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Reviews for "This Game Makes Sense"


You really need to fix this game. You the controls are impossible to get used too, the rainbows are too flashy, I don't even know why I'm running around, so I have no motivation (I mean no plot). And The game play is just horrible. Please try to fix it.

thinking-man responds:

Mission success.

DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! You have GOT to be kidding me! First of all he jumps WAAAAAAAY too hide... he slides like a motherfucker.... and the game is ultimately pointless... have a nice day. >:|

Press Any Key to Kill Yourself

"This Game Makes Sense" is a parody of parkour enthusiasts who imbibe hallucinogens. About as fun as watching your mother die of throat cancer.

The plot is simple: manuver your Red Bull-guzzling grayscale pixel pixie to the exit. There are toaster switches, spike spring-boards, and insane shit that happens in the background solely to distract you. And don't touch L'Arc-En-Ciel panels for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ; it's like it's Miner 2049er all over again. By the way, you're always running at top speed. Really. Top speed. All the time. Because you're kind of on a clock, right? And that you have unlimited deaths, including the feature to literally fuck your face dead, and also the fact that you start at the beginning all the time, and it's the same scream over and over again?

I can see NecroVMX swearing at this piece of shit in horror. Angry Video Game Nerd would probably clench his heart and die after three minutes, or have himself committed. That's how difficult the game is. It seems "polished" enough for a game made in four days but, really, unless they revise and reboot the game that makes sense at a later date (don't cross your fingers; in this case, it'll hurt after awhile), we really shouldn't expect this game to be salvaged. Actually, it cannot be salvaged, or played for that matter.

The arrow-key controls are hypersensitive to a fault. At least the authors warned us, although they should never have to. The learning curve gets pretty damning and gives you plenty of reasons to scream at the computer and yourself, then at the game where it is truly deserved. The controls are extremely sensitive, enough for you to wish you could play this two-handed instead of one-handed. The arrow keys make that experience cramped and counter-intuitive, so the control scheme, let alone its hypersensitivity, isn't helping anything. This is far contrast to "Freigeist", which is so abrasively easy that it counters the philosophical struggle it wished to demonstrate. Here, there is no philosophy, there is no motive, there is no plot, there is nothing that says, "Hey, there's a reason you're getting killed this fucking much other than a Top Scoreboard," nothing of the sort. Of course that's supposed to make sense, to a game company executive maybe. If you're a parkour aficionado, this game is aimed straight at you, and you should be incensed by it.

After about eight minutes of constant death and nothing to gain, seeing no real objective to accomplish and stereotypical pixelated old-school graphics with too many colors to be truly dubbed "authentic" to their epoch, I clicked out of the game and suddenly felt that much better. Any game that causes your arteries to harden and fail to soften after clicking out is not a very good game. Its cheap attempt at embodying the cheap psychedelic garbage released upon Atari consoles back in the 1970s only makes the experience even cheaper, and the game never fails at throwing cheap shots at the players. In terms of parkour-themed games, this one runs in a perfect circle and yet also constantly into a single wall. My only recommendation is that nobody plays this game, period. To the authors I recommend they re-title the game as "LEVEL SIX TWO" and move on while they still can.

thinking-man responds:

The game isn't based on anything, especially parkour enthusiasts.


rainbow kills toasted do things other then make toast and controls are shit
i give 0

thinking-man responds:

Makes sense.

Fuck level 9.
This game is rigged.
Although the backgrounds and other stuff were epic...I seriously think this game was made for Assholes.