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Reviews for "SS - Male and Female"

Dig Deeper...

There is no indications that these even exist, in any way, so you're getting too far. I just hate to see human minds melded so easily by things without enough proof. You dig a little deeper, and you see how gullible you are. I first learned this from that first Zietgeist video. It looks all completely 100% sensible, and their ideas look amazing and possible. Dig deeper, and you see the things they talk about are false, or don't have a good basis, and the ideas aren't solid at all. Same here, same mostly everywhere. Dig Deeper...

Extensive Bloviation... Geez...

As per the usual, the tone is condescending and presumptuous, and the material used has been stretched to accomodate a painfully simplistic - and most obviously naive- worldview.

The psychologies of the hemispheres of the brain, usually referred to by their placement in the sides of the cranium, are sometimes called by their "gender". Jordan decided to take this concept and run with it, stereotyping and hack-n-slashing the bits and pieces of the physical psychological studies to his advantage.

What's cute about this is that the male and female hemispheres are anthropomorphized into simplistic and somehow completely seperate things. Unlike world issues, these two things are part of the same mind, hence the complex carried out with these hemispheres in tandem.

The hilarious part is that the author blames the world's problems on the logical part of the brain, when in fact it is the sensibilities stemming from the moral psychology that cripple an otherwise smoothly running world-machine of economics and politics. Not only this, but poor Jordan actually takes the time to put in a none-too-subtle jab at his critics from previous videos. Immature? Most definitely.

But that's not the point.

The author has the delusion that if there were more right-brained people, the world would balance out like a set of scales or a third grade economics chart. However, as proven by the trials of history, this is far from the case in any situation, and any manipulation forced by politician or whomever to change it or most "natural" events or phenomena that dramatically changes the atmosphere has some very credibly detremental effects- I hope everybody here remembers the stimulus package and the redistribution of wealth ideology from two years ago? Good. That's an idea of what attempts to dramatically change something does.

Now, for the philosophy the author has likely been choking down for less than two years of his life (hopefully), it seems that hope rests in the hands of the ADD/ADHD psychopath kids, which are lovingly dubbed "Indigo Children" by the author's hippie-esque heroes.

Here's a clue about ADD- it's mainly in the male gender for a reason- IT'S A TESTOSTERONE BASED CONDITION. There's nothing mysterious about it, nor is there anything wrong with the boys who have it. The girls, however.... that's a legitimate disorder. ADHD is a legit disorder as well(but for both genders), but I've yet to meet a person with it that had actualized his IQ above that of the average human being, so tough luck there, bubbie.

The blanket statements that seem to apply to quite a few of the people watching this should not be surprised- this is adolescent youths in a nutshell. There's nothing unique or special about you being nervous or eager to make a name for yourself, because this is a healthy part of the human developmental process. However, the number of people who have already bought into this horseshit has proven to me that they are either desperate to find something to fill their empty lives... or they've forgotten what they were like whem they were young.

In the advent of parents rushing to make their kids seem special with all these cute sounding conditions and disorders and IQ ranges, this shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you. It's the culmination of the idiotic worship of the common youth with the usual subscheme of shaping said youth.

How's about we get off our asses and make our own identities, as opposed to buying into this crap? I don't care if I'm labeled a left-brained, closed-minded goon by the neophytes of the fictitious religion, because I don't need to prove that I actually gave thought and consideration, weighed the various points, and found it still came up short on a number of scales.

Now, while cutesy idealism is all well and good, this artificing an organized worldview from an essentially ignorant standpoint has got to be one of the biggest time wasting undertakings ever perceived. But this is part of the historical cycle, too, so I don't give that much of a damn.

I bid you all good day ; }

RiverJordan responds:

Oh my, where do i start.

For one, our "moral psychology" that is crippling the otherwise smoothly running world comes from our constricted left brain. Everyone has a one-track mind, so over time our web of world economics and politics have gotten very tight.

for two, the world is going to balance out because of our female side of the brain. But it's going to do so through everyone. Not just a bunch of women. More women will be taking power within the next few years though, and there will be many big changes that will take place.

for three, not all ADD kids are indigo's, and not all indigo's have ADD.

As you'll see soon enough, this isn't just some ignorant standpoint making critiques of what's going on. I am going somewhere with this, and it will be legendary. I'm happy you're taking the time to watch it.

I am that I am, there's no reason to attack. Thanks for the review :)

You are indigo,...

...I am indigo, he/she/it is indigo... We all are indigo, aren't we?!
C'mon people, think about it!

For humankind's sake, THINK, please!

Indigo children: Let's get the sales on!

So, Indigo Children essentially are teens in puberty?

No really, that Indigo thing is yet another way of making parents believe in stuff by saying there children are super-whatever. "Oh, my child so often fights back when I tell it to do its homework -- it MUST be indigo! It just wont fit into society! It needs special treatment! Oh, how special it is..." -- "Yeah, I'm pretty special. It's 'cause of me being special that my life SO HARD to pull off."

At least, it is a good marketing strategy. I wonder when the first homeopathic placebos arrive on market -- medics, especially fo Indigos. Hey, aren't you an Indigo? Aren't you special? Go on, buy that book helping you out with your special life, your special children, ...

It's like when back then, Moses needed to tell his people, that they were the chosen people, in order for them to lead a decent life. "We're the chosen people! Darn, how special we are!"

Really now?

By the standards described, the difference between an indigo child and the average brat is impossible to decipher.

Actually, you mention that there's a majority of indigo kids now, 'almost all' of them. They're gifted based on what, all the success they're not getting? The kids that succeed, by and far, and the ones with discipline. Success is the best measure of giftedness, not a laundry list that describes every damn tween.

RiverJordan responds:

Well that depends on your definition of success.