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Reviews for "Meet Larry"

This isn't something my grandmother would watch?

It's nothing she wouldn't have seen before- The clichés you've used here are probably twice as old as her. Clichés start off as good ideas, which everyone just uses like a whore until it has no feeling anymore. And even if you can realise the profound quality that the ideas once had, it actually takes some thought to refresh the idea and make it not be clichéd anymore. Not using the idea in the same way as everyone else would be a start, because all this does is make the ideas mean less and less.

Does so many things wrong, it's painful.

You establish the entire premise of the animation on the notion that we, the audience to which he is directly addressing, respects what he has to say. Being some disgruntled defense attorney and grumbling "rah rah press play or get the fuck out" in one of the most overplayed attempts at voice acting does not establish the plausibility of his situation nor a reason to think his opinions are anything but the ill thoughts of an author struggling to piece together lines.

The whole narrative is unoriginal; that's a given. Then, it becomes offensive when the viewer is addressed and commanded to carry himself in a certain manner. Problem: We don't want to agree with this villain. We are compelled to disagree and thus live like complete assholes, contrary to the obvious and cliche message of the movie.

Additional problems are as follows: Criminals need defense attorneys regardless of the situation. Whether or not the criminal is deemed innocent has no bearing on a lawyer, and he should be smart enough to address that. Instead, he's a dumbass. Dumbasses don't become lawyers. Moreover, dumbasses don't suddenly feel the urge to narrate their depression before death and conveniently start to choke just as the audience learns he had been shot in the neck from the beginning.

And what the fuck kind of suicidal bullshit message is "live as you would have lived had you been lying on your death bed"? People struggle and achieve; no one wants to work hard. If people live to be happy, nothing would get done, including the honorable work of defending the rights of those who wouldn't otherwise have that liberty.

In this end, this is some trite, derivative work that isn't as impressionable as it is distasteful. Some mildly depressing human story involves regret upon reflecting his life; we've seen this before.

MonkFlash responds:

hope you get an A+, this is a nice essay.

Thanks for the feedback


judging from the reviews im probably amongst the few who didnt like this but here I go....

The whole point of the flash was to be touching and ummm like emotionally deep n shit.

the problem is that most of the stuff that surrounds this theme, doesnt fit it correctly.
for example the voice actor simply doesnt fit the character. the recodring sounds super forced and I think its a bit distracting. The animation is sloppy and most of the environments look weird/poorly done.

Talking about how depressed the character is about his life and colouring his environment in grays doesnt magically create the necessary atmosphere you are looking for.
I think the biggest obstacle for this is the animation, it need WAY more inbetweens, more... movement? so to speak. the body and face expressions of the main character are bland and unexpresive.

Aditionally i think you should watch pictures/videos of people crying. tears DO NOT look like that. a tear is a small drop of watter coming out from the outer edge of each eye, and slowly marking the shape of the head. take that in consideration as well.

look maybe im just "too elitist" but


I didnt find it nicelly animated, the voices didnt fit, and it wasnt touching.
theres almost nothing to apreciate about it


Gave it a chance, didn't like the film noir theme that came across through the voice acting, didn't work.


if you don't like boring, pls don't waste your time. not my type