Becouse of the abovementioned reasons the game progresses very slowly and it's a good thing when nothing happens, becouse when something unexpected happens that can be only something bad - like an assoult. Also my scawengers keep finding the same things: baseball bats and 4 kind of hats. But my people aren't really trained with anything other than melee anyway. The two handed skill seems to be totally useless, I only found one two handed weapon. I also didn't find any difference in the effectiveness of the different weapon skills.

All in all, it could have been a good game, like Rebuild, but has way too many flaws!

Ps.: If someone found this game too easy he must have been very lucky. Should try again and see if he gets lucky again and if it's easy without an insane amount of luck!

its ok but u should make better games keep trying i know u can

Seems to be a dumbed-down version of Reclaim. Lots of things I'd like to do, like backtrack a few days upon failing so I don't have to create a new save file each time. Build... I don't know.... a better wall? Also seems to be a discrepancy with Survivor recruitment. On the mission screen it'll display that I now have +2, +3, ect, survivors, yet it'll always be one less for some reason.