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Reviews for "Echo Force Zero: Vol1"

hm well it's

kind of Cerebral , vol. 2 will be more better ; good job with the characters

This was a great effort!

I agree 100% with everything Xesolor said.
I couldn't stand the dialogue.


the animation and voices were at the best but this made me soooo bored. the writing needs to have at least some good humour. of course this is from my point of view.

A lot of hard work

My two cents: You put thought into this project and came up with a decent story. I agree with most of the reviews on the point about a "cookie-cutter anime," but tried and true works. The art could use a little work (one person mentioned arms being too short), but that's why we practice. The voice work was superb, but people only notice the audio when something screws up.

As far as the critiques, I found that the animation started off kinda videogame-esque, like "Hero, here's your quests. Embark on your generic adventure!" There were times when the villain seemed unnecessarially evil, which works if he were prejudice or sadistic, but he seemed a military thpe, so it seemed a bit off. As for the heroes, they appeared to still be vying for each other's approval, which is fine for the trainees, but that one super strong vet seemed a bit hollow for a character.

I'd like to see how this will progress as a series! Keep up the good work. Animating is no small feat, nor is a project of this scale. Good job!

Really not that good.

Chad, Mick, I'm going to be honest with you: most of the things that you two have done after Sixgun Space were pretty disappointing. While I may approve of doing something with your own characters, it doesn't make up for how generic and uninspired this is.

Graphics: I will admit that you have nice colors for this, but the art and animation are inconsistent in quality. Examples:
-Stiff looking walk cycles in contrast with the gestures: I mean, they have some nice poses, but their walk cycles have no real weight or secondary motion.
-Proportion mistakes: Sometimes the characters ears are too high, other times their arms are misproportioned.
In addition, I would also recommend that you cut back on the blur effects a bit. On the other hand, you do have excellent backgrounds. Therefore, I suggest you work on your weaknesses for a bit.
Sound: I may appreciate you getting music from the Audio Portal, but the songs you selected didn't really contribute to anything. Try xenith800, Xarnor, Solus Lunes, Bosa, Obsidian Snow, DJ Harlock/Cross 666 and Waterflame for fitting music. The sound effects were alright considering finding "free-to-use" sound effects that are as good as professionally made ones is not easy. However, the voice acting was just uninspired akin to Tome. They weren't very distinct, nor were they expressive. Plus, by including Rina-Chan in this, you're going to piss off her detractors.
Content: While you do have a nice space setting; the characters and plot in this are just generic. They didn't have much in terms of personality, but at the same time weren't annoying. Plus, there wasn't much in terms of development for something this long. Look, I know not everything needs to be like the Stick Slayer in terms of direction, but for something that doesn't have much in terms of plot; it could have been a bit faster. On the other hand, you do have some nice angle choices.

The Good:
-Nice color selection
-Good backgrounds
-Decent sound effects
-Interesting setting

The Bad:
-Uninspired plot and characters
-Not much in terms of story development.
-The voice acting wasn't very good
-The music didn't really set any mood.

Overall: I have no right to give you a zero since I'm not much better at storywriting either. Here's a six for the effort and I hope you improve on this.

LewToons responds:

the voice acting wasnt any good?....

kind of makes is seem like you don't quite know what you are talking about...perhaps you didnt perfer the story, but i think the voice actors are top notch and i think you dont quite have the best scope on things - - i think you should put a bit more effort into your further reviews considering most of the actors do professional work

oh also, i forgot to mention - - - please do not return to watch the next one - -
peace bitch :)