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Reviews for "SS - Male and Female"

pathos and logos

first of all, please, call these energies something else, neither is male, female, masculine, or feminine, but I'll get back to that
better terms would be pathos, and logos, which might not fit perfectly, but are a better fit. Think about it, although you might not be trying to convince someone, you are still using one of these tools for analyses, as you described, when we use emotion, and sense to look at, or describe something, when we see the reflections, the subtleties, etc. we go through the same process as when we try to convenience someone through pathos
I think you might have fallen into your own trap, you've separated everything into two, but there are so many gray areas, a beast may be angry, and irrational, and a machine may be cold and calculating, but love has also brought us some of our brightest moments, and our whole economic system is based on the idea of mutual benefit, the smartest person is often the one who thinks outside the box.
There is a third part, I don't know what it is, but logic, and emotion are not enough to have gotten this far, you look at the differences, but look at all the similarities, doesn't it seem odd that what we've determined to be the best method of getting what we want, logically, is to help each other? I mean sure, it's true, just look at it, but doesn't it seem odd that things just happened to work out like that? and how could a society like ours evolve? did we decide to live with each other, or chose to? or did we do both? if we did both what allowed us to make both connections, or did one really just pop up to justify the other? if so, why did we need that other justification? If it is logical, wouldn't that be enough? if it is emotional, why would we care? not to mention all the very grey moral dilemmas, like the guy at the switching station who has to choice between him, and a kid, yes, he probably should flip the switch, but if he does not, is he evil and greedy? If there is an amount that he has to surrender to justify sacrificing the kid, then how do you measure it? Can it be right to flip the switch, but understandable not to?
completely and arbitrarily changing topics... again... the whole is a part, a gear spinning around does nothing, it only works when it is where it is in the machine, and furthermore, an elegant machine has a certain beauty to it, have you ever taken apart one of those clicky pens? well it is basically a ratchet held in place by a spring, it works because the notches are sequence high and low, when you push the button, you move to the next position, changing the amount the spring can push the ratchet up, and thus how far the ink well can go, I think I might have gone off topic, but the point is, there can be a certain form in function.

oh yeah, almost forgot, great video, very informative, can't wait for the next one

RiverJordan responds:

I.. i feel like i'm missing a large portion of what you just said, only because i'm confused...but i'll do my best to answer you :P

On the topic of two's, the secret key to duality is that there is always a 3rd, which i think you mentioned. Hot and Cold have warm. Man and woman have Child. Black and white has Grey.

As i describe male and female in this, i have to separate them apart to properly describe them. Male is Logical, Female is Creative, i'm not saying that you only use one side of your brain, of course you use both, but typically just one or the other.

So when people make decisions, they are decided by "both" sides of the brain, but one will be dominant, and depending on the person (it ALWAYS depends on the person), he will make the descision leaning towards "what feels right" or "what's logical". Again, both sides of the brain would measure this, but then the person would decide which route to take...

does that make sense? :P

I just had an epiphany

"Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein This saying made me think of this video, because logic is the male thought, and imagination is female thought. Now, I am seeing this kind of thing EVERYWHERE.

Okay, this is cool...

But I don't believe in it. On a certain level it's all true and this is an absolutely brilliant video btw, but I'd personally say people are just becoming more aware of how they affect everything around them, wich is a possible effect of globalization...well this'd be a long story so I'll just keep it to my main point: I believe that your completely right, just not in the way you think of it.

I thank you for this

I appreciate this video I fit your indigo child mold and i was very confused in life and had no idea why everything seemed so unusual to me and this video shed some lite on my feelings, me and my cousin are both indigo and we have the same problems in life with people and society so since this video showed me why I now feel better about life and feel it is now my duty to learn more about myself and the super genius's and maybe strive to do something good for the world please do come out with many more video's to help me out your new #1 fan AUNRY

completly right

when he talked about indigo children every one execpt 6 is me so this guy knows what he is talking about and will be very succsful i highly recommend setping away form newgrounds and do more serious real person discussion on other websites