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Reviews for "Ge.ne.sis"


Ok maybe I have intellect or something, but this game has some serious problems. For 1, the story is basically a bad Gaia Online rp. 2, all the female main characters are exactly the same... and straight out of a bad gaia rp. 3, KH RIPOFFS ARE LIEK SO KEWL I LIEKD THE PART AT TEH BEGENING WHERE SHE DIDNT NO IF SHE WUZ DREEMING LIEK IN KH LOLOLOOLOL. 4, Deep and interesting? Brah.... its Final Fantasy Tactics gameplay with a terribad plot. 4/10 for at least doing part of the battle system right. Try again next time.

well, that failed

Not much use reviewing a game you can't play. The battle phase never switched to action. Not once. All I can do is run around and get attacked. Try making the game playable and you'll get a good review. 3 for art.

sorry but this game is crap

i stopped after the talk with so called "Jungle Boy" the conversation they had was just stupid. "do what i say or i'll kill you." "O.K." wow you put some effort in to those characters. next time make the characters say something interesting about what is or was going on.

besides that. the game had a bit of potential. i liked the battle system a bit. the grid was good but i think it would have been cooler with a live action battle instead of the turn base battle

Good ideas, but failed overall

At the time of writing this review, I have spent half the day (being sick is fun) attempting to beat the Shadow boss fight. I'm beginning to wonder if this is even possible. I don't see how it's helpful to give them a weakness to White magic when none of the characters in the party can USE White Magic - especially if you're going to make them immune to Physical - which makes Gely useless, IMO. The Shadow versions are so tough that Shadow Gely one-shotted Sisi several times.

Outside of the Shadow version fight, I find the characters, while having interesting concepts, lacking in presentation. The main character, Nera, is at best unrelatable, and at worse a cliche-spouting twat, although I enjoyed Sisi and Gely - at least until he started flirting with Nera. Next time you're working on character development, try finding a Mary Sue testing service - there's plenty out online. Also, I was rather shocked when I discovered Emi is female, although that's just me.

The battle system, while in need of some work, is very ambitious, and was the main thing I enjoy about this game. The attacks and moving system were fun to work with, especially in the case of Sisi , Emi and Gely, as well as the summons. My only complain in this regard is that the Priestess was the only healer in the party, and she has the bad habit of dying rather easily, while I needed her the most. Just fix the difficulties for several of the fights.

The storyline, while creative, was incredibly linear, although in a JRPG I have no excuse to complain about that. With better developed characters, I can easily see the story becoming incredibly interesting, especially the bit with alternate universes.

As an artist, I'm incredibly easy to win over with by aesthetics, and DAMN is this game pretty. The costumes are cool, the back grounds are beautiful, and the monsters are just plain fun to look at. Great work, there. ^^

So, in the end, you've got a great concept, with good art and a strong back bone, but the cliched characters and the poor difficulty kill the enjoyment factor, and if the only reason someone's trying to beat a game is because of Gamer's Pride, then that's a hint that something has gone wrong.


I sure do love it when there is an awkward silence while I am playing games. No music, no inspiration, shitty generic anime styling. However, the voice acting was good.