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Reviews for "Flight of the Dragonfly"

almost "great"

I loved how you could feel that there was tension between the characters, but couldn't figure out how or what the tension was about. Really good animation but I felt there also could've been more background even if the intension was to be a "Noir" type film. I also agree with Hasumk12, because it was an anime style, I expected more.


what the hell hapend?

To be honest

I was kind of annoyed by the stereotypical anime-esque styled drawings, but however I decided to stick through it and let it slide.
It could've used a little more effort, and to make it more dramatic, maybe a smooth, flowing effect, kind of the effect you see when people draw wind going through a field, and it likes everything was repeatedly re-drawn. I like that, because I'm not fond of the idea of looking like something has little to no effort attempted in it etc. like Mouth movements when speaking in Japanese cartoons. Open huge, tiny close. repeat. But I just didn't click with this.

I'd also like to say grey is a bit bland. I'd like to see maybe some faded colors added in, almost as if they're washed down, and greyed themselved.... to the point where it almost looks as if there isn't even color. It gets it across, by showing that it is what is, and the color reinforces it, BUT the grey, faded quality of it, keeps that melancholy feel.

Good job on what you've done, but I don't really know exactly how much I mean that...Not to be rude. I know I couldn't put forth the same amount of effort, surely.

It's sad and meaningfull so it must be good......

No, this is not the case. The problem with your flash is that it goes straight the point where someone is supposed to deal with a loss or change. Sure these are the most emotional parts of a story, but in your case you forget that there needs to be some sort of connection that we feel as a viewer with the characters. skipping this and I feel nothing, all I see is artwork moving in sequence and not people dealing with their emotions. Maybe show a short sequence of a day spent with these two girls, show us how close and important they were to each other. Then give us the loss and the emotional scene. As I stated before, because we know more about them we will actually have some sort of understanding why she is sad.

In your authors comments you say that this flash is supposed to have the viewer obtain a connection with these two, through situations that has happened in the viewer's own life. So what you're saying is that, this flash is supposed to be broad enough to be able to be applied to others. You expect that people are supposed to understand them right away from the loss. But this brings me back to my first statement...... WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM. The loss is not enough for us to feel the girl's pain and suffering. All we know (because of the Authors comments not because of the overall animation quality) is that they were friends. How did they become friends? Why? How strong was their friendship?

If you want to display emotion and story, do it within the animation itself, not in the Authors comments. The reason is because it feels like you are making stuff up after you finish the animation, in order to make up for the work. BASICLY you are making excuses
I'm sorry but that all I can say,
I'm giving you at least a 6 because you obviously worked hard on this.
That's it I'm done.


I found it boring