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Reviews for "Contemplate Life"

Deep! but hear me out...

I am not religious what so ever but I must say this is the reason why i go to newgrounds to find good stuff that has passion, and if anything this is top notch!

You get a lot of animators who use little animation and mostly imagery to convey a message and it ends up being absolute crap! but you my friend have done it properly and captured the emotion in it.

The message might no be for people such as my self but you flash is outstanding keep up the good work this was truly a window into your mind.

My hat's off to you sira!

nahtanojmal responds:

Hey thanks I appreciate it :)

Good for Someone Religious and Down

I really liked the beginning and got all into it.
Love the animation and could feel how tortured this person was.
But then religion came into the picture.
& I don't know. I'm fine with people having a religion but when people start preaching or trying to shove religion down other peoples throats it bugs me.
I've had times where i was devastated and life sucked and no god saved me.
& even when I get down now I'm the one who sets me straight not god.
But all and all this would be a great video for someone who's religious and needed some inspiration to live another day.

nahtanojmal responds:

I'm glad you like it. We can get by without seeking God, but that doesn't mean the real problem won't reveal itself when we die.
Thanks for your honesty

Great Video For Religious People

If you're religious, then you'd probably find this very inspirational. Good themes, good fitting music, and some nice ideas.

However, it's an immediate put off for somebody like me, who isn't religious. The message is kind of saying humans can't do anything without god, but for those of us who don't believe in any god, that's a pretty big insult.

It may end up that us humans are as worthless as we seem, or it may not, but to give into something like god just to feel good, is just as bad as living an immoral life. You should do as you do because it's right, because it makes sense. Not because of you love or fear some proclaimed all powerful being. You have nothing to support that action, you are running from life by creating excuses for yourself.

There is no logic in religion, it is something people turn to when they don't want to deal with reality.

nahtanojmal responds:

The Word of God is an offence to those who are perishing. That's probably why many Christian churches have gone squishy.

Our definitions of right (and wrong) can be chaotic. God's definition is the standard.

James 1:27 (in the Bible)
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Thanks for your honesty ;)


Great imagery, great music build up, and, overall, a pretty good flow. I would like to see some more fluid animation in your future pieces, but the style fits this piece quite well. Keep up the good work. Whether or not I agree with your views, I'm voting this animation high. It's ballsy to post something relatively religious these days. The fact that it has some people below really talking about the message (whether or not they agree with it) means that it's an effective piece of art, in my opinion. My only critique would be that sometimes the voice sounded a little less clear. May just be my speakers.

nahtanojmal responds:

Thanks and I agree. I probably should have done more re-recording but I just wanted it finished.


this is an awesome movie. that guy almost killed himself. the graphics were pretty Good. Anyways keep up the awesome work.

nahtanojmal responds:

Hey, thanks.