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Reviews for "SS - Male and Female"


all hail the new religion or , whatever

For the guy below

Would you mind pointing out the flaws? that is sorta like saying YOU'RE WRONG! and walking out the door... work on your people skills... :)

Brilliant and well done.

You handle these topics very well. I saw your latest entry on the front page and decided to go through and watch them all. I'm pleased as punch that I did. I don't write reviews very often, and hardly ever sign on. But this deserves praise.

Each video is broken down so well. You have a gift for explaining things. Your animations are cute and interesting to keep attention but also visually helpful to what your saying.

I have to say, some more annunciation would be fantastic. When using a word like "energy" if you don't really keep punching that G the mumbling can get a little bad sometimes. It's understandable though. You are explaining a broad range of things, giving us basics so we can understand and then following through with some hard and interesting facts. You still have a great timing and flow, so I can understand everything you say, and I LOVE the enthusiasm in your voice as well.

You provide some counter arguments. Some would say not enough, but it seems to me that your goal is to explain and educate. You have a good habit of citing sources and resources people can use to broaden their understanding, and finally discover those counter points.

Any educated person knows not to just take something fed to them by one source. Of course there are points that could disprove or bring into argument the facts you point out. But there is SO not enough time to cover it all.

It's amazing enough that you wrap it all up so well in each episode. One point of improvement would be watch out, patch man's lecture poses will eventually get tiresome if repeated so often. He has good variety now but throw in some more of those last minute "mindgasm" motions at the end and i'd be satisfied :)


Flash: 10/10
Voice: 8/10

Spirt Science as a series? 10/10

I look forward to following this :D

RiverJordan responds:

Oh that's why my g's were off!


If you identified yourself as indigo... stay tuned

When you are ready, you will no longer rely on your vices for entertainment... YOU will no longer ALLOW yourself to let the negativity of others. and your ignorance ROCK your world...
Our mind holds the key... the chemistry is within ourselves... we are the masters of our own destinies...
But hold on... we are approaching the biggest loop of this roller coaster called life...
Clear your mind, arm yourself with knowledge/wisdom... these videos are key to opening your eyes...
stay tuned, plug in, TURN ON!!!

I am an indigo...

no wonder everyone says i'm different from the others, they say I can change lives, I hate school, I love helping people (it just feels so good), I hate negative arguments and I try to end with everyone smiling (I need to see a smile to make me happy), I want to be a musician and i don't care what my parents say, I don't want to be angry and I try to avoid fights by sarcasm (I'm capable of throwing a chair out the window), am very picky with things, I need to walk to think, I often act as a boss, I feel very sad and left out when people don't accept my ideas.
this gave me alot of answers, thank you