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Reviews for "Relic"

so my character froze right. Pressed Q now the menu button doesnt work and i cant save.

So you know and have fixed most of the problems I have had, so I won't bother bringing it up. Though the game does seem to run slow with a couple of lag spikes and the whole enemies dying before they are hit thing bugs me a bit. This game is amazingly beautiful and well animated. The characters are decently balanced with interesting skills (Fizzle is a beast) The music is pleasing and not as repetitive as other games, though it has it's moments. The ability to mute it is huge. Yay space bar. I do wish there was boss music.
I was saddened by no weapon shop or way to unload unneeded stuff. Especially since you get to broad swords and only one character can use them. Seems unnecessary and redundant. Rooks are almost unimportant and since monster drops give very little it's difficult to load up on potions.
The game was super easy. I breezed the whole way through up to the near end. I didn't use a potion until the near end. It was easy peasy until I got to the third map when the monsters apparently took steroids and I almost got wiped. So I bought a couple of potions and changed my tactics slightly and never had a problem.
The bosses were easy to deal with, just had to freeze the boss (kinda a broken ability) Kill the minions then deal with the bossicle. I was level 6 when I beat it. The game was disappointingly short. I did like the monster variety. The loot caves as option areas was neat as well. The into and ending would have been awesome with full color drawings. But still a fun game, I enjoyed it. Good Job.

Well, here it is. I've waded through the entire game, I'm at Vineth, and I keep throwing round after round of attacks at him. He just stands there with his werewolf gloves on. No counterattack, no nothing. WTF??

Wow.. That was an incredible experience! The animation was unbelievable! It played so well, and I was hooked from the start. The only criticism I have is that you should be able to sell your excess equipment, and there should be a way to restore your HP/MP when you get to a save spot as constantly having to heal yourself get's expensive.

Unfortunately, this game only really rose above mediocrity in its graphics.

The story, while starting out promising, never became anything more than "bad guys stole this item get it back". Treasure chests were always hidden in plain sight, so there was only a facade of exploration. Optional areas were just a big cave with treasure in it. Despite the pretty graphics and enemy models, our world was a boring one that never begged to be explored. With the exception of the non-linear labyrinth, each area was little more than a straight line.

However, this would have been mostly forgivable if the combat was something special. Unfortunately, it was nothing more than mediocre. Essentially, we have one healer, and 4 damage dealers. While each character certainly had their own special abilities, there was no incentive to ever use them. Let me explain why.

Due to the designer's choice of not having inns (which is fine by me actually), every character resource that was lost had to be individually replenished with money (i.e. health and mana). However, due to cinnacat's mana being able to recover large amount of health, the most cost-efficient use of mana is without a doubt cinnacat's heals. So all I did the whole game was to buy lots of mana potions, have every character but cinnacat use attack until enemies died, heal up and mana cittacat up. It's a simple, yet optimal strategy that absolutely breaks this game's balance. The game simply never provides enough incentive for me to depart from it.

This is further seen from the fact that I beat the game at level 6, which is far below the medal-awarding level 10. I have no idea how much grinding that would have taken but considering how dull combat gets (once again, having fun and using your abilities ultimately a gold drain) I had zero interest in doing so.

Ultimately, like many other dull RPGs, this game was polished, bug-free, functional and even quite good looking as well as having a nice soundtrack. However it lacked a real incentive to keep playing. Dynamic, interesting characters with depth? No. An interesting, compelling story that keeps you on the edge of your seat or shocks you with sudden and dramatic events? No. A combat system that really forces you to think hard about how to properly use your abilities and forces you to strategize? No.

I give this a 3, not because it is bad, and not because it is good, but because it is middle of the road. Luckily, there's room for improvement and with the graphics already solid, hopefully the developers can focus more on creating an interesting cast of characters with emotions and hopes, humor and sarcasm. A story that's worth pursuing and a battle system that really makes you think about each move. With the technical aspects of the game well-rooted, I sincerely hope the next one can take this very solid framework and use it to really make a game worth remembering.