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Reviews for "Flight of the Dragonfly"

Just nice...

...but the lack of any story other than what we see keeps this from a high score. The music was nice, but it was the skill of the animation is that got your score more than anything else. You have the ability to paint emotion with your fluid animations and that's just rare. All that's left is the need of an equally good story. If you're stuck, I'll offer you help if you so desire. I'd love to see you become a Newgrounds star. Just a little more and you'll be getting kind reviews by the handfuls. I look forward to seeing that happen.

Good luck,


PS: I don't know if I'll ever see such skillful animation like this again. So I decided to add this to my favorites. Just in case. :)

A few thoughts

Good music choice, it blended in well with the story. I also really liked your form of drawing though the animation with them was a little lacking sometimes (Like with the hand taking off the hair pin or the flying dragonfly).
You said you wanted people to relate to this emotionally. I thought it was a little.. I wanna say abrupt, maybe sudden. Maybe next time you try something like this, I'd suggest putting 10-25 seconds of storyline at the beginning. It doesn't even have to be very complex. Here, you could have them walking/running and talking/laughing/smiling to each other. They get near the cliff and the first girl stops. Then what you currently have.
Also, I apperantly wasn't the only one confused as to the hooded girl's gender. It could be the hood itself. Might I suggest enunciating the hair or I suppose it could be the facial features. Figured I ought to mention that.


Truly toching, the beauty of the animation has a subtle melencholy to it, which blends in perfectly with the sorrowful music. The outcome is a masterpiece of art on a such art deprived website. When viewing this video I'm engrossed in the characters world and I feel their suffering, but as tragic as the story is, the ending lets a bit of hope escape and as the dragonfly embarks on it's auspicious flight it makes one realize that no matter how anguish we may feel at a particular moment, the whole world is not as sad.

well done

she kinda looks like Sakura from Naruto


nice illustration graphic...nice music..
i just didn't get the meaning clearly..
but overall, it's a great art work...