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Reviews for "Contemplate Life"

Oh, pshaw.

God doesn't exist. Hell doesn't exist. I might as well worship Celestia and Luna. I'd RATHER worship Celestia and Luna.
I choose, personally, to try and help others wherever I can. No, I don't seek reparations. Perhaps I'm just the strange one in that regard, and everyone else is selfish and cruel. But I don't believe that.
I believe YOU are selfish and cruel and look to someone or something else to take you in, to forgive your faults. I don't believe in any of this. Don't look to God with your sins and your faults. Look to yourself, learn from it, and come out a better person.
There's an end to everything. Death isn't something bad, it's just what happens. But who would honestly believe that what you do doesn't matter just because it ends? Again, everything ends.
And finally, "Your corruption is your fault, not because you could have chose not to be corrupt, but because you have not given up on yourself."? Wow. That's really inspiring, innit? (<- SARCASM) Okay, fine, let's all just give up on ourselves and stop trying to do anything but giving ourselves to some imaginary deity... FUCK THAT.
The music wasn't that good. The vocals were hard to understand, the lyrics uninteresting, and there wasn't much melody.
The animation was... adequate. It was dark and repetitive, but... I've seen much worse.

nahtanojmal responds:

Yes, learn from your faults and realise God was right afterall.
Yes, death isn't bad, Hell is.
Give up on trying to be good to get to heaven, and see Jesus as the only way there. But obviously you wouldn't want that...

The music was awesome, KillTheTrucker did upload a remastered version. Maybe that will change your mind.

Anyways thanks for the review and being honest :)


I thought the animation and presentation was pretty good and you did get a deep feeling to it.

However, I'm an agnostic realist so I completely disagree with your message. Whether you believe in a god or not you have to look to yourself if you plan to get through anything because ultimately it is your choices that will define you. Not god or anyone else for that matter.

nahtanojmal responds:

God's not going to live our lives for us and if we expect to sit back and let God do everything, we're idiots. For example: It's a hypocritical thing to pray, "God give me the money to pay for the rent this week", if you regularly gamble it away.

To a degree I agree with you. Though only God can help us in the end.

Thanks for reviewing. That wasn't a useless review ;)

Loved it. Got your message across.

Got the message across with little to no actual animation. Music fit really well. At times the dialogue was muffled but it was clear most of the time. Your accent made it a little hard to tell what you were saying. But otherwise not bad.

To those reviewers who went off on a religious rant this is not the forum for it.

nahtanojmal responds:

I do tend to focus on the message a bit much and put the visuals and audio to a mediocre level. I probably should have got some outside input during the creation process...
He he I have an accent :D

meh, I don't mind the religious rants.

Thanks and I hope people got the message to ;D


While there was an improvement in the graphics from your previous work (implementing lines was a good choice), and the colors were nice, there was still a pretty harsh lack of variety in the animation here. There were alot of tweens, stillframes and loops that took me out of the movie. Your style's nice, but it's REALLY fucking rigid. Try doing more with the animation, it really just looks like the animation is an afterthought here. I enjoyed the instrumental song, but the words over it were poorly recorded and probably just would have been better left out. But that wouldn't have been an option (which leads me the third and most important point, the main reason for the low score) because it's just propaganda. There's no plot here, no subtlety, no entertainment value... It's really just Flash-based proselytism... Cartoons aren't really shit without ideas are they? Truly the crudest art with the most heart, brains and effort are worthy of high praise. You have nice presentational skills, but your cartoons are weak underneath the hood. Personally I like Spud better, at least you packaged the religious dickery under a nice little plot.

Now here's me proselytizing back even though this is posing as a review :D. Your "corruption" is not only your fault, but it's what makes you YOU. If you choose to change anything your life, do it for real, empirical reasons instead of trying to kiss the ass of ancient Middle Eastern mythical beings. And even if anything Christian mythology says was even mildly true about humans being so horrible for objectively moral reasons, it would be "god's" fault. If a programmer creates a game and it's full of bugs, it's moronic to say it's the game's fault. If an artist draws a picture and it's shitty, then it's the artist's fault.

Look in the mirror, not at mythological gods there's nothing looking back at you.
Because cold blooded honesty and awareness are our only real foundations in this life.
You will end up dead one day in your own strength, whether you believe in gods or not. Kick ass and enjoy what little life you have.

Please, forget ancient mythology and love yourself and others,
despite all your differences
and understanding and knowledge, change you.

nahtanojmal responds:

God created us, we hold our own remotes.
Real Christians see what God has done (or what people say He has done) for us and so willingly chose to follow Him. Not to gain for self but to die to following our sinfulness.
And in their willingness to follow God they do good.

Good works are sugar in the fruit, but sugar alone is no good for eternity.

Thanks for the 6 despite all your disagreements ;)

I was absolutely hooked until...

...I realized it was religious propaganda. The movie was solid; good animation, great writing, great music, but its message is completely off. If your life is fucked up, don't sit and cry and pray for god to save you; get off your ass and change it yourself. This is the problem I have with most religious folk; they put the weight of their problems and their salvation on something that, if it exists, has no interest in helping them. The only person that can save you from your own personal hell is yourself, and that is the message this movie should leave people with, rather than telling them to put all their problems on something that may or may be even paying attention.

nahtanojmal responds:

I'm glad you liked the part you did and told me the part you didn't like

You may be the only one who can save yourself from your hell, but
only God can save you from the real Hell.

Thanks for reviewing ;)