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Reviews for "Contemplate Life"

stupid stupid people...

I like how everyone is rating this badly just because of religious differences. Shouldn't you be... I don't know... focusing on the flash? If I see a movie with different ideas than that of my own, I don't hate the movie just because of that. Be more like daredevel3008, who, while not agreeing with the flash, respects the flash itself, than fluffydemon, who just dismisses anything that's different from his opinion.

Sorry for the rant. Loved your video by the way.

nahtanojmal responds:

Hey if they're so stupid why are they able to type, make logical arguments and give constructive criticism?

There are core desires in every human. It is easy to solely appeal to those desires but I have opposed them. People don't like to be offended even if it is true.

Thankyou for your review :)

Interesting viewpoint

5/10 just for the music and animation because they were awesome. Other than that you cannot claim what you said to be the truth. If you've read history you'll know that religion in its very foundation is a means to control the mass of people. It's used by the few with power over the rest of humanity. Religion or i.e God is something more like a symbol, something to put your faith in, something to console you for what you are and what you do on this planet. In its most basic meaning you put your faith into something you just accept that is there - dogma, an unproven statement. But we've moved past the Medieval times where there wasn't a logical explanation for most things in life, humanity should move on, and in parts it is. There are still many things science can't explain, but surely it will someday somehow. One can also never truly prove either the existance - teism, or unexistance - atheism of God. Or by definition what is God exactly. It can be everything and maybe we'll never know. The point of religion is also to give to the masses some basic behavioural principals - how to be a samaritan. You touched that subject in the clip - should you be good or should you be immoral, saying that you'll eventyally end up dead anyway. You don't need someone to say to you what's wrong or right, what's a sin or what's not - you can figure out that one on your own. Also there are many examples all over the world of how clergymen and other people who are presumably religous do more damage than good, most of of the wars in human history are based on religion, taking the most casualties of all. Why? All religions are preaching peace and love and understanding, but if it comes to tolerance of another's view of the world it's far from tolerable. Mankind should believe in itself, in doing good, in its virtues. It must live peacefully, do others no harm by ones actions and leave a trace on this planet before the inevitable death that awaits every human being.

nahtanojmal responds:

Christianity was never made to control people like a government, though it has been misused to that degree. Christianity is a personal relationship with God.

Even us Christians do not understand God. We just trust His ways are higher than ours. Yes, men have used this mysticism to promote their ways and in result cause much destruction. Christians have been killed because of not conforming to man made Christianity.

Yes, live peacefully with people despite their views but don't give up on the understanding of truth. If you believe something that is important to yourself and others you have a right to explain such things to them so that they also may live in truth.

Yes we may offend but we must at least give it a go.

Thanks for the review ;)

I liked this..

The message minus the God stuff was good.

nahtanojmal responds:

If this didn't have the God stuff I wouldn't have made the other stuff

Very good flash

Well animated. Only thing is I felt the voiceover was a bit low. There was the music and voice, but the voice didn't seem louder than the music. The music seemed to overpower it.

Other than that, very well done.

and for the reviewers getting offended, instead of asking the author to be objective, WE'RE the ones supposed to be objective.

nahtanojmal responds:

:) Thanks for reviewing


I find religiously retarded Flashes like this amusing to watch.
You have truly made a masterpiece of hypocrisy and ignorance.

nahtanojmal responds:

So you found it amusing and still gave it a 0...?
You should have given it a 10 for how amusing you found it

Thanks for your honest review ;)