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Reviews for "SS - Male and Female"

hello again my good friend

I am learning tons again thanks to you. I know that i am an indigo child. because my friends think i am way to random, and i just say no, you just can't think as fast as i can. I have an IQ of....well i will pm you that one. Please keep making thes and again i am honored to hear a song of mine in there. if you do one that touches on our emotions i have a good song for that one. But yes thanks to you i know i am an indigo child. I thank you for that, My school thought it was ADD or ADHD so i thank you again and you have my support 100% man.

im an indigo child

I help every person i can.... I even spent five dollars on a Mcdonalds meal for a homeless man in my neighborhood.....But now im getting rejected as well and im closing up......Ive been treated as a social reject and thus im accpeting that way of life...... i get it now (mind officaly blown)

Brilliant and well done.

You handle these topics very well. I saw your latest entry on the front page and decided to go through and watch them all. I'm pleased as punch that I did. I don't write reviews very often, and hardly ever sign on. But this deserves praise.

Each video is broken down so well. You have a gift for explaining things. Your animations are cute and interesting to keep attention but also visually helpful to what your saying.

I have to say, some more annunciation would be fantastic. When using a word like "energy" if you don't really keep punching that G the mumbling can get a little bad sometimes. It's understandable though. You are explaining a broad range of things, giving us basics so we can understand and then following through with some hard and interesting facts. You still have a great timing and flow, so I can understand everything you say, and I LOVE the enthusiasm in your voice as well.

You provide some counter arguments. Some would say not enough, but it seems to me that your goal is to explain and educate. You have a good habit of citing sources and resources people can use to broaden their understanding, and finally discover those counter points.

Any educated person knows not to just take something fed to them by one source. Of course there are points that could disprove or bring into argument the facts you point out. But there is SO not enough time to cover it all.

It's amazing enough that you wrap it all up so well in each episode. One point of improvement would be watch out, patch man's lecture poses will eventually get tiresome if repeated so often. He has good variety now but throw in some more of those last minute "mindgasm" motions at the end and i'd be satisfied :)


Flash: 10/10
Voice: 8/10

Spirt Science as a series? 10/10

I look forward to following this :D

RiverJordan responds:

Oh that's why my g's were off!


a possability?

after taking an interest in the indigo children subject i paid close attention to the list of i suppose "symptoms" of an andigo child, and looking back on my life i seem to have followed those examples quite clearly without even noticing it. perhaps i am an indigo child or i may just be lucky? either way it has made me think of my actions in a new light, instead of being the strange person people claim me to be i might be born to specificly be that way? it is interesting to think on this topic in a bit more detail considering i am born in England and have yet to meet someone simmilar to me, ohwell. atleast im not alone right? ^_^

V_V theres too many

We need more super psychics!!!!