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Reviews for "Project Flame [demo2]"

Expecting a great game in the future : )

The one thing I'd change is Adam's speed---he's very slow for a platformer.
It's also a bit annoying that you can't fire while jumping, but I guess that's part of the game.
You also might want to get someone to proofread the dialogs before you release the final version ;)

Project Flame

The graphics are very nice, but that's kind of it.

Platforming is very shaky. The game doesn't seem to be on any kind of tile system or even aligned to a grid, and the platforming, especially in the area with the green slime in B2, suffers for it. It's very easy to accidently slide off of ledges. There are also often areas with jumps you can just barely make.

The dialogue is generic garbage, but not awful. Typos I noticed were when you try to go to B3, Vux tells you access is "denide", and Adam says there is something "overthere" at the end. Almost half of the sentences don't end with periods or don't have capitalization at the start, and there are several run-on sentences.

The combat isn't particularly fun, you only have one weapon and you just blast it on the enemies and wait for them to die, which takes a while. It also takes way too long to destroy the crates which is annoying.

I love looking at the art, especially those ruins at the end, and it's fun to explore, but the gameplay isn't too fun at the moment. I'm glad you're looking for feedback and hopefully you'll improve, because it could be really fun.

Eagerly anticipating the full game

Fluid animations, nice environments, strong mechanic and good overall atmosphere. Thoroughly enjoyable game. Well crafted atmosphere of something going on that isn't known, I liked that tremendously.
The customisable controls was a nice addition as well, allows for a more personalised experience and improving the controls. Whilst the only problem I found with the controls as they stand is the med-pack button was a little out of place, others may have found other problems. Including this little aspect essentially removes this problem.
The only thing verging on a criticism is the dialogue and the weapon.
The speaking aspect of the game is not very important, after all it is only a demo so not a lot is expected. Hopefully it will be improved by the full game as you suggest. I look forward to a more emmersive story aspect of what promises to be an intriuging plot.
Really the only problem I could see with the game as it stands is the shooting mechanic. I didn't mind the lack of a jump and shoot combination, it made the figthing more challenging and, I think, more rewarding. Especially at one point where I could have just jumped and shot a monster as it was unwilling to advance down to the ledge I was on. It made combat more geared towards spot ting patterns, rather than attempting to just shoot willy-nilly.
The actual problem with the shooting is there isn't strategy to it. In a kind of spooky, survival-esque shooty adventure game, there should be some kind of limit to the ammunition, or some kind of strategy to it. Unlimited ammunition negates the strategy of being conservative or accurate. Even if you keep the ammunition infinite, maybe making reloading slower or making the depletion of a magazine faster. Either of these would make a more measured and strategic combat mechanic.

Other than those minor criticisms, it is a very accomplished game in its own right. As a demo, it does its job very well and I look forward to the finished product, although I hope you slow the pacing down a little in the final game. It rushed a little too quick from the discovery of monsters to a full-blown temple-cult thing. Only minor things which I wouldn't even class as a problem, more of a slightly rough edge. Wonderful looking and playing game overall. Excited for the full game.

Snakex86 responds:

yeah I agree ... we will slow the pace of events in the final, the forest part will be extended.
and dialog as I said before will fully be rewritten.
but the ammunition, some players found monsters too hard to kill, what if we add limited ammunition!
though we'll study that.
thanks for the review


Good game, would have been a higher rating but the flame thrower takes ages to break the boxes so it's an anti-climax. Cool game, nice flame thrower but you just feel let down by a weaker weapon, also I didn't use the kick once, couldn't see a use for it


The game does a piss-poor job of teaching you the controls (and by that I mean that you have to *guess* every control unless you checked the options before you started) but other than that and the poor grammar, this game is coming along nicely! Nothing that can't be fixed for the final version. :)