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Reviews for "April & Booster"

Nice Job

The creativity of the opening animation had me looking forward to the game before I even got to the control options. The concept itself is pretty simple, and doesn't really do much for the "enemies as ammo" shooter genre. But it was fun enough and challening enough to keep me playing for a while. The lack of overall variety and maddening challenge kept me from playing longer. A good effort. Not great, but with some minor tweaking of the art and the variety of enemies/ammo it could have been much better.

I-smel responds:

Yeah I KIND OF wanted to come up with some really interesting things to do with enemy varieties and swallowing different kinds of enemies. If I did that though, then I would've had to expand on the game and make somethin a lot bigger.
So I wanted to cut off somewhere.
And yeah I just played it n the bosses have way too much health, that is annoying.

This review is right!

Super powerful Twitter bird burp.

Great concept and design.

It would have been better with a few more levels, but my main concern is in regards to the pause/unpause totally obnoxious feature. This is not a game one can easily play on a laptop.

Overall, pretty great game. I am looking forward to more.

Fun but glitchy

Its a nice mix of kirby and a side scrolling shooter which is kinda cool but I wish different things did different attacks and not just the special attack. Like the batteries from the first boss could shoot lightning bolts or battery acid... something a little cooler than a battery which was somehow smaller than the battery you ate originally.

Oh and its glitched a little. If you click too rapidly the screen the dog will bark and get stuck where it is at for a second and then teleport to wherever you moved the mouse to. Kinda sucks and gets you hit sometimes but should be an easy fix.

Great game, too buggy

The gameplay and the concept is great but the BUGs... and such big ones? I havent seen such BUGs on NG for years!

Check and then recheck and recheck agian your game before you upload it, I died like 4 time in that last lvl thing and when I manged to overpower that little bit of gameplay I get an enemy I cant shoot at, tsk tsk tsk... btw he can still take his shots at me and im not talking about no speciel boss or anything

BUGSSSS check 'EM!

Well.... I almost really really liked it.

Even though it IS short, I still liked the game play, I was just kinda disappointed by the end. You destroy the big tank thing and then.... you just keep going but theres no enemies? Unless there's an issue with my PC. Is that how it ends for everyone? I was expecting it to be wrapped up a little better...

I-smel responds:

thats a glitch, there's like 2 more bosses