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Reviews for "Contemplate Life"

I thought it was really good in the beggining...

But it turned out to be a religious message. Religion is the opiate of the masses. It might make you feel better about your life, but that doesn't mean it's true in the least. I didn't like the message, but the animation, music and narration was pretty good. Great work.

nahtanojmal responds:

Feelings are deceptive. Any religion based on feelings is unstable.

Thanks for the review ;)


Watching the first half, I almost posted the second half as a comment XP People will attack you because of their insecurities of their religion, and that's okay, let them seek. If you don't believe in it, don't give it a bad score because of that. I have put high ratings on videos with vague references to religions I didn't believe in! What people don't understand, is that Jesus started good morals, so having good morals is beginning to follow God, and as you stated, finding your real purpose in life. I was once in this exact position, why am I here? Now I know I'm here to help others, and God will lead me to help me do that.

nahtanojmal responds:

Good morals don't make you friends with God. Our righteousness is like filthy rags before God. Good morals are nice for other humans but they are not the source. Good works are a result of following Jesus, not to get out of hell or out of duty but just cause He loves us. Like the way a person acts when they are deeply (not just superficially) in love.

Thanks for the review

Interesting at first...

At first it seemed like a very personal story, but then it degraded into a religious message, and by combining these two, you basically imply that everyone that doesn't believe in god, is this person we saw in the flash.

Instead of telling us what god means for you, you tell everyone how bad it is without god. Now I personally don't believe in a god, because I believe the real truth has to be something way more complex, and not a god some people thought up to feel a sense of structure in their lives and dominate others by telling them they don't worship it enough.

So all I can say about this flash is, keep it to objective, and don't combine a call to action with a personal story, just so you can get your religious message across, because to me it has the same value as a subliminal coca-cola message in a good motion picture.

nahtanojmal responds:

So God can't exist because the idea of him is not complex enough? I can understand where you're coming from and I don't believe I can do anything to change your mind.

You might be won over by a miracle of God but no-one can buy Jesus you can only trade. Our life for His. But you don't want that, not right now anyway.

Thanks for the review


I personally dont believe, however i respect your beliefs, and i think this was very well put together and i feel that it was thoroughly thought out and you have a deep connection with your god. I think it would be better if more Christians actually felt that way, nowadays Religion is more just saying "yeah i believe" and thats it, its good to see there are some people who actually have an emotional tie to these things

nahtanojmal responds:

Yes, yes, yes. And those kinds of Christians are annoying
Thanks for the review ;)

thats all pretty and all

but sadly got does not exist. you should not get false hope from something that is grown up bedtimes stories instead you should search for the real truth.

nahtanojmal responds:

Yes search anywhere and everywhere for real truth just not the Bible because it's stupid :S