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Reviews for "This Game Makes Sense"

FUGK this game


thinking-man responds:

Did you die again?


look, maybe it's my computer, but I can's move. I tried all the buttons, thought "maybe it's a trick! look for arrows!" but nothing. I'll give this a seven as it's probs my computer or something I'm missing, but yeah

thinking-man responds:

It is your computer.

so many things i want to say

level 17 walls you have been warned

thinking-man responds:

I already warned them.

The game is difficult, yes, but frustratingly so.

It's a relatively good platformer, but there is no reason for the player to want to continue. No story line, no payoffs, no nothing, just a string of levels that are frustratingly difficult. I found myself asking why I was playing this game, something which I don't often experience. It was honestly just annoying and pointless. I don't mean to bash it or your talent as a creator, I just felt that there was a lot more that could have been added to it.

thinking-man responds:

I agree.

Surprising but...

I actually liked the game.... HOW DARE YOU TRICK ME WITH FALSE ASPIRATIONS FOR A FINAL BOSS! D:< I wanted a final boss...

thinking-man responds:

The final boss is the true life meanings.